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Question Number 46889 by ajfour last updated on 02/Nov/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Nov/18

Q.46611 (Alternate approach)


Answered by ajfour last updated on 02/Nov/18

n^�  = cos θ(sin αi^� +cos αj^� )+sin θk^�   r_M ^� =(hi^� +kj^� )−Rsin θ(sin αi^� +cos αj^� )                                +Rcos θk^�   asin α = d  bcos α = d  ctan θ = d     y_P = 0   &  [((n^� ×(ck^� −ai^� ))/(√(c^2 +a^2 )))]_y = (r_P ^� −r_M ^� )_y   ⇒  −R[((ccos θsin α+asin θ)/(√(a^2 +c^2 )))]                  = −k+Rsin θcos α   ...(i)     x_Q =0  &     [(((ck^� −bj^� )×n^� )/(√(b^2 +c^2 )))]_x =(r_Q ^� −r_M ^� )_x   ⇒ −R[((ccos θcos α+bsin θ)/(√(b^2 +c^2 )))]              = −h+Rsin θsin α    ....(ii)    From (i)&(ii), we shall obtain    α and θ ;  using  asin α = d  bcos α = d  ctan θ = d    , in eqs. (i) & (ii)   ((R[((cos^2 θ)/(sin θ))sin α+((sin θ)/(sin α))])/(√((1/(sin^2 α))+((cos^2 θ)/(sin^2 θ)))))=k−Rsin θcos α  similarly  ((R[((cos^2 θ)/(sin θ))cos α+((sin θ)/(cos α))])/(√((1/(cos^2 α))+((cos^2 θ)/(sin^2 θ)))))=h−Rsin θsin α  ________________________  rearranging gives  R(√(sin^2 θ+sin^2 αcos^2 θ))               = k−Rsin θcos α    ...(A)  R(√(sin^2 θ+cos^2 θcos^2 α))              = h−Rsin θsin α    ....(B)  ________________________    squaring and adding (A)&(B)     2R^2 sin^2 θ+R^2 cos^2 θ = h^2 +k^2 +       R^2 sin^2 θ−2Rsin θ(hsin α+kcos α)  ⇒ 2Rsin θ=((h^2 +k^2 −R^2 )/(hsin α+kcos α))  ..(I)  Changing (A) to  R^2 sin^2 θcos^2 α+R^2 sin^2 α =                 (k−Rsin θcos α)^2   Now let   Rsin θcos α = t  ⇒  t^2 +R^2 sin^2 α=k^2 +t^2 −2kt  ⇒ 2t=((k^2 −R^2 sin^2 α)/k)  Now using (I):  ⇒ 2Rsin θ = (k/(cos α))−((R^2 sin^2 α)/(kcos α))  ⇒ ((h^2 +k^2 −R^2 )/(hsin α+kcos α))=((k^2 −R^2 sin^2 α)/(kcos α))  ⇒ ((h^2 −R^2 cos^2 α)/(hsin α)) = ((k^2 −R^2 sin^2 α)/(kcos α))  ________________________  let  m=tan α  ⇒ ((h^2 (1+m^2 )−R^2 )/(k^2 (1+m^2 )−R^2 m^2 )) = ((mh)/k)  this eq. provides for 𝛂 ; and then  from (I):       θ=sin^(−1) [((h^2 +k^2 −R^2 )/(2R(hsin α+kcos α)))]   ________________________.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Nov/18

In excellent agreement with  your result Sir, coz they are same.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 02/Nov/18

yes, sir.  it′s a marvellous job what you did!  really nice method!


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 02/Nov/18

You can remeber that I was unsure if  the position of the ring is unique. Now  I know the position of the ring is  unique with the given point G. But  with some values of R there can be  two or three possible positions for  the ring.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 02/Nov/18

yes sir, thank you for solving it  by two methods; but i could  have guessed wrongly  at least   two roots for α as complex..  every time.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 02/Nov/18

there could be three positive roots or  one positive and two negative or two  positive and one negative roots. that  means we can get: one position, two  positions or three positions for the  ring.


Commented by peter frank last updated on 02/Nov/18

pls help Q 46838,46829


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