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Question Number 43031 by aseerimad last updated on 06/Sep/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 06/Sep/18

8!×(9+C_2 ^9 )=8!×45=5×9!=1814400


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 07/Sep/18

Explanation:  We arrange at first the other 8 speakers,  there are 8! ways to do this.  There are two methods to arrange the   speakers A and B then:  method 1: A and B are next to each other. There  are 9 possibilities. E.g. XXXXXXBAXX,  or XXXXXXXXBA orBAXXXXXXXX.  method 2: A and B are separated by at  least one of the other 8 people. We  can place A and B in 9 possible positions.  There are C_2 ^9  ways. E.g. XXBXXXXAXX,  or XXXXXXXBXA or BXXXXXXXXA.  Thus the result is  8!×(9+C_2 ^9 )=8!×45=5×9!    Generally in case of n people:  (n−2)!×[(n−1)+C_2 ^(n−1) ]  =(n−2)!×[(n−1)+(((n−1)(n−2))/2)]  =((n(n−1)(n−2)!)/2)  =((n!)/2)


Answered by last updated on 06/Sep/18

arrangement of speaker like                supose 1)B is first speaker then A can be any  position out of remaining 9 so  permutation is 1×9×8!  here 1 for B and  8! remaining 8speaker  2)when B second speaker A can be 3rd 4th...10th  so 1×8×8!  3)when B third speaker A  can be 4th 5th...10th  1×7×8!  4) when B 4th speaker A can be 5th 6th...10th  1×6×8!  5)when B 5th soeaker A can be 6th 7th...10th=1  1×5×8!  6)when B 6th speaker A can be 7th 8th..10th  1×4×8!  7)when B 7th speaker A can be 8th 9th 10th  1×3×8!  8)when B 8th speaker A[can be[9th 10th  1×2×8!  9)when B 9th speaker A can be 10th  1×1×8!  so ans is   1×8!(9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1)  =1×8!×(9/2){2×9+(9−1)×−1}  =1×8!×(9/2)(18−8)  =8!×9×5  =9!×5


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 06/Sep/18

Here is an easy solution:  To arrange 10 people there are 10! ways.  The number of arrangements with  A before B is the same as the number  of arrangements with A behind B.   Thus the solution is ((10!)/2)=1814400.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 07/Sep/18

excellent Sir.


Commented by last updated on 07/Sep/18

yes sir...thank you...


Commented by malwaan last updated on 07/Sep/18

thank you sir


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