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Question Number 47026 by ajfour last updated on 04/Nov/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Nov/18

If the circle has unit radius and  both coloured areas are equal,  find the eq. of parabola.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Nov/18

MrW3 Sir, please solve this, you  may like it too; plus my answer  will be checked..


Commented by Meritguide1234 last updated on 04/Nov/18

how do you draw this diagram?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Nov/18

using Lekh Diagram.


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 04/Nov/18

eqn. of parabola:  y=ax^2   ⇒y′=2ax    eqn. of circle:  x^2 +(y−b)^2 =r^2  with r=1  ⇒x+(y−b)y′=0    let ar=λ    contact points (±h,k)  k=ah^2    ...(i)  m=2ah    ...(ii)  h^2 +(k−b)^2 =r^2    ...(iii)  h+(k−b)m=0   ...(iv)  ⇒k−b=−(h/m)=−(1/(2a))  ⇒b=k+(1/(2a))  h^2 +(−(1/(2a)))^2 =r^2   h^2 =r^2 −(1/(4a^2 ))  ⇒h=(√(r^2 −(1/(4a^2 ))))=r(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))  ⇒k=ah^2 =a(r^2 −(1/(4a^2 )))=r(ar−(1/(4ar)))=r(λ−(1/(4λ)))  ⇒b=k+(1/(2a))=ar^2 +(1/(4a))=r(λ+(1/(4λ)))  ⇒tan θ=m=2ah=2ar(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))=(√(4λ^2 −1))  A_(yellow/2) =((2hk)/3)+(1/2)×r cos θ×r sin θ−((θr^2 )/2)  A_(yellow/2) =((2r^2 )/3)(λ−(1/(4λ)))(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))+((r^2  sin θ cos θ)/2)−((θr^2 )/2)  A_(yellow/2) =A_(blue/2) =((πr^2 )/2)    ((2r^2 )/3)(λ−(1/(4λ)))(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))+((r^2  sin θ cos θ)/2)−((θr^2 )/2)=((πr^2 )/2)  (4/3)(λ−(1/(4λ)))(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))+sin θ cos θ−θ=π  (4/3)(λ−(1/(4λ)))(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))+((tan θ)/(1+tan^2  θ))−θ=π  (((4λ)/3)−(1/(3λ)))(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))+(1/(2λ))(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))−tan^(−1) (√(4λ^2 −1))=π  (1/3)(4λ+(1/(2λ)))(√(1−(1/(4λ^2 ))))−tan^(−1) (√(4λ^2 −1))=π  (1/3)(2+(1/(4λ^2 )))(√(4λ^2 −1))−tan^(−1) (√(4λ^2 −1))=π  ⇒λ=3.425  ⇒a=3.425  ⇒b=3.498


Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Nov/18

Thanks enormously !


Answered by ajfour last updated on 04/Nov/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Nov/18

y = Ax^2  ,  h=Rsin θ  (dy/dx)∣_((h,k)) =2Ah = tan θ  ⇒   2ARsin θ = tan θ   ....(i)  R^2 θ+πR^2 (yellow)= R^2 sin θcos θ                                        +((4Ah^3 )/3)  ⇒ θ+π=sin θcos θ+((2sin^3 θ)/(3cos θ))    θ+π = ((tan θ)/3)(2+cos^2 θ)    ⇒  θ = 1.42428 rad  A=(1/(2cos θ)) = 3.425 .


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 05/Nov/18

nice approach, short and direct!  what is A in 3D case, i.e. blue and  yellow volumns are the same?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 09/Nov/18

z_P  = Ar_P ^2    ;  r_P = Rsin α    (dz/dr) = tan α = 2ARsin α  ⇒     2ARcos α = 1    .....(I)  z_P  = AR^2 sin^2 α = (R/2)sin αtan α   ..(II)  yellow volume = blue volume  2π∫_0 ^(  Rsin α) r{z_P +Rcos α−(√(R^2 −r^2 ))−Ar^2 )}dr                                 = (4/3)πR^3   ⇒  [(z_P +Rcos α)(r^2 /2) + (((R^2 −r^2 )^(3/2) )/3)              −((Ar^4 )/4)]_0 ^(Rsin α)  = ((2R^3 )/3)    (((sin^2 α)/(2cos α))+cos α)((sin^2 α)/2)−(((1−cos^3 α))/3)                       −((sin^4 α)/(8cos α)) = (2/3)  dividing by cos^3 α , & with      m= tan α  (((m^2 +2)m^2 )/4)−(((1+m^2 )^(3/2) )/3)+(1/3)                    −(m^4 /8) = ((2(1+m^2 )^(3/2) )/3)  ⇒ 3m^4 −24(1+m^2 )^(3/2) +12m^2 +8= 0  ⇒  m = 7.67754        A = (1/(2cos (tan^(−1) 7.67754)))  ⇒  A= 3.8712 .


Commented by ajfour last updated on 09/Nov/18

MrW Sir , please check this.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 09/Nov/18

thank you sir!  please check the eqn.


Answered by MJS last updated on 04/Nov/18

I turn it upside down and put  parabola: y=−ax^2 +b; y′=−2ax  circle: x^2 +(y+c)^2 =1       y=−c+(√(1−x^2 ))       y′=−(x/(√(1−x^2 )))  zeros       x=±(√(1−c^2 ))  slope of tangents in zeros       s=∓((√(1−c^2 ))/c)  parabola: zeros at x=±(√(1−c^2 ))  −a(1−c^2 )+b=0 ⇒ b=a(1−c^2 )  slope=∓((√(1−c^2 ))/c) at x=±(√(1−c^2 ))  ((√(1−c^2 ))/c)=2a(√(1−c^2 )) ⇒ a=(1/(2c)); b=((1−c^2 )/(2c))  parabola: y=−(x^2 /(2c))+((1−c^2 )/(2c))  −(1/(2c))∫_(−(√(1−c^2 ))) ^(√(1−c^2 )) (x^2 −1+c^2 )dx+∫_(−(√(1−c^2 ))) ^(√(1−c^2 )) (c−(√(1−x^2 )))dx=  =(((2+c^2 )(√(1−c^2 )))/(3c))−arcsin (√(1−c^2 ))  (((2+c^2 )(√(1−c^2 )))/(3c))−arcsin (√(1−c^2 ))=π  ⇒ c=.145986  ⇒ a=3.42500  ⇒ b=3.35200


Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Nov/18

Thank you Sir, master method!


Commented by MJS last updated on 09/Nov/18

R^3   parabola: x^2 =−2cy−c^2 +1  V_p =π∫_0 ^((1−c^2 )/(2c)) (−2cy−c^2 +1)dy=π((c^4 −2c^2 +1)/(4c))  circle: x^2 =1−(y+c)^2   V_c =π∫_0 ^(1−c) (1−(y+c)^2 )dy=π((c^3 −3c+2)/3)  V=V_p −V_c =((4π)/3)  ((c^4 −2c^2 +1)/(4c))−((c^3 −3c+2)/3)−(4/3)=0  c^4 −6c^2 +24c−3=0  this can be solved exactly using  (c−α−i(√β))(c−α+i(√β))(c−γ−(√δ))(c−γ+(√δ))=0  ⇒ α=−(√3); β=−2(√3); γ=(√3); δ=−2(√3)  c_1 =−(√3)−(√(2(√3)))<0  c_2 =−(√3)+(√(2(√3)))>0 ⇒ c=c_2 ≈.129159  c_3 =(√3)−i(√(2(√3)))  c_4 =(√3)+i(√(2(√3)))    a=1+((√3)/2)+(((√3)/3)+(1/2))(√(2(√3)))≈3.87120  b=1+(1+((√(2(√3)))/3))(√3)≈3.80662  c=(√(2(√3)))−(√3)≈.129159    please check my method


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 09/Nov/18

great sir!  we get the same eqn. and result.


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 09/Nov/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 09/Nov/18

y=ax^2   y′=2ax  m=tan θ=2ah  ⇒h=((tan θ)/(2a))=R sin θ  ⇒a=(1/(2R cos θ))  k=ah^2 =((R^2  sin^2  θ)/(2R cos θ))=((R sin θ tan θ)/2)  V_(yellow) =πh^2 k−πR^2 (1−cos θ)^2 [R−((1−cos θ)/3)R]−2π∫_0 ^h ax^3 dx  V_(yellow) =πh^2 k−πR^3 (1−cos θ)^2 (((2+cos θ)/3))−((πah^4 )/2)  V_(yellow) =((πR^3  sin^3  θ tan θ)/2)−πR^3 (1−cos θ)^2 (((2+cos θ)/3))−((πR^3 sin^4  θ)/(4 cos θ))=((4πR^3 )/3)  ((sin^3  θ tan θ)/2)−(1−cos θ)^2 (((2+cos θ)/3))−((sin^4  θ)/(4 cos θ))=(4/3)  3 sin^4  θ−4(1−cos θ)^2 (2+cos θ)cos θ=16 cos θ  3 sin^4  θ−24cos θ+12 cos^2  θ−4cos^4  θ=0  ⇒cos^4  θ−6 cos^2  θ+24cos θ−3=0  ⇒cos θ=0.1292⇒θ=82.576°  ⇒a=(1/(2×0.1292))=3.87


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