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Question Number 47266 by MrW3 last updated on 07/Nov/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 07/Nov/18

Find the moment of initia of the  solid body about its diagonal axis.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 08/Nov/18

L_G ^�  = ∫r^� ×(ω^� ×r^� )dm   G being the centroid (mass center)  and origin of x, y, z  axes is G.      L_G = ∫[(r^� .r^� )ω^�  −(ω^� .r^� )r^� ]dm     l^�  = ai^� +bj^� +ck^�  ; r^� =xi^� +yj^� +zk^�     ω^�  = ω((l^� /l))     L^� =(ω/l)∫[(ai^� +bj^� +ck^� )(x^2 +y^2 +z^2 )       −(xi^� +yj^� +zk^� )(ax+by+cz)]dm    =(ω/l)∫ Σ{[a(y^2 +z^2 )−x(by+cz)]i^� }dm   = ((𝛒 ω)/l)∫_(−c/2) ^(  c/2) ∫_(−b/2) ^(  b/2) ∫_(−a/2) ^(  a/2) ( Σ{[a(y^2 +z^2 )−x(by+cz)]i^� )dxdydz   =((ρ ω)/l)∫∫_(−b/2) ^(  b/2) (Σ{a^2 (y^2 +z^2 )}i^� )dydz   =((ρω)/l)∫_(−c/2) ^(  c/2) (Σ{a^2 ((b^3 /(12))+bz^2 )}i^� )dz   =((ρω)/l)Σ{a^2 (((b^3 c)/(12))+((bc^3 )/(12)))}i^�   = ((ρ ω)/l)Σ{a[((abc)/(12))(b^2 +c^2 )]}i^�   =((ρω)/l)×((abc)/(12)){a(b^2 +c^2 )i^� +b(c^2 +a^2 )j^�                                +c(a^2 +b^2 )k^�  }  L_G ^�  = ((ρabcω)/(12(√(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 ))))Σ{a(b^2 +c^2 )i^� }  and since ρabc = M  L_G ^�  =  ((Mω)/(12(√(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 ))))Σ{a(b^2 +c^2 )i^� }  Generally  L_G ^� = ∫r^� ×(ω^� ×r^� )dm      = ∫(xi^� +yj^� +zk^� )× determinant ((i^� ,j^� ,k^� ),(ω_x ,ω_y ,ω_z ),(x,y,z))dm    =∫ determinant ((i^� ,j^� ,k^� ),(x,y,z),((ω_y z−ω_z y),(ω_z x−ω_x z),(ω_x y−ω_y x)))dm    =Σ[∫{y(ω_x y−ω_y x)−z(ω_z x−ω_x z)}dm]i^�     =Σ[∫{ω_x (y^2 +z^2 )−ω_y (xy)−ω_z (zx)}dm]i^�    and since       I_x =∫(y^2 +z^2 )dm        I_(xy)  = ∫xydm  L_x  = I_x ω_x −I_(xy) ω_y −I_(zx) ω_z   L_y  = −I_(xy) ω_x +I_y ω_y −I_(yz) ω_z   L_z  = −I_(zx) ω_x −I_(yz) ω_y +I_z ω_z       Inertia tensor is                ((I_x ,(−I_(xy) ),(−I_(zx) )),((−I_(xy) ),I_y ,(−I_(yz) )),((−I_(zx) ),(−I_(yz) ),I_z ) )  For this very question      Inertia tensor is    ((((M/(12))(b^2 +c^2 )),0,0),(0,((M/(12))(c^2 +a^2 )),0),(0,0,((M/(12))(a^2 +b^2 ))) )   If chosen coordinate system is  Gxyz , the pricipal axes of inertia_(−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−) ,  then the centroidal mass products  of inertia of a body with respect  to these prinxipal axes of inertia,  are zero. I_(xy) = I_(yz)  = I_(zx) = 0 .  And  I_x , I_y , I_z  are called the  principal centroidal moments  of ineetia of the body.  About any other point fixed point O    L_O ^�  = r^� ×mv_(cm) ^� +L_G ^�     r^�  being the position vector of G  relative to O.  _________________________.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 07/Nov/18

thank you sir!  Does it mean the MoI about the   diagonal axis is I=I_x +I_y +I_z   =((2M(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 ))/3)?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 08/Nov/18

No, MoI will be a tensor for  asymmetric orientations  (9 components)  We need MoI to know angular  momentum:  For x- component L_x  , we just  need to attach ω_x , ω_y , and ω_z    respectively to each element in  first row of the inertia tensor  found.   similarly for L_y  and L_z  we shall  rather use respectively the 2^(nd)   and 3^(rd)  row.   L_x  =Mω_x ( ((b^2 +c^2 )/(12)))   L_x = ((Mω)/(√(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 ))){a(((b^2 +c^2 )/(12)))}   L_x =((Mωa(b^2 +c^2 ))/(12(√(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 ))))   = ((Mω)/(12))(b^2 +c^2 )cos α   α being angle of diagonal with    x- axes.  So L_(diagonal) =ΣL_x cos α   = ((Mω)/(12))[((a^2 (b^2 +c^2 )+b^2 (c^2 +a^2 )+c^2 (a^2 +b^2 ))/(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 ))]     If b=c=a   we get    I_(diagonal) = ((Ma^2 )/6)   .


Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Nov/18

thanks alot sir!


Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Nov/18

It′s a new ID sir. I can not get the oldest  back any more.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 08/Nov/18

Previously i had obtained MoI  about a corner point on the   diagonal axis. Now its about  G(mass center) that still lies  on the diagonal axis (in this  question).


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