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Question Number 47145 by ajfour last updated on 05/Nov/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Nov/18

Q.47113   Find volume of  pyramid in terms of a,b,c,p,q,r.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 05/Nov/18

let A be origin.  B(ccos φ,−csin φ,0)  C(bcos θ,bsin φ,0)  H(x,0,h)       x^2 +h^2 =p^2   ...(i)  (x−bcos θ)^2 +b^2 sin^2 θ+z^2  = r^2   ..(ii)  (x−ccos φ)^2 +c^2 sin^2 φ+z^2 = q^2   ..(iii)  (ccos φ−bcos θ)^2 +(bsin θ+csin φ)^2 =a^2   ..(iv)  (i)−(ii) ⇒     2bxcos θ = p^2 +b^2 −r^2  = l   ...(I)  (iii) ⇒     2cxcos φ = p^2 +c^2 −q^2  =m  ...(II)  (iv) ⇒    2bc(cos θcos φ−sin θsin φ)                  = b^2 +c^2 −a^2   = n    ...(III)  ⇒  ((lm)/(2x^2 ))−2bc(√((1−(l^2 /(4b^2 x^2 )))(1−(m^2 /(4c^2 x^2 ))))) = n  ⇒ (((lm)/(2x^2 ))−n)^2 =(1/4)(4b^2 −(l^2 /x^2 ))(4c^2 −(m^2 /x^2 ))  (lm−2nx^2 )^2 =(4b^2 x^2 −l^2 )(4c^2 x^2 −m^2 )  ⇒  4n^2 x^4 −4lmnx^2             = 16b^2 c^2 x^4 −4x^2 (c^2 l^2 +b^2 m^2 )  ⇒ x^2  = ((b^2 m^2 +c^2 l^2 −lmn)/(4b^2 c^2 −n^2 ))    and  h^2  = p^2 −x^2     Volume = (h/3)S_(ABC)    (may be).


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 05/Nov/18

thank you for this method, sir. it  shows how to calculate the height of  pyramid.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Nov/18

Will this do Sir ?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Nov/18

isn′t    V=(h/3)S_(ABC)     correct ?


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 05/Nov/18

it is correct sir.


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