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Question Number 45020 by rahul 19 last updated on 07/Oct/18

Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 07/Oct/18

let decompose F(x) =(1/(x^3  +1)) ⇒F(x)=(1/((x+1)(x^2 −x+1)))  =(a/(x+1)) +((bx+c)/(x^2 −x +1))  a =lim_(x→−1) (x+1)F(x) =(1/3)  lim_(x→+∞) xF(x) =0 =a+b ⇒b =−(1/3) ⇒ F(x)=(1/(3(x+1))) +((−(1/3)x+c)/(x^2 −x+1))  F(0) =(1/3) +c =1 ⇒F(x) =(2/3) ⇒F(x) =(1/(3(x+1))) +(1/3)((−x+2)/(x^2 −x+1)) ⇒  ∫_0 ^1  F(x)dx =(1/3) ∫_0 ^1   (dx/(x+1)) −(1/3) ∫_0 ^1    ((x−2)/(x^2 −x +1))dx  =(1/3)ln(2) −(1/6) ∫_0 ^1   ((2x−1−3)/(x^2 −x +1))dx  =((ln(2))/3) −(1/6)[ln∣x^2 −x+1∣]_0 ^1  +(1/2) ∫_0 ^1    (dx/((x−(1/2))^2  +(3/4)))  =_(x−(1/2)=((√3)/2)t) ((ln(2))/3)  +(1/2) (4/3)∫_(−(1/(√3))) ^(1/(√3))     (1/(t^2  +1)) ((√3)/2)dt =((ln(2))/3) +(1/(√3)) { arctan((1/(√3)))+arctan((1/(√3)))}  =((ln(2))/3) +(2/(√3)) (π/6) =((ln(2))/3) +(π/(3(√3))) =λ .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 07/Oct/18

let calculate L let A_n = {Π_(k=1) ^n    (1+(k^2 /n^2 ))}^(1/n)  ⇒  ln(A_n ) =(1/n) Σ_(k=1) ^n  ln(1+(k^2 /n^2 )) is a Reiman sum ⇒  lim_(n→+∞) ln(A_n ) =∫_0 ^1 ln(1+x^2 )dx  by parts  =[xln(1+x^2 )]_0 ^1  −∫_0 ^1   x ((2x)/(1+x^2 ))dx =ln(2)−2 ∫_0 ^1   ((1+x^2 −1)/(1+x^2 ))dx  =ln(2)−2  +2 ∫_0 ^1    (dx/(1+x^2 )) =ln(2)−2 +2 [arctanx]_0 ^1 =ln(2)−2+2 (π/4)  =ln(2)−2+(π/2)  lim_(n→+∞) A_n = e^(ln(2)−2 +(π/2))  = 2 (e^(π/2) /e^2 ) =L  we have ln(L) =ln(2)−2 +(π/2)  and 3λ =ln(2) +(π/(√3)) ⇒  3λ +ln(L) =2ln(2) −2 +((1/2) +(1/(√3)))π  so any answer given is correct...


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 07/Oct/18

so any answer given is not correct...


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 08/Oct/18

thanks prof Abdo☺️

Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 08/Oct/18

you are welcome sir.


Answered by last updated on 07/Oct/18

λ=∫_0 ^1 (dx/(1+x^3 ))  (1/(1+x^3 ))=(a/(1+x))+((bx+c)/(1−x+x^2 ))  1=a(1−x+x^2 )+(1+x)(bx+c)  1=(a−ax+ax^2 )+(bx+c+bx^2 +cx)  1=(a+c)+x(−a+b+c)+x^2 (a+b)  a+c=1  −a+b+c=0  a+b=0  −a−a+1−a=0   a=(1/3)   b=−(1/3) c=(2/3)  λ=∫_0 ^1 {(a/(1+x))+((bx+c)/(1−x+x^2 ))}dx  λ=(1/3)∫_0 ^1 (dx/(1+x))+∫_0 ^1 ((((−1)/3)x+(2/3))/(1−x+x^2 ))dx  λ=(1/3)∫_0 ^1 (dx/(1+x))+(1/3)∫_0 ^1 ((−x+2)/(1−x+x^2 ))dx  =(1/3)∫_0 ^1 (dx/(1+x))−(1/3)×(1/2)∫_0 ^1 ((2x−1−3)/(1−x+x^2 ))dx  =(1/3)∫_0 ^1 (dx/(1+x))−(1/6)∫_0 ^1 ((d(1−x+x^2 ))/(1−x+x^2 ))dx+(1/2)∫_0 ^1 (dx/(x^2 −2.x.(1/2)+(1/4)+(3/4)))  =(1/3)∫_0 ^1 (dx/(1+x))−(1/6)∫_0 ^1 ((d(1−x+x^2 ))/(1−x+x^2 ))+(1/2)∫_0 ^1 (dx/((x−(1/2))^2 +((((√3) )/2))^2 ))  =(1/3)∣ln(1+x)∣_0 ^1 −(1/6)∣ln(1−x+x^2 )∣_0 ^1  +(1/2)×(2/(√3))∣tan^(−1) (((x−(1/2))/(((√3) )/2)))∣_0 ^1   =(1/3)ln2+(1/(√3)){tan^(−1) ((1/(√3)))−tan^(−1) (((−1)/(√3)))}  =(1/3)ln2+(1/(√3))×((2π)/6)  =(1/3)ln2+(π/(3(√3)))  wait to find L


Answered by last updated on 07/Oct/18

L=lim_(n→∞)  [Π_(r=1) ^n (((n^2 +r^2 ))/n^2 )]^(1/n)   =lim_(n→∞) [{1+((1/n))^2 }{1+((2/n))^2 }{1+((3/n))^2 }...{1+((n/n))^2 }]^(1/n)   h=(1/n)  lnL=lim_(h→0) h[ln(1+1^2 h^2 )+ln(1+2^2 h^2 )+ln(1+3^2 h^2 )+...+ln(1+n^2 h^2 )]  lnL=∫_0 ^1 ln(1+x^2 )dx  I_1 =∫ln(1+x^2 )dx  =ln(1+x^2 )×x−∫((2x×x)/(1+x^2 ))dx  =xln(1+x^2 )−2∫((1+x^2 −1)/(1+x^2 ))dx  =xln(1+x^2 )−2∫(1−(1/(1+x^2 )))dx  =xln(1+x^2 )−2[x−tan^(−1) x]  lnL=∣xln(1+x^2 )−2x+2tan^(−1) x∣_0 ^1   lnL=[{ln2−2+2tan^(−1) 1}]  lnL=ln2−2+2×(π/4)  lnL=ln2−2+(π/2)      3λ=ln2+(π/(√3))     lnL=ln2−2+(π/2)  3λ−lnL=2+π((1/(√3))−(1/2))   pls check...


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 08/Oct/18

thanks sir!☺️

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