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Question Number 46864 by ajfour last updated on 01/Nov/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Nov/18

If a sphere of radius R touches  the walls at A, B, C ; find a,b,c  in terms of α,β,γ and R.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Nov/18

Answered by MrW3 last updated on 02/Nov/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 04/Nov/18

M=center of sphere  MA=MB=MC=R  let H=OM  OA=(√(OM^2 −MA^2 ))=(√(H^2 −R^2 ))  OB=(√(OM^2 −MB^2 ))=(√(H^2 −R^2 ))  OC=(√(OM^2 −MC^2 ))=(√(H^2 −R^2 ))  ⇒OA=OB=OC=h (say)    ΔOBQ≡ΔOAQ  ⇒∠OQB=∠OQA=φ (say)  similarly  ⇒∠ORA=∠ORC=ψ (say)  ⇒∠OPC=∠OPB=ϕ (say)    γ+ϕ+φ=π  α+φ+ψ=π  β+ψ+ϕ=π  ⇒α+β+γ+2(ϕ+φ+ψ)=3π  ⇒ϕ+φ+ψ=((3π)/2)−((α+β+γ)/2)  ⇒ϕ+π−α=((3π)/2)−((α+β+γ)/2)  ⇒ϕ=(π/2)−((−α+β+γ)/2)  ⇒φ+π−β=((3π)/2)−((α+β+γ)/2)  ⇒φ=(π/2)−((α−β+γ)/2)  ⇒ψ+π−γ=((3π)/2)−((α+β+γ)/2)  ⇒ψ=(π/2)−((α+β−γ)/2)    let QR=u, PQ=v, RP=w  (u/(sin α))=((OQ)/(sin ∠ORQ))=((OP)/(sin ψ))=(h/(sin φ sin ψ))  ⇒u=((sin α)/(sin φ sin ψ))h=((sin α)/(cos ((α−β+γ)/2) cos ((α+β−γ)/2)))h=μh  (v/(sin γ))=((OP)/(sin ∠OQP))=((OP)/(sin φ))=(h/(sin ϕ sin φ))  ⇒v=((sin γ)/(sin ϕ sin φ))h=((sin γ)/(cos ((−α+β+γ)/2) cos ((α−β+γ)/2)))h=νh  (w/(sin β))=((OR)/(sin ∠OPR))=((OR)/(sin ϕ))=(h/(sin ψ sin ϕ))  ⇒w=((sin β)/(sin ψ sin ϕ))h=((sin β)/(cos ((α+β−γ)/2) cos ((−α+β+γ)/2)))h=ωh    in ΔPQR:  the incircle with radius r touches the  triangle at A,B,C.  (r/R)=(h/(√(h^2 +R^2 )))  ⇒r=(R/(√(1+((R/h))^2 )))  let s=((u+v+w)/2)=((μ+ν+ω)/2)h  A_(ΔPQR) =sr=(√(s(s−u)(s−v)(s−w)))  ⇒r=(√(((s−u)(s−v)(s−w))/s))  ⇒r=(1/2)(√(((μ+ν−ω)(μ−ν+ω)(−μ+ν+ω))/(μ+ν+ω))) h=λh  r=(R/(√(1+((R/h))^2 )))=λh  ⇒λ^2 [1+((h/R))^2 ]=1  ⇒h=R(√((1/λ^2 )−1))  ⇒r=λh=R(√(1−λ^2 ))    u^2 =v^2 +w^2 −2vw cos ∠RPQ  ⇒cos ∠RPQ=((v^2 +w^2 −u^2 )/(2vw))=((ν^2 +ω^2 −μ^2 )/(2νω))  a^2 =2r^2 (1+cos ∠RPQ)=r^2 (2+((ν^2 +ω^2 −μ^2 )/(νω)))  ⇒a=r(√(2+((ν^2 +ω^2 −μ^2 )/(νω))))  ⇒a=R(√((1−λ^2 )(2+((ν^2 +ω^2 −μ^2 )/(νω)))))  similarly  ⇒b=R(√((1−λ^2 )(2+((ω^2 +μ^2 −ν^2 )/(ωμ)))))  ⇒c=R(√((1−λ^2 )(2+((μ^2 +ν^2 −ω^2 )/(μν)))))  with  μ=((sin α)/(cos ((α−β+γ)/2) cos ((α+β−γ)/2)))  ν=((sin γ)/(cos ((−α+β+γ)/2) cos ((α−β+γ)/2)))  ω=((sin β)/(cos ((α+β−γ)/2) cos ((−α+β+γ)/2)))  λ=(1/2)(√(((μ+ν−ω)(μ−ν+ω)(−μ+ν+ω))/(μ+ν+ω)))    (H/R)=(h/r)=(1/λ)  ⇒OM=H=(R/λ)  ====================  check with α=β=γ=(π/2):  μ=ν=ω=((sin (π/2))/(cos (π/4) cos (π/4)))=2  λ=(1/2)(√((2×2×2)/(2+2+2)))=(1/(√3))  H=(R/λ)=(√3)R ⇒ correct  a=b=c=R(√((1−(1/3))(2+(2^2 /(2×2)))))=(√2)R ⇒ correct


Commented by ajfour last updated on 03/Nov/18

Thank you too much, Sir.  let me some time to follow..


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 04/Nov/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Nov/18

This looks a very great solution,  Sir ; need to gather myself to  comprehend it..


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 04/Nov/18

thank you for reviewing sir!


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