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Question Number 44763 by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/18

Equation of ellipse :  (x^2 /a^2 )+(y^2 /b^2 ) = 1.  Find r in terms of a, b.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/18

   let point of contact of circle  and ellipse be (x_0 , y_0 )  let     y_0 = bsin 𝛗 = r(1+sin 𝛉)  ...(i)     x_0 = acos 𝛗 = r(1+cos 𝛉) ...(ii)    slope of common tangent:     ((bcos 𝛗)/(βˆ’asin 𝛗)) = βˆ’cot 𝛉  β‡’  bcos 𝛗sin 𝛉 = asin 𝛗cos 𝛉  ..(iii)  β‡’  tan 𝛗 = ((bsin ΞΈ)/(acos ΞΈ)) = (a/b)(((1+sin 𝛉)/(1+cos 𝛉)))  we must have a double root for  this eq. in ΞΈ ;  let tan 𝛉 = m  let  tan (ΞΈ/2) = t , then    2t = m(1βˆ’t^2 )   and also get     (b/a)Γ—((2t)/(1βˆ’t^2 )) = (a/b)Γ—((1+t^2 +2t)/2)  β‡’  4b^2 t = a^2 (1βˆ’t^2 )(1+t)^2   β‡’ 4b^2 t = a^2 (1+2t+t^2 βˆ’t^2 βˆ’2t^3 βˆ’t^4 )  let  ((4b^2 )/a^2 )βˆ’2= 𝛒   (ρ > 0 if  b(√2) > a )  β‡’ t^4 +2t^3 +ρtβˆ’1=0  this eq. must have two real   roots corresponding to tan ΞΈ = m  and two complex roots;   say    (mt^2 +2tβˆ’m)(t^2 +pt+q)=0   t^4 +2t^3 +ρtβˆ’1 ⇔ (t^2 +((2t)/m)βˆ’1)(t^2 +pt+q)  β‡’ for t=0   βˆ’q = βˆ’1     ....(1)   for t=1    2+𝛒 = (2/m)(1+p+q)  ...(2)    for t=βˆ’1    βˆ’2βˆ’π›’ =βˆ’(2/m)(1βˆ’p+q)   ...(3)  from  eq.(2)  &  eq.(3) we infer     p = 0 and therefore from (2)           (2/m)(1+0+1) = 2+𝛒  β‡’  m= tan ΞΈ = (4/(2+ρ)) = (a^2 /b^2 )  And as   mt^2 +2tβˆ’m = 0  with appropriate t=tan (ΞΈ/2)  being +ve  and < 1 , we conclude          t = βˆ’(1/m)+(√(1+(1/m^2 )))    and  with  m= (a^2 /b^2 )       t = βˆ’(b^2 /a^2 )+((√(a^4 +b^4 ))/a^2 )  β‡’    from  (i) & (ii)  (in the beginning),     r^2 [(((1+sin ΞΈ)^2 )/b^2 )+(((1+cos ΞΈ)^2 )/a^2 )]=1   β‡’ r^2  = ((a^2 b^2 )/(a^2 (1+sin 𝛉)^2 +b^2 (1+cos 𝛉)^2 ))    = ((a^2 b^2 )/(a^2 (1+((2t)/(1+t^2 )))^2 +b^2 (1+((1βˆ’t^2 )/(1+t^2 )))^2 ))     { ((r^2 = ((a^2 b^2 (1+t^2 )^2 )/(a^2 (1+t)^4 +4b^2 )))),((with    t=βˆ’(b^2 /a^2 )+((√(a^4 +b^4 ))/a^2 ))) :}   As a check , if  a=b=R  we have   t= (√2)βˆ’1     and    r = ((ab(1+t^2 ))/(√(a^2 (1+t)^4 +4b^2 )))    β‡’  r = (((4βˆ’2(√2))R)/(2(√2)))  = (((2βˆ’(√2))R)/(√2))              = ((2R)/((√2)(2+(√2)))) = (R/(1+(√2)))       (as it should be !) .


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 04/Oct/18

fantastic solution sir!


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