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Question Number 48668 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 26/Nov/18

let f(x)=(e^(−2x) /(x+1))  1) calculate f^((n)) (x) and f^((n)) (0) .  2) develop f at integr serie .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 27/Nov/18

1) leibniz formula give f^((n)) (x) =Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  ((1/(x+1)))^((k)) (e^(−2x) )^((n−k))  ⇒  f^((n)) (x) =Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  (((−1)^k k!)/((x+1)^(k+1) )) (−2)^(n−k)  e^(−2x)   and   f^((n)) (0) =Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k   (−1)^k k! (−2)^(n−k) =Σ_(k=0) ^n  ((n!)/(k!(n−k)!))(−2)^n  k!  =(−2)^n n!Σ_(k=0) ^n   (1/((n−k)!))  2) we have f(x)=Σ_(n=0) ^∞   ((f^((n)) (0))/(n!)) x^n  ⇒f(x)=Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (−2)^n {Σ_(k=0) ^n  (1/((n−k)!))}x^n   ⇒f(x)=Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (Σ_(k=0) ^n    (((−2)^n )/((n−k)!)))x^n    .


Commented by Abdulhafeez Abu qatada last updated on 28/Nov/18

    very beautiful


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 28/Nov/18

thank you sir.


Answered by Abdulhafeez Abu qatada last updated on 26/Nov/18

    Let y = f(x) = (e^(−2x) /(x + 1))  y′ = ((−2(x+1)e^(−2x)  − e^(−2x) )/((x + 1)^2 ))  y′ = −2y − (y/((x+1)))  y′(x + 1) + y = −2y(x + 1)       y′(x + 1) + y = −2y(x + 1)  y′(x + 1) + (1+2(x + 1))y = 0  y′(x + 1) + (2x + 3)y = 0    Applying Leibnitz theorem to obtain the nth derivative  y^((n+1)) (x + 1) + ny^((n))  + y^((n)) (2x + 3) + 2ny^((n−1))  = 0  at x = 0  (y^((n+1)) )_0  + n(y^((n)) )_0  + 3(y^((n)) )_0  + 2n(y^((n−1)) )_0  = 0  (y^((n+1)) )_0  + 4(y^((n)) )_0  + 2n(y^((n−1)) )_0  = 0    This is a recurrence relation, so we apply the Leibnitz−maclaurin method to obtain a series  (y)_0  = f(0) = (e^(−2(0)) /(0 + 1)) = 1  y′(x + 1) + (2x + 3)y = 0  (y′)_0  + 3(y)_0  = 0  (y′)_0  + 3(y)_0  = 0  (y′)_0  + 3 = 0  (y′)_0  = −3  (y′′)_0  + 4(−3) + 2 = 0   (y′′)_0   = 10  (y′′′)_0  + 4(y′′)_0  + 2(2)(y′)_0  = 0  (y′′′)_0  + 4(10) + 2(2)(−3) = 0  (y′′′)_0  = −28  (y^((iv)) )_0  = 52  (y^((v)) )_0  = 16  y = (y)_0  + x(y′)_0  + ((x^2 (y′′)_0 )/(2!)) + ((x^3 (y′′′)_0 )/(3!)) + ((x^4 (y^((iv)) )_0 )/(4!)) + ((x^5 (y^((v)) )_0 )/(5!)) +...  y = 1 − 3x + 5x^2  − ((14x^3 )/3) + ((13x^4 )/6) + ((2x^5 )/(15)) +...  y = f(x) = (e^(−2x) /(x + 1)) = 1 − 3x + 5x^2  − ((14x^3 )/3) + ((13x^4 )/6) + ((2x^5 )/(15)) +...    Hafeez Ayinde(Abu qatada)


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