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Question Number 44801 by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Oct/18

Equation of ellipse:  (x^2 /a^2 )+(y^2 /b^2 )=1 ,  find radius r of circle.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 05/Oct/18

let centre of circle be (h,0)     h = (r/(sin tan^(−1) m)) = ((r(√(1+m^2 )))/m)    point of contact (upper) : (x_0 ,y_0 )      { ((x_0 =acos φ = h+rcos θ )),((y_0 = bsin φ = rsin θ)) :}        tan φ = ((arsin θ)/(b(h+rcos θ)))   ....(i)     (dy/dx)∣_x_0  = ((bcos φ)/(−asin φ)) = −((cos θ)/(sin θ))                ⇒  tan φ = ((bsin θ)/(acos θ))   ...(ii)  comparing (i)&(ii)         ((arsin θ)/(b(h+rcos θ))) = ((bsin θ)/(acos θ))  as θ≠0 ,  a^2 rcos θ = b^2 h+b^2 rcos θ  ________________________    { ((if  θ = 0 ⇒  a = b, then)),((  r = a−h = a−((r(√(1+m^2 )))/m))) :}  ⇒   r = (a/(1+((√(1+m^2 ))/m)))    ________________________    But when its not so  ⇒      cos θ = ((b^2 h)/(r(a^2 −b^2 )))  from first bracket eqs.        (((h+rcos θ)^2 )/a^2 ) +(((rsin θ)^2 )/b^2 ) = 1  ⇒  b^2 (h+rcos θ)^2 +a^2 (r^2 −r^2 cos^2 θ)                                  = a^2 b^2   b^2 (h+((b^2 h)/(a^2 −b^2 )))^2 +a^2 [r^2 −(((b^2 h)/(a^2 −b^2 )))^2 ]                              = a^2 b^2   ⇒ r^2  = ((b^4 h^2 )/((a^2 −b^2 )^2 ))+b^2 −((a^2 b^2 h^2 )/((a^2 −b^2 )^2 ))                r^2  = b^2 (1−(h^2 /(a^2 −b^2 )))  but   h^2  = r^2 +(r^2 /m^2 )  ⇒  r^2  = b^2 −((b^2 r^2 )/(a^2 −b^2 ))−((b^2 r^2 )/(m^2 (a^2 −b^2 )))   r^2 [1+((b^2 /(a^2 −b^2 )))(1+(1/m^2 ))]= b^2   ________________________      r = (b/(√(1+((b^2 /(a^2 −b^2 )))(1+(1/m^2 )))))          If θ ≠ 0  (same as a ≠ b).


Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Oct/18

If a=5 , b=4, m=1         r = (4/((√(1+((32)/9))) ))  = ((12)/(√(41))) .


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 05/Oct/18

eqn. of ellipse:  (x^2 /a^2 )+(y^2 /b^2 )=1  ((2x)/a^2 )+((2y)/b^2 )y′=0  ⇒y′=−((b^2 x)/(a^2 y))  center of circle (x_0 ,0) with  x_0 =((√(1+m^2 ))/m)r=r(√(1+(1/m^2 )))=μr  contact point (u,v)  u=x_0 +r cos θ=r(μ+cos θ)  v=r sin θ  ((r^2 (μ+cos θ)^2 )/a^2 )+((r^2  sin^2  θ)/b^2 )=1  (1/(tan θ))=((b^2 u)/(a^2 v))=((b^2 r(μ+cos θ))/(a^2 r sin θ))=((b^2 (μ+cos θ))/(a^2  sin θ))  a^2  cos θ=b^2 (μ+cos θ)  (a^2 −b^2 )cos θ=μb^2   cos θ=((μb^2 )/(a^2 −b^2 ))=(μ/(λ^2 −1)) with λ=(a/b)  r^2 [(((μ+cos θ)^2 )/a^2 )+((sin^2  θ)/b^2 )]=1  r^2 [((b^2 (μ+cos θ)^2 +a^2 sin^2  θ)/(a^2 b^2 ))]=1  r^2 [(((μ+(μ/(λ^2 −1)))^2 +λ^2 (1−(μ/(λ^2 −1)))(1+(μ/(λ^2 −1))))/a^2 )]=1  r^2 [(((μ^2 λ^2 (λ^2 −1)+λ^2 (λ^2 −1)^2 )/((λ^2 −1)^2 ))/a^2 )]=1  r^2 [((λ^2 (μ^2 +λ^2 −1))/(a^2 (λ^2 −1)))]=1  ⇒r=(a/λ)(√((λ^2 −1)/(μ^2 +λ^2 −1)))  ⇒r=b(√((λ^2 −1)/(μ^2 +λ^2 −1)))  ⇒r=b(√((((a/b))^2 −1)/(1+(1/m^2 )+((a/b))^2 −1)))  ⇒r=b(√((((a/b))^2 −1)/((1/m^2 )+((a/b))^2 )))  r=(b/(√(1+(1+(1/m^2 ))((b^2 /(a^2 −b^2 ))))))


Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Oct/18

 Thank you Sir, i hope my  answer matches..


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 05/Oct/18

our answers are the same.


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