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Question Number 45600 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 14/Oct/18

find f(x,y) =∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(x+y sinθ)dθ  with  ∣y∣<∣x∣  2) find f(2,3)  3)find f((√2),(√3)) .

findf(x,y)=0π2ln(x+ysinθ)dθwithy∣<∣x 2)findf(2,3) 3)findf(2,3).

Commented bymaxmathsup by imad last updated on 15/Oct/18

1) we have (∂f/∂x)(x,y) =∫_0 ^(π/2)    (dθ/(x+ysinθ)) changement tan((θ/2))=t give  (∂f/∂x)(x,y) = ∫_0 ^1       ((2dt)/((1+t^2 )(x+y((2t)/(1+t^2 ))))) =∫_0 ^1    ((2dt)/((1+t^2 )x +2yt))  =∫_0 ^1     ((2dt)/(x +xt^2  +2yt)) =∫_0 ^1    ((2dt)/(xt^2  +2yt +x))  roots of p(x)=xt^2  +2yt +x  Δ^′ =y^2 −x^2  <0 ⇒no roots but xt^2  +2yt +x  =x(t^2  +2(y/x)t +1)  =x(  (t+(y/x))^2  +1−(y^2 /x^2 )) =x{ (t+(y/x))^2  +((x^2 −y^2 )/x^2 )} changement   t+(y/x) =((√(x^2 −y^2 ))/(∣x∣)) u give  ∫_0 ^1   ((2dt)/(xt^2  +2yt +x)) = ∫_(((∣x∣)/x)(y/(√(x^2 −y^2 )))) ^(((∣x∣)/x)((x+y)/(√(x^2 −y^2 ))))    (2/(x((x^2 −y^2 )/x^2 ){1+u^2 }))((√(x^2 −y^2 ))/(∣x∣))du  =∫_((yξ(x))/(√(x^2 −y^2 ))) ^(((x+y)ξ(x))/(√(x^2 −y^2 )))    (2/(ξ(x)(√(x^2 −y^2 )))) (du/(1+u^2 ))  =(2/(ξ(x)(√(x^2 −y^2 )))) { arctan((((x+y)ξ(x))/(√(x^2 −y^2 ))))−arctan(((yξ(x))/(√(x^2 −y^2 ))))}=(∂f/∂x)(x,y) ⇒  f(x,y) =(2/(ξ(x))) ∫   (1/(√(x^2 −y^2 ))) arctan((((x+y)ξ(x))/(√(x^2 −y^2 ))))dx−(2/(ξ(x))) ∫(1/(√(x^2 −y^2 )))arctan(((yξ(x))/(√(x^2 −y^2 ))))dx+k  ξ(x)=1 if x>0 and ξ(x)=−1 if x<0 continued...

1)wehavefx(x,y)=0π2dθx+ysinθchangementtan(θ2)=tgive fx(x,y)=012dt(1+t2)(x+y2t1+t2)=012dt(1+t2)x+2yt =012dtx+xt2+2yt=012dtxt2+2yt+xrootsofp(x)=xt2+2yt+x Δ=y2x2<0norootsbutxt2+2yt+x=x(t2+2yxt+1) =x((t+yx)2+1y2x2)=x{(t+yx)2+x2y2x2}changement t+yx=x2y2xugive012dtxt2+2yt+x=xxyx2y2xxx+yx2y22xx2y2x2{1+u2}x2y2xdu =yξ(x)x2y2(x+y)ξ(x)x2y22ξ(x)x2y2du1+u2 =2ξ(x)x2y2{arctan((x+y)ξ(x)x2y2)arctan(yξ(x)x2y2)}=fx(x,y) f(x,y)=2ξ(x)1x2y2arctan((x+y)ξ(x)x2y2)dx2ξ(x)1x2y2arctan(yξ(x)x2y2)dx+k ξ(x)=1ifx>0andξ(x)=1ifx<0...becontinued...

Commented bymaxmathsup by imad last updated on 15/Oct/18

2)f(2,3)=∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(2+3sinθ)dθ    f(2,3)= ∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(3((2/3)+sinθ))dθ =(π/2)ln(3) +∫_0 ^(π/2) ln((2/3)+sinθ)dθ  let find ϕ(x)=∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(x+sinθ)dθ  with ∣x∣<1  we have  ϕ^′ (x) = ∫_0 ^(π/2)   (dθ/(x+sinθ)) =_(tan((θ/2))=t)     ∫_0 ^1     (1/(x+((2t)/(1+t^2 )))) ((2dt)/(1+t^2 )) =∫_0 ^1    ((2dt)/(x(1+t^2 ) +2t))  = ∫_0 ^1    ((2dt)/(x +xt^2  +2t)) = ∫_0 ^1    ((2dt)/(xt^2  +2t +x))  Δ^′ =1−x^2 >0  ⇒t_1 =((−1+(√(1−x^2 )))/x)  and t_2 =((−1−(√(1−x^2 )))/x)  (we take x≠0)  F(t)=(1/(xt^2  +2t +x)) =(1/(x(t−t_1 )(t−t_2 ))) =(1/x)(x/(2(√(1−x^2 )))){ (1/(t−t_1 )) −(1/(t−t_2 ))}  =(1/(2(√(1−x^2 )))){ (1/(t−t_1 )) −(1/(t−t_2 ))} ⇒∫_0 ^1 F(t)dt=(1/(2(√(1−x^2 ))))[ln∣((t−t_1 )/(t−t_2 ))∣]_0 ^1   =(1/(2(√(1−x^2 )))){ ln∣((1−t_1 )/(1−t_2 ))∣−ln∣(t_1 /t_2 )∣}=(1/(2(√(1−x^2 ))))ln∣((1−t_1 )/(1−t_2 )).(t_2 /t_1 )∣  =(1/(2(√(1−x^2 ))))ln∣((t_2 −t_1 t_2 )/(t_1 −t_1 t_2 ))∣ =(1/(2(√(1−x^2 ))))ln∣ ((((−1−(√(1−x^2 )))/x) −1)/(((−1+(√(1−x^2 )))/x)−1))∣  =(1/(2(√(1−x^2 ))))ln∣ ((1+((1+(√(1−x^2 )))/x))/(1−((−1+(√(1−x^2 )))/x)))∣=(1/(2(√(1−x^2 ))))ln∣ ((x+1+(√(1−x^2 )))/(x+1−(√(1−x^2 ))))∣ ⇒  ϕ^′ (x) =(1/(√(1−x^2 )))ln(((x+1+(√(1−x^2 )))/(x+1−(√(1−x^2 ))))) ⇒  ϕ(x) =∫_0 ^x    (1/(√(1−u^2 )))ln(((u+1+(√(1−u^2 )))/(u+1−(√(1−u^2 )))))du +c  c=ϕ(0)=∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(sinθ)dθ =−(π/2)ln(2) ⇒  ϕ(x) =∫_0 ^x   (1/(√(1−u^2 )))ln(((u+1+(√(1−u^2 )))/(u+1−(√(1−u^2 )))))du−(π/2)ln(2) continued...

2)f(2,3)=0π2ln(2+3sinθ)dθ f(2,3)=0π2ln(3(23+sinθ))dθ=π2ln(3)+0π2ln(23+sinθ)dθ letfindφ(x)=0π2ln(x+sinθ)dθwithx∣<1wehave φ(x)=0π2dθx+sinθ=tan(θ2)=t011x+2t1+t22dt1+t2=012dtx(1+t2)+2t =012dtx+xt2+2t=012dtxt2+2t+x Δ=1x2>0t1=1+1x2xandt2=11x2x(wetakex0) F(t)=1xt2+2t+x=1x(tt1)(tt2)=1xx21x2{1tt11tt2} =121x2{1tt11tt2}01F(t)dt=121x2[lntt1tt2]01 =121x2{ln1t11t2lnt1t2}=121x2ln1t11t2.t2t1 =121x2lnt2t1t2t1t1t2=121x2ln11x2x11+1x2x1 =121x2ln1+1+1x2x11+1x2x∣=121x2lnx+1+1x2x+11x2 φ(x)=11x2ln(x+1+1x2x+11x2) φ(x)=0x11u2ln(u+1+1u2u+11u2)du+c c=φ(0)=0π2ln(sinθ)dθ=π2ln(2) φ(x)=0x11u2ln(u+1+1u2u+11u2)duπ2ln(2)...becontinued...

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