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Question Number 47915 by last updated on 16/Nov/18

Answered by MJS last updated on 16/Nov/18

f(x) is kind of a parabola. I don′t think we  can find f^(−1) (x) but of course we can approximately  calculate the area. area between f and f^(−1) =  =2×area between f and y=x  x^2 −(√(x^2 +x+1))=x ⇒ x_1 ≈−.557317; x_2 ≈2.27745  2∣∫_x_1  ^x_2  x^2 −x−(√(x^2 +x+1))dx∣=  =∣2[(x^3 /3)−(x^2 /2)−(((2x+1)(√(x^2 +x+1)))/4)−((3ln (2x+1+2(√(x^2 +x+1))))/8)]_x_1  ^x_2  ∣≈  ≈6.47706


Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Nov/18

this is only an approximation as MJS  sir said.  to be exact the common area of f(x)  and f^(−1) (x) is not always 2×area btw.  f(x) and y=x, as in this case.  The common area is the green shaded  area. But the area between f(x) and  y=x includes also the blue shaded area.


Commented by mr W last updated on 17/Nov/18

Commented by MJS last updated on 17/Nov/18

you′re right  in our case, the common points ∉y=x are   ((0),((−1)) ) and  (((−1)),(0) ). I′ll try to find this small area...    ...because of the symmetry of f and f^(−1)  the  small area is  2(∣∫_(−.557317) ^0 f(x)dx∣−∣∫_(−1) ^0 f(x)dx−∫_(−.557317) ^0 (f(x)+.557317)dx∣)=.0133537  and the resulting area between f and f^(−1)  is  ≈6.46370


Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/Nov/18

I thought of a way..


Commented by MJS last updated on 17/Nov/18

...still trying to find f^(−1) ...


Answered by ajfour last updated on 17/Nov/18

let  f^( −1) (x) = y , then      x = y^2 −(√(y^2 +y+1))   ⇒  y^2  = x+(√(y^2 +y+1))   let  [z(y)]^2  = x−(√(y^2 +y+1))   ⇒   y^2 +z^2  = 2x     ...(i)  &    (y^2 −z^2 )^2  =4(y^2 +y+1 )  ...(ii)   So let  y = 2xcos θ , z = 2xsin θ    Then  From (ii)  [4x^2 (2cos^2 θ−1)]^2 =4(4x^2 cos^2 θ                                            +2xcos θ+1)  ⇒  4x^4 (4cos^4 θ−4cos^2 θ+1)                       = 4x^2 cos^2 θ+2xcos θ+1  ⇒  (2xcos θ)^4 −(1+4x^2 )(2xcos θ)^2                               −2xcos θ−1 = 0  back again  y = 2xcos θ  ⇒  y^4 −ay^2 −y−1 = 0               where  a = 1+4x^2   Let   (y^2 +Ay+B)(y^2 −Ay+C)=0  ⇔   y^4 −ay^2 −y−1 = 0  ⇒    B+C−A^2  = −a            A(B−C) = 1                BC = −1  ⇒ (B−C)^2 = (1/A^2 )  ; (B+C)^2  = (A^2 −a)^2   ⇒  (A^2 −a)^2 −(1/A^2 ) = −4   or    A^2 (A^2 −a)^2 +4A^2 −1 = 0  let  A^2  = s         s(s−a)^2 +4s−1 = 0     ........................................  ________________________.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/Nov/18

Two roots should get rejected;  consequence of squaring..


Commented by last updated on 17/Nov/18

thank you all of my dears.god bless  you all.


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