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Question Number 48725 by Tawa1 last updated on 27/Nov/18

∫ ∫  (√(x^2  + y^2 ))   dx dy,                   (√(3y))   ≤  x  ≤  (√(4 − y^2 ))  ,         0 ≤ y ≤ 2


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 27/Nov/18

let I =∫∫_D   (√(x^2  +y^2 ))dxdy   with D={(x,y)∈R^2 /0≤y≤2 and  (√(3y))≤x≤(√(4−y^2 ))  I =∫_0 ^2  (∫_(√(3y)) ^(√(4−y^2 )) (√(x^2  +y^2 ))dx)dy let find A(y)=∫_(√(3y)) ^(√(4−y^2 ))    (√(x^2  +y^2 ))dx  A(y) =_(x=ysh(t))    ∫_(argsh(((√3)/(√y)))) ^(argsh(((√(4−y^2 ))/y))) ych(t)y ch(t)dt  = y^2 ∫_(ln(((√3)/(√y)) +(√(3/y^2 ))+1)) ^(ln(((√(4−y^2 ))/y) +(√((4−y^2 )/y^2 ))+1)) ((1+ch(2t))/2) dt  =(y^2 /2){ln(((√(4−y^2 ))/y)+(2/y))−ln(((√3)/(√y)) +(√(3/y^2 ))+1)}  +(y^2 /4)[sh(2t)]_(α(y)) ^(β(y))  =...+(y^2 /8)[ e^(2t) −e^(−2t) ]_(α(y)) ^(β(y))   =....+(y^2 /8){ (((√(4−y^2 ))/y) +(2/y))^2  −(((√3)/(√y)) +(√((3/y^2 )+1)))^(−2) } ⇒  A(y)=(y^2 /2){ln(((√(4−y^2 ))/y) +(2/y))−ln(((√3)/(√y)) +(√((3/y^2 )+1)))  +(y^2 /8){ln(((√(4−y^2 ))/y) +(2/y))−ln(((√3)/(√y)) +(√((3/y^2 )+1)))^(−2) } ⇒  I =∫_0 ^2 A(y)dy continued...


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 29/Nov/18

God bless you sir


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 01/Dec/18

thank you sir .


Answered by MJS last updated on 28/Nov/18

(1)  ∫(√(x^2 +y^2 ))dx=       [t=arcsinh (x/y) → x=ysinh t ∧ dx=ycosh t dt]  =∫ycosh t (√(y^2 +y^2 sinh^2  t))dt=y^2 ∫cosh^2  t dt=  =(y^2 /2)∫cosh 2t dt+(y^2 /2)∫dt=(y^2 /4)sinh 2t +(y^2 /2)t=       [y≥0]  =(x/2)(√(x^2 +y^2 ))+(y^2 /2)arcsinh (x/y)  ∫_(√(3y)) ^(√(4−y^2 )) (√(x^2 +y^2 ))dx=(√(4−y^2 ))+(y^2 /2)arcsinh ((√(4−y^2 ))/y) −(y/2)(√(3(y+3)))−(y^2 /2)arcsinh (√(3/y))  (2.1)  ∫(√(4−y^2 ))dy=       [u=arcsin (y/2) → y=2sin u ∧ dy=2cos u du]  =∫2cos u (√(4−4sin^2  u))du=4∫cos^2  u du=  =2∫cos 2u du+2∫du=sin 2u +2u=  =(y/2)(√(4−y^2 ))+2arcsin (y/2)  (2.2)  ∫(y^2 /2)arcsinh ((√(4−y^2 ))/y) dy=        [((∫f′g=fg−∫fg′ with: f′=(y^2 /2) → f=(y^3 /6))),((g=arcsinh ((√(4−y^2 ))/y) → g′=−(2/(y(√(4−y^2 )))))) ]  =(y^3 /6)arcsinh ((√(4−y^2 ))/y) +(1/3)∫(y^2 /(√(4−y^2 )))dy=            (1/3)∫(y^2 /(√(4−y^2 )))dy=(1/3)∫((y^2 −4+4)/(√(4−y^2 )))dy=            =−(1/3)∫(√(4−y^2 ))dy+(4/3)∫(dy/(√(4−y^2 )))=            =−(y/6)(√(4−y^2 ))+(2/3)arcsin (y/2)  =(y^3 /6)arcsinh ((√(4−y^2 ))/y) −(y/6)(√(4−y^2 ))+(2/3)arcsin (y/2)  (2.3)  ∫−(y/2)(√(3(y+3)))dy=−((√3)/2)∫y(√(y+3))dy=       [v=y+3 → dy=dv]  =−((√3)/2)∫(v−3)(√v)dv=((3(√3))/2)∫v^(1/2) dv−((√3)/2)∫v^(3/2) dv=  =(√3)v^(3/2) −((√3)/5)v^(5/2) =(√3)(y+3)^(3/2) −((√3)/5)(y+3)^(5/2) =((√3)/5)(2−y)(y+3)^(3/2)   (2.4)  ∫−(y^2 /2)arcsinh (√(3/y))dy=−(1/2)∫y^2 arcsinh (√(3/y))dy=       [w=(y^3 /3) → dx=(dw/y^2 )]  =−(1/2)∫arcsinh ((3)^(1/3) /(w)^(1/6) ) dw=        [((∫f′g=fg−∫fg′ with: f′=1 → f=w)),((g=arcsinh ((3)^(1/3) /(w)^(1/6) ) → g′=−((3)^(1/3) /(6w(√((w)^(1/3) +(9)^(1/3) )))))) ]  =−(w/2)arcsinh ((3)^(1/3) /(w)^(1/6) ) −((3)^(1/3) /(12))∫(dw/(√((w)^(1/3) +(9)^(1/3) )))            −((3)^(1/3) /(12))∫(dw/(√((w)^(1/3) +(9)^(1/3) )))=                 [z=(w)^(1/3) +(9)^(1/3)  → dw=3(z−(9)^(1/3) )dz]            =−((3)^(1/3) /4)∫z^(3/2) dz+(3/2)∫z^(1/2) dz−((3(9)^(1/3) )/4)∫z^(−(1/2)) dz=            =−((3)^(1/3) /(10))z^(5/2) +z^(3/2) −((3(9)^(1/3) )/2)z^(1/2) =(−((3)^(1/3) /(10))(w^2 )^(1/3) +(2/5)(w)^(1/3) −((4(9)^(1/3) )/5))(√((w)^(1/3) +(9)^(1/3) ))  =−(w/2)arcsinh ((3)^(1/3) /(w)^(1/6) ) −(((3)^(1/3) /(10))(w^2 )^(1/3) −(2/5)(w)^(1/3) +((4(9)^(1/3) )/5))(√((w)^(1/3) +(9)^(1/3) ))=  =−(y^3 /6)arcsinh ((9)^(1/3) /y) −(1/(30))(y^2 −4y+24)(√(3(y+3)))  ∫_0 ^2 (∫_(√(3y)) ^(√(4−y^2 )) (√(x^2 +y^2 ))dx)dy=((4π)/3)−(4/3)arcsinh ((9)^(1/3) /2) −((2(√(15)))/3)−(6/5)≈−.805740


Commented by MJS last updated on 28/Nov/18

...please someone check for typos. it′s 3 a.m.  and I′m really tired...


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 28/Nov/18

thank you sir for this hard work this is the way.


Commented by MJS last updated on 28/Nov/18

you′re welcome


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 29/Nov/18

God bless you sir


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