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Question Number 47316 by peter frank last updated on 08/Nov/18

Commented by math1967 last updated on 08/Nov/18

man  contains 2shoes and 2paper


Commented by MJS last updated on 08/Nov/18

(1) try to buy only the right shoe (s_r ); you′ll find you  have to buy the pair ⇒ s_r =s_r +s_l =s_l . but here  we have s_r s_l +s_r s_l +s_r s_l =30 ⇒ s_r s_l =10 so this  might get hard to solve  (2) two boys will cause much more trouble  than one boy (b), I have 4 children, 3 boys  and one girl, together they caused ≈11.4066 units  of trouble, the exact formula is trouble=(π^(boys) /e^(girls) ), in  our case π^2 ≈9.86960 ⇒ b+b=9.86960b ⇒  9.86960b+s_r s_l =20  (3) buying two cones you will probably get %,  so c+c<2c and probably c+c<c^2  ⇒ c>2  c^2 +c^2 +b=13  (4) the boy now wears shoes, they rather  look multiplicated again, and to get the boy′s  feet out of the shoes we will have to extract  the root ⇒ ((s_r s_l ))^(1/b) . a boy looking like this one  wearing pink shoes only exists in somebody′s  weird dreams ⇒ i((s_r s_l ))^(1/b)  and he holds 2 cones,  s_r +i((s_r s_l ))^(1/b) ×c^3 =?  this cannot be solved using elementary  calculus but using the secret formula of  Ramanjuan&Ostrogradski at least we get  the Shoemaker−Conestant ξ_0 =43


Commented by last updated on 08/Nov/18

6(shoes)=30⇒shoe=5  2(man)+2(shoe)=20⇒man=5  4(paper)+man=13⇒paper=2  now:  (shoe)+(man+2shoes+2paper)×paper=  =5+(5+2×5+2×2)×2= 43.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 08/Nov/18

((30+20)/2)−13 .


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