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Question Number 45730 by ajfour last updated on 16/Oct/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Oct/18

If base BC of △ABC has slipped   to the base edges of box and its  sides AB and AC touch (rests  against) poimts P and Q  respectively of the two upper  edges of the box, find A(x,y,z)  in terms of sides a,b, c  of △ and  dimensions l, w, h of the open box.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/Oct/18

MrW Sir  please solve this..    what a Question !


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 17/Oct/18

I′ll give a try using classic method,  but without knowing how far one  can go.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 17/Oct/18

let y_P = p ,  x_Q =q  r_A ^� = xi^� +yj^� +zk^�          = x_B i^� +λ[(l−x_B )i^� +p j^� +hk^� ]        = y_C  j^� +μ[qi^� +(w−y_C )j^� +hk^� ]     ⇒  λ=μ = ε (say)          q=l+(((1−ε)/ε))x_B    ....(i)          p=w+(((1−ε)/ε))y_C        ....(ii)     (l−x_B )^2 +p^2 +h^2 = c^2 /ε^2       ....(iii)     q^2 +(w−y_C )^2 +h^2 = b^2 /ε^2        ...(iv)      x_B ^2 +y_C ^2  =a^2                 ....(v)  let  ((1−ε)/ε)= f     ⇒  ε = (1/(1+f))    using (ii) in (iii)   (l−x_B )^2 +(w+fy_C )^2 +h^2 =(1+f)^2 c^2     similarly using (i) in (iv)   (l+fx_B )^2 +(w−y_C )^2 +h^2 =(1+f)^2 b^2    let    l^2 +w^2 +h^2  = s^2    ⇒  −2lx_B +x_B ^2 +2fwy_C +f^2 y_C ^2                        = (1+f)^2 c^2 −s^2    ...(I)       −2wy_C +y_C ^2 +2flx_B +f^2 x_B ^2                        = (1+f)^2 b^2 −s^2     ..(II)  adding the two   −2(1−f)(lx_B +wy_C )+(1+f^2 )a^2                 = (1+f)^2 (b^2 +c^2 )−2s^2     let   lx_B +wy_C  =(a(√(l^2 +w^2 )) )sin φ   sin φ = (((1+f)^2 (b^2 +c^2 )−(1+f^2 )a^2 −2s^2 )/(2(f−1)a(√(l^2 +w^2 ))))  and    x_B ^2 +y_C ^2 = a^2 ;   ⇒     x_B =acos θ , y_C = asin θ  ⇒  a(√(l^2 +w^2 )) sin(θ+tan^(−1) (l/w))= (a(√(l^2 +w^2 )) )sin φ  ⇒    θ = φ−β  ;  β = tan^(−1) (l/w)  hence  x_B = acos (φ−β)                 y_C  = asin (φ−β)   since  φ(f)  function of f  we can now use either of    eqs. (I) and (II) to obtain f ;  then φ, x_B  , y_B  , p, q, and finally    r_A = xi^� +yj^� +zk^�   ;  A(x,y,z) .


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 17/Oct/18

very powerful sir!


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 17/Oct/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 17/Oct/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 17/Oct/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 17/Oct/18

the position of triangle ABC is given  by parameters θ and φ.    the altitude of ΔABC over BC is d:  Area ΔABC=(1/2)ad=(√(s(s−a)(s−b)(s−c)))  ⇒d=(2/a)(√(s(s−a)(s−b)(s−c))) with s=((a+b+c)/2)  z_A =d sin φ=b sin φ_1 =c sin φ_2   ⇒sin φ_1 =(d/b) sin φ  ⇒sin φ_2 =(d/c) sin φ  MR=(h/(sin φ))  PQ=((MR)/d)a=((ah)/(d sin φ))  BP′=(h/(tan φ_2 ))=((h(√(1−(d^2 /c^2 )sin^2  φ)))/((d/c)sin φ))=(h/(sin φ))(√((c^2 /d^2 )−sin^2  φ))  CQ′=(h/(tan φ_1 ))=((h(√(1−(d^2 /b^2 )sin^2  φ)))/((d/b)sin φ))=(h/(sin φ))(√((b^2 /d^2 )−sin^2  φ))  BP′^2 =(l−a cos θ)^2 +(w−PQ sin θ)^2 =(h^2 /(sin^2  φ))((c^2 /d^2 )−sin^2  φ)  ⇒(l−a cos θ)^2 +(w−((ah)/(d sin φ)) sin θ)^2 =h^2 ((c^2 /d^2 ) sin^2  φ−1)  ⇒l^2 −2al cos θ+a^2  cos^2  θ+w^2 −((2ahw)/(d sin φ)) sin θ+((a^2 h^2  sin^2  θ)/(d^2  sin^2  φ))=((h^2 c^2 )/d^2 ) sin^2  φ−h^2   ⇒2al cos θ−a^2  cos^2  θ+((2ahw sin θ)/(d sin φ)) −((a^2 h^2  sin^2  θ)/(d^2  sin^2  φ))+((h^2 c^2  sin^2  φ)/d^2 )−(l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )=0  ⇒2ad^2 l cos θ sin^2  φ−a^2 d^2  cos^2  θ sin^2  φ+2adhw sin θ sin φ −a^2 h^2  sin^2  θ+c^2 h^2  sin^4  φ−d^2 (l^2 +w^2 +h^2 ) sin^2  φ=0    ...(i)    CQ′^2 =(w−a sin θ)^2 +(l−PQ cos θ)^2 =(h^2 /(sin^2  φ))((b^2 /d^2 )−sin^2  φ)  ⇒(w−a sin θ)^2 +(l−((ah)/(d sin φ)) cos θ)^2 =(h^2 /(sin^2  φ))((b^2 /d^2 )−sin^2  φ)  ⇒w^2 −2aw sin θ+a^2  sin^2  θ+l^2 −((2ahl)/(d sin φ)) cos θ+((a^2 h^2  cos^2  θ)/(d^2  sin^2  φ))=((h^2 b^2 )/d^2 ) sin^2  φ−h^2   ⇒2aw sin θ−a^2  sin^2  θ+((2ahl)/(d sin φ)) cos θ−((a^2 h^2  cos^2  θ)/(d^2  sin^2  φ))+((h^2 b^2 )/d^2 ) sin^2  φ=l^2 +w^2 +h^2   ⇒2ad^2 w sin θ sin^2  φ−a^2 d^2  sin^2  θ sin^2  φ+2adhl cos θ sin φ−a^2 h^2  cos^2  θ+b^2 h^2  sin^4  φ−d^2 (l^2 +w^2 +h^2 ) sin^2  φ=0     ...(ii)  ....  .... two unknowns θ and φ in two eqn.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 17/Oct/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/Oct/18

i have corrected my solution only now..  thank you Sir, for yours..  Excellent diagrams, let me have  some time comprehending your  solution.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 17/Oct/18

let p=tan (θ/2), q=sin φ  ⇒2ad^2 l (((1−p^2 )/(1+p^2 )))q^2 −a^2 d^2 (((1−p^2 )/(1+p^2 )))^2 q^2 +2adhw(((2p)/(1+p^2 )))q−a^2 h^2 (((2p)/(1+p^2 )))^2 +c^2 h^2 q^4 −d^2 (l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )q^2 =0   ⇒(1/((l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )))[2l−a+(2l+a)p^2 ](1−p^2 )q^2 +((4ahw)/(d(l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )))p(1+p^2 )q−((4a^2 h^2 )/(d^2 (l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )))p^2 +[((c^2 h^2 )/(d^2 (l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )))q^2 −1](1+p^2 )^2 q^2 =0    ...(i)    ⇒4ad^2 wp(1+p^2 )^2 q^2 −4a^2 d^2 p^2 q^2 +2adhl(1−p^4 )q−a^2 h^2 (1−p^2 )^2 +b^2 h^2 (1+p^2 )^2 q^4 −d^2 (l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )(1+p^2 )q^2 =0  ⇒((4a)/((l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )))[w(1+p^2 )^2 −ap]pq^2 +((ah)/(d^2 (l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )))[2dl(1+p^2 )q−ah(1−p^2 )](1−p^2 )+[((b^2 h^2 )/(d^2 (l^2 +w^2 +h^2 )))q^2 −1](1+p^2 )^2 q^2 =0     ....(ii)


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