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Question Number 47224 by hassentimol last updated on 06/Nov/18

Could you please help me for this question :    Solve for x :     ∣ 3x + 2 ∣  +  ∣ 7x − 5 ∣  =  20    Thank you


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 06/Nov/18

let first eradicte the absolut value  x   −∞                       −(2/3)                            (5/7)                    +∞  ∣3x+2∣      −3x−2     0       3x+2                    3x+2  ∣7x−5∣  −7x   +5                 −7x+5     0        7x +5  A(x)         −10x+3              −4x +7              10x +7  equ. ⇔ A(x)=20  case 1      x ∈]−∞,−(2/3)]    A(x)=20 ⇔−10x +3 =20 ⇔−10x =17 ⇔x=−((17)/(10))  −((17)/(10)) +(2/3) =((−34+20)/(30)) =((−14)/(30))<0 ⇒ −((17)/(10))<−(2/3) so the number is solution  case 2  x ∈[−(2/3) ,(5/7)] A(x)=20 ⇔ −4x+7 =20 ⇔−4x =13 ⇔x=−((13)/4)  −((13)/4) +(2/3)<0 ⇒−((13)/4)<−(2/3) so this number is nt solution  case 3     x∈[(5/7),+∞[A(x)=20 ⇔  10x +7 =20 ⇔10x =13 ⇔x=((13)/(10))  ((13)/(10)) −(5/7) =((13.7 −50)/(70))>0 ⇒((13)/(10))>(5/7) so this number is solution  so the (e) have   2 solutions −((17)/(10)) and (5/7) .  ∣


Commented by hassentimol last updated on 07/Nov/18

Thank you sir !  I′ve understood thanks to you.


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 07/Nov/18

you are welcome..


Answered by MJS last updated on 06/Nov/18

  x<−(2/3) ⇒ ∣3x+2∣=−3x−2  x≥−(2/3) ⇒ ∣3x+2∣=3x+2  x<(5/7) ⇒ ∣7x−5∣=5−7x    x≥(5/7) ⇒ ∣7x−5∣=7x−5  x∈I_1 =]−∞; −(2/3)[  −3x−2+5−7x=20 ⇒ x=−((17)/(10))  x∈I_2 =[−(2/3);(5/7)[  3x+2+5−7x=20 ⇒ x=−((13)/4)∉I_2  ⇒ no solution  x∈I_3 =[(5/7); +∞[  3x+2+7x−5=20 ⇒ x=((23)/(10))


Answered by last updated on 07/Nov/18

critical value of x are  ((−2)/3)  and  (5/7)  ((−2)/3)≈−0.67    snd  (5/7)≈0.71  when x>o.71  ∣3x+2∣=3x+2  ∣7x−5∣=7x−5  3x+2+7x−5=20  10x=23  x=((23)/(10))=2.3  when    0.71 >x>−0.67     (say x=0)  ∣3x+2∣=3x+2  ∣7x−5∣=−(7x−5)  3x+2−7x+5=20  −4x=13  x=((−13)/4)=−3.25  but −3.25<−0.67  so x can not be −3.25  when x<−0.67     (say x=−1)  ∣3x+2∣=−(3x+2)  ∣7x−5∣=−(7x−5)  −3x−2−7x+5=20  −10x=17  x=−1.7     so solution   pls check....  yes let me rectify...  2.3  and −1.7    over looked = sign


Commented by hassentimol last updated on 06/Nov/18

Thank you Sir,  God bless you


Commented by last updated on 06/Nov/18

to make one understand is my gift...


Commented by hassentimol last updated on 06/Nov/18

May I ask you a question ?  Why would  ((−13)/4)=−3.25  may not be one  of the answers if it is smaller than 0.67 ?  I know that there can be only two answers  as drawm on a graph, but why is this  solution incorrect instead of the other ones ?  Than you.


Commented by last updated on 07/Nov/18

thank you sir...


Answered by peter frank last updated on 07/Nov/18

for positive   (3x+2)+  (7x−5)=20  10x−3=20  10x=23  x=2.3   for −ve  -(3x+2)+-(7x−5)  -3x−2−7x+5=20  -10x+3=20  x=-1.7


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 06/Nov/18

sir peter this is not the way to solve  equation like this i invie you to use   my method given at the answer ...


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