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Question Number 43187 by ajfour last updated on 08/Sep/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 08/Sep/18

mass of (toy+fuel)= M+m  exhaust speed (relative) = u  friction coefficient =μ  Find (i) maximum velocity  (ii) Determine how far can it go.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 08/Sep/18

Case 1: (fuel over at t=t_1 ,  toy stops at t=t_2 )  let initial mass of fuel be m_0   M+m_0 = M_0   (M+m)(dv/dt)= −μN+q(ucos θ)  N=(M+m)g+qusin θ  ⇒  (dv/dt)= −μg+((qu(cos θ−μsin θ))/(M+m_0 −qt))  let  λ=cos θ−μsin θ  ⇒  ∫_0 ^(  v) dv = −μgt+λuln ((M_0 /(M_0 −qt)))  displacement s for this accelerating  period is   s=−((𝛍gt^2 )/2)+𝛌u∫_0 ^(  t) ln ((M_0 /(M_0 −qt)))dt    ∫_0 ^(  t) ln ((M_0 /(M_0 −qt)))dt=tln ((M_0 /(M_0 −qt)))∣_0 ^t                         −∫_0 ^(  t) t((q/(M_0 −qt)))dt    =tln ((M_0 /(M_0 −qt)))+t+(M_0 /q)ln (((M_0 −qt)/M_0 ))  ⇒ s_1 =λu[(m_0 /q)−(((M_0 −m_0 ))/q)ln ((M_0 /M))]                            −((μgm_0 ^2 )/(2q^2 ))  Now t_1 = (m_0 /q)  v_(max) = −((𝛍gm_0 )/q)+𝛌uln (((M+m_0 )/M))           hereafter  s_2 =(v_(max) ^2 /(2𝛍g))   Total distance traveled is           = s_1 +s_2  .


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 08/Sep/18

all correct sir!


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 08/Sep/18

let m_0 =mass of fuel at t=0    let′s say at t=t_1  tank is empty.  and it stops at t=t_2   0≤t≤t_1 : motion with variable mass M+m  t_1 ≤t≤t_2 : motion with constant mass M    in following it is assumed that the  friction is so small as well as u and  q are so large that the toy starts to  move at t=0, see condition (I).    (M+m)g−N−u sin θ ((d(M+m))/dt)=0  ⇒N=(M+m)g+uq sin θ  −Nμ−u cos θ ((d(M+m))/dt)=(M+m)(dv/dt)  ⇒−(M+m)μg+(cos θ−μ sin θ)uq=(M+m)(dv/dt)  ⇒(M+m)(μg+(dv/dt))=uq(cos θ−μ sin θ)  m=m_0 −qt  ⇒(M+m_0 −qt)(μg+(dv/dt))=uq(cos θ−μ sin θ)  ⇒(dv/dt)=((uq(cos θ−μ sin θ))/(M+m_0 −qt))−μg  let M_0 =M+m_0 , λ=cos θ−μ sin θ  ⇒a=(dv/dt)=((uqλ)/(M_0 −qt))−μg  so that the toy starts to move at t=0,  ((uqλ)/M_0 )−μg≥0  ⇒uq≥((μgM_0 )/λ)=((μg(M+m_0 ))/(cos θ−μ sin θ))  ...(I)    ∫_0 ^v dv=∫_0 ^t (((uqλ)/(M_0 −qt))−μg)dt  ⇒v=[−uλ ln (M_0 −qt)−μgt]_0 ^t   ⇒v(t)=uλ ln (M_0 /(M_0 −qt))−μgt  this is valid for t≤t_1 =(m_0 /q)=moment when tank is empty  v_1 =v(t_1 )=uλ ln (M_0 /M)−((μgm_0 )/q)    for t>t_1 :  −μMg=M(dv/dt)  ⇒(dv/dt)=−μg  ∫_v_1  ^v dv=−∫_t_1  ^t μgdt  v(t)−v_1 =−μg(t−t_1 )  ⇒v(t)=v_1 −μg(t−t_1 )  at t=t_2 : v=0  uλ ln (M_0 /M)−((μgm_0 )/q)−μg(t_2 −(m_0 /q))=0  t_2 =((uλ)/(μg)) ln (1+(m_0 /M))    since a≥0 for t≤t_1 , the max. v is reached at t_1 :  v_(max) =v_1 =uλ ln(1+(m_0 /M))−((μgm_0 )/q)    (ds/dt)=uλ ln (M_0 /(M_0 −qt))−μgt  ∫_0 ^s ds=∫_0 ^t (uλ ln (M_0 /(M_0 −qt))−μgt)dt  s(t)=((uλ)/q)[M_0 ln (M_0 −qt)+qtln ((M_0 /(M_0 −qt)))+qt]_0 ^t −((μgt^2 )/2)  s(t)=((uλ)/q)[qt−(M_0 −qt)ln ((M_0 /(M_0 −qt)))]−((μgt^2 )/2)  s(t)=uλ[t−((M_0 /q)−t)ln ((M_0 /(M_0 −qt)))]−((μgt^2 )/2)  at t=t_1 :  s_1 =((uλ)/q)[m_0 −Mln ((M_0 /M))]−((μgm_0 ^2 )/(2q^2 ))  distance covered in t_1 ≤t≤t_2 :  Δs_2 =(v_1 ^2 /(2μg))=(1/(2μg))[uλ ln (M_0 /M)−((μgm_0 )/q)]^2     total distance:  s_(max) =s_2 =s_1 +Δs_2   ⇒s_(max) =((uλ)/q)[m_0 −M ln (1+(m_0 /M))]−((μgm_0 ^2 )/(2q^2 ))+(1/(2μg))[uλ ln(1+ (m_0 /M))−((μgm_0 )/q)]^2


Commented by ajfour last updated on 08/Sep/18

Thanks Sir, v_(max)  matches, rest  should agree too.


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