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Question Number 45450 by Tinkutara last updated on 13/Oct/18

Commented by Meritguide1234 last updated on 14/Oct/18

Answered by last updated on 13/Oct/18

a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 =1    a_2 ^2 +b_2 ^2 =4  (a_1 +ib_1 )(a_2 +ib_2 )  a_1 a_2 +i(a_1 b_2 +a_2 b_1 )−b_1 b_2   given (a_1 a_2 −b_1 b_2 )=0  a_1 a_2 =b_1 b_2   (a_1 /b_1 )=(b_2 /a_2 )=r  a_1 =b_1 r    b_2 =a_2 r  a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 =1  b_1 ^2 (r^2 +1)=1    a_2 ^2 (1+r^2 )=4  (1/b_1 ^2 )=(4/a_2 ^2 )  a_2 ^2 =4b_1 ^2       w_1 =a_1 +i(a_2 /2)  ∣w_1 ∣=(√(a_1 ^2 +(a_2 ^2 /4)))   1)∣w_1 ∣=(√(a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 )) =1←answer of question 1)  w_2 =2b_1 +ib_2   2)∣w_2 ∣=(√(4b_1 ^2 +b_2 ^2 ))   =(√(a_2 ^2 +b_2 ^2 )) =(√4)  =2←ans of q2)  w_1 w_2 =(a_1 +i(a_2 /2))(2b_1 +ib_2 )  =2a_1 b_1 +i(a_2 b_1 +a_1 b_2 )−((a_2 b_2 )/2)  Re(w_1 w_2 )=(2a_1 b_1 −((a_2 b_2 )/2))  a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 =1   a_2 ^2 +b_2 ^2 =4  (a_1 /b_1 )=(b_2 /a_2 )  (a_1 /b_1 )=(b_2 /(2b_1 ))    b_2 =2a_1      a_2 =2b_1   so Re(w_1 w_2 )=(2a_1 b_1 −((a_2 b_2 )/2))                             =(a_1 a_2 −a_1 a_2 )=0  ←ans q 3  4)im(w_1 w_2 )=(a_2 b_1 +a_1 b_2 )                          =(2b_1 ^2 +2a_1 ^2 )                            =2(a_1 ^2 +b_1 ^2 )=2×1=2  so im(w_1 w_2 ) not equsls to zero  im(w_1 w_2 )=2×1=2


Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 13/Oct/18

Thank you very much Sir! I got the answer. ��������

Commented by last updated on 13/Oct/18

thank you also for creating such platform  to engage our mind..


Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 13/Oct/18

Sorry Sir, but I am not the developer of this app. I am just a user like you.

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