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Question Number 44872 by ajfour last updated on 05/Oct/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Oct/18

Find equation of the rope curve,  bottom end of rope is at the foot  of the incline and a length b of it  is in contact with the frictionless  incline. Height of ceiling is h  above the ground.


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 06/Oct/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 08/Oct/18

trying to solve the problem by using  catenary equation directly.    the hanging part of the rope AB is a  part of the catenary  curve ACD.  let ρ=(m/l)  tension in rope at point B is  T=bρg sin α  the horizontal component of tension  in the rope AB is  T_0 =T cos α=bρg sin α cos α=((bρg sin 2α)/2)    the equation of rope ACD in the  coordinate system x′y′ is a catenary  (we use here u,v instead ofx′,y′ to avoid  confusion)  v=a cosh (u/a) with  a=(T_0 /(ρg))=((bρg sin 2α)/(2ρg))=(1/2)b sin 2α    length of rope upon point C is  s=a sinh (u/a)    inclination of rope is  (dv/du)=sinh (u/a)    at point B:  tan α=(dv/du)=sinh (x_1 /a)  ⇒x_1 =a sinh^(−1)  (tan α)  ⇒y_1 =a cosh (x_1 /a)=a cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α)}    CB^(⌢) =s_1 =a sinh (x_1 /a)=a tan α  CA^(⌢) =s_2 =a sinh (x_2 /a)  s_2 −s_1 =AB^(⌢) =l−b  a sinh (x_2 /a)−a tan α=l−b   sinh (x_2 /a)=tan α+((l−b)/a)  ⇒x_2 =a sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))  ⇒y_2 =a cosh (x_2 /a)=a cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))}    ⇒ΔH=x_2 −x_1 =a {sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))−sinh^(−1)  (tan α)}  ⇒ΔV=y_2 −y_1 =a[cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))}−cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α)}]    eqn. of rope AB in the requested  coordinate system xy:  u=x_2 −y=a sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))−y  v=y_2 −x=a cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))}−x  putting this into v=a cosh (u/a) we can get  following eqn. for rope curve AB:  a cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))}−x=a cosh ((a sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))−y)/a)  or  (x/a)=cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))}−cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))−(y/a)}  or  (y/a)=sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))−cosh^(−1)  [cosh {sinh^(−1)  (tan α+((l−b)/a))}−(x/a)]  with a=(1/2)b sin 2α and it′s valid  for 0≤x≤ΔV and 0≤y≤ΔH


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 06/Oct/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 06/Oct/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 08/Oct/18

Thank you Sir, please check my  solution Sir, if its correct it is  simpler..


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