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Question Number 46840 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 01/Nov/18

find lim_(n→+∞)  Σ_(k=1) ^n   ((n^(2 ) +k^2 )/(n^3  +k^3 ))


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 03/Nov/18

let S_n =Σ_(k=1) ^n  ((n^(2 ) +k^2 )/(n^3  +k^3 ))  ⇒ S_n =Σ_(k=1) ^n   ((n^2 (1+(k^2 /n^2 )))/(n^3 (1+(k^3 /n^3 )))) =Σ_(k=1) ^n  ((1+((k/n))^2 )/(1+((k/n))^3 ))  so S_n  is a Rieman sum and lim_(n→+∞)  S_n = ∫_0 ^1  ((1+x^2 )/(1+x^3 ))dx  =∫_0 ^1   (dx/(1+x^3 )) +∫_0 ^1  (x^2 /(1+x^3 )) dx but ∫_0 ^1  (x^2 /(1+x^3 ))dx =[(1/3)ln(1+x^3 )]_0 ^1 =((ln(2))/3)  let decompose F(x)=(1/(x^3  +1)) =(1/((x+1)(x^2 −x +1))) =(a/(x+1)) +((bx +c)/(x^2 −x+1))  a =lim_(x→−1) (x+1)F(x) =(1/3)  lim_(x→+∞) xF(x) =0 =a+b ⇒b =−(1/3) ⇒F(x)=(1/(3(x+1))) +((−(1/3)x +c)/(x^2 −x+1))  F(0) =1 =(1/3) +c ⇒c =(2/3) ⇒F(x)=(1/(3(x+1))) −(1/(3 )) ((x−2)/(x^2 −x +1)) ⇒  ∫_0 ^1  F(x) =(1/3)[ln∣x+1∣]_0 ^1  −(1/6)∫_0 ^1  ((2x−1−3)/(x^2 −x +1))dx  =((ln(2))/3) −(1/6)[ln∣x^2 −x +1∣]_0 ^1  +(1/2) ∫_0 ^1  (dx/(x^2 −x +1))  =((ln(2))/3) +(1/2) ∫_0 ^1   (dx/((x−(1/2))^2  +(3/4))) =_(x−(1/2)=((√3)/2)t)  ((ln(2))/3) +(1/2) ∫_(−(1/(√3))) ^(1/(√3))   (4/3) (1/(t^2  +1)) ((√3)/2)dt  =((ln(2))/3) +(2/(√3)) arctan((1/(√3))) =((ln(2))/3) +(2/(√3)) (π/6) =((ln(2))/3) +(π/(3(√3))) ⇒  lim_(n→+∞)   S_n =((2ln(2))/3) +(π/(3(√3))) .


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