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Question Number 46720 by Necxx last updated on 30/Oct/18

Commented by Necxx last updated on 30/Oct/18

please help with no. 15 cos i got it  as  −sin^(−1) ((1/x))− ((√(x^2 +1))/x) +c


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 30/Oct/18

let A =∫ (1/x^2 )(√((x−1)/(x+1)))dx changement ((x−1)/(x+1)) =t^2  give x−1=t^2 x +t^2  ⇒  (1−t^2 )x=1+t^2  ⇒x=((1+t^2 )/(1−t^2 )) ⇒ dx =((2t(1−t^2 )+2t(1+t^2 ))/((1−t^2 )^2 ))dt  =((2t −2t^3  +2t +2t^3 )/((1−t^2 )^2 ))dt =((4t)/((1−t^2 )^2 ))dt ⇒A=∫  (((1−t^2 )^2 )/((1+t^2 )^2 )) t  ((4t)/((1−t^2 )^2 ))dt  =4 ∫  (t^2 /((1+t^2 )^2 ))dt =4 ∫  ((1+t^2 −1)/((1+t^2 )^2 )) dt =4 ∫ (dt/(1+t^2 )) −4 ∫  (dt/((1+t^2 )^2 ))  =4 arctan(t)−4 ∫  (dt/((1+t^2 )^2 ))  changement t=tanθ give  ∫  (dt/((1+t^2 )^2 )) = ∫  ((1+tan^2 θ)/((1+tan^2 θ)^2 ))dθ =∫  (dθ/(1+tan^2 θ)) =∫ cos^2 θ dθ =  =(1/2) ∫ (1+cos(2θ))dθ =(θ/2) +(1/4)sin(2θ) =((arctan(t))/2) +(1/4)sin(2arctant) but  sin(2arctant)=2 sin(arctant)cos(arctant)  =2 (t/(√(1+t^2 ))) .(1/(√(1+t^2 ))) =((2t)/(1+t^2 )) ⇒ ∫  (dt/((1+t^2 )^2 )) =((arctan(t))/2) +(t/(2(1+t^2 ))) ⇒  A =2arctan(t)−((2t)/(1+t^2 )) +c  =2 arctan((√((x−1)/(x+1))))−((2(√((x−1)/(x+1))))/(1+((x−1)/(x+1)))) +c  =2 arctan((√((x−1)/(x+1))))−2 (√((x−1)/(x+1)))((x+1)/(2x)) +c  A=2 arctan((√((x−1)/(x+1)))) +((√(x^2 −1))/x) +c


Commented by Necxx last updated on 30/Oct/18

thank you so much sir .   The issue now is that this answer  is not in the option. Does it mean  the options are all wrong?


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 30/Oct/18

yes there is some error in the given answers but always you must trust  yourself and your method...


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 30/Oct/18

16) let  I = ∫ (dx/(√(x−x^2 ))) ⇒I =∫  (dx/(√(−(x^2 −x)))) =∫  (dx/(√(−(x^2 −2(1/2)x+(1/4)−(1/4)))))  = ∫   (dx/(√((1/4)−(x−(1/2))^2 ))) =_(x−(1/2)=(1/2)sint)    ∫      (1/(2.(1/2)cost)) cost dt  = ∫ dt =t +c = arcsin(2x−1) +c  so option (B) is the answer.


Commented by Necxx last updated on 30/Oct/18

wow.... i solved this and got A as  my answer


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