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Question Number 45506 by ajfour last updated on 13/Oct/18

If   ax^2 +by^2 +2hxy+2gx+2fy+c=0  be the equation of an ellipse, find  coordinates of its centre.


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 14/Oct/18

let θ=rotation angle of ellipse and  (p,q)=center of ellipse  eqn. of ellipse in uv−system is  (u^2 /U^2 )+(v^2 /V^2 )=1    x=u cos θ−v sin θ+p  y=u sin θ+v cos θ+q    ax^2 =a cos^2  θ u^2 +a sin^2  θ v^2 −a sin 2θ uv+2ap cos θ u−2ap sin θ v+ap^2   by^2 =b sin^2  θ u^2 +b cos^2  θ v^2 +b sin 2θ uv+2bq sin θ u+2bq cos θ v+bq^2   2hxy=h sin 2θ u^2 −h sin 2θ v^2 +2h cos 2θ uv+2h(p sin θ+q cos θ) u+2h(p cos θ−q sin θ)v+2hpq  2gx=2g cos θ u−2g sin θ v+2gp  2fy=2f sin θ u+2f cos θ v+2fq+c    term u^2 = A=a cos^2  θ+b sin^2  θ+h sin 2θ  term v^2 = B=a sin^2  θ+b cos^2  θ−h sin 2θ  term uv=C=−(a−b) sin 2θ+2h cos 2θ  term u=D=2ap cos θ+2bq sin θ+2h(p sin θ+q cos θ)+2g cos θ+2f sin θ  term v=E=−2ap sin θ+2bq cos θ+2h(p cos θ−q sin θ)−2g sin θ+2f cos θ  term const=F=ap^2 +bq^2 +2hpq+2gp+2fq    (u^2 /U^2 )+(v^2 /V^2 )−1=0  C=−a sin 2θ+b sin 2θ+2h cos 2θ=0  ⇒tan 2θ=((2h)/(a−b))⇒θ=(1/2)tan^(−1) ((2h)/(a−b))    D=2ap cos θ+2bq sin θ+2h(p sin θ+q cos θ)+2g cos θ+2f sin θ=0  ⇒(a cos θ+h sin θ)p+(b sin θ+h cos θ)q+(g cos θ+f sin θ)=0  E=−2ap sin θ+2bq cos θ+2h(p cos θ−q sin θ)−2g sin θ+2f cos θ=0  ⇒(−a sin θ+h cos θ)p+(b cos θ−h sin θ)q−g sin θ+f cos θ=0    {(a cos θ+h sin θ)(b cos θ−h sin θ)−(−a sin θ+h cos θ)(b sin θ+h cos θ)}p+{(g cos θ+f sin θ)(b cos θ−h sin θ)−(−g sin θ+f cos θ)(b sin θ+h cos θ)}=0  {(ab cos^2  θ+((bh)/2) sin 2θ−((ah)/2) sin 2θ−h^2  sin^2  θ)−(−ab sin^2  θ+((bh)/2) sin 2θ−((ah)/2) sin 2θ+h^2  cos^2  θ)}p+{(bg cos^2  θ+((bf)/2) sin 2θ−((gh)/2) sin 2θ−fh sin^2  θ)−(−bg sin^2  θ+((bf)/2) sin 2θ−((gh)/2) sin 2θ+fh cos^2  θ)}=0  (ab−h^2 )p+(bg−fh)=0  ⇒p=((fh−bg)/(ab−h^2 ))  to be continued..


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 14/Oct/18

continue...    {(b sin θ+h cos θ)(−a sin θ+h cos θ)−(b cos θ−h sin θ)(a cos θ+h sin θ)}q+{(g cos θ+f sin θ)(−a sin θ+h cos θ)−(−g sin θ+f cos θ)(a cos θ+h sin θ)}=0  (h^2 −ab)q+(gh−af)=0    ⇒p=((fh−bg)/(ab−h^2 ))  ⇒q=((gh−af)/(ab−h^2 ))  ⇒θ=(1/2)tan^(−1) ((2h)/(a−b))    A=a cos^2  θ+b sin^2  θ+h sin 2θ  B=a sin^2  θ+b cos^2  θ−h sin 2θ  F=ap^2 +bq^2 +2hpq+2gp+2fq+c    major and minor axis of ellipse:  U=(√(−(F/A)))  V=(√(−(F/B)))


Commented by ajfour last updated on 14/Oct/18

Thank you Sir, i believe it can  be found some other way too, let  me try..


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