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Question Number 49559 by Rio Michael last updated on 07/Dec/18

Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 07/Dec/18

The figure below shows an object of mass 60kg pulled up  by an effort of 4000J through an inclined plane 30° to the   horizontal.  a) Sketch the diagram showing all forces acting on the object  as it moves up the inclined plane.  b) The object is allowed to fall through a vertical height of 6m  calculate the change in potential energy.  c) Calculate the efficiency of the system above hence state  why its less then 100%.


Answered by afachri last updated on 07/Dec/18

Commented by afachri last updated on 08/Dec/18

sir, pardon me. i did a mistake in the   diagram. the arrow of w cos30   should be w , and w arrow  should be   w cos30. i am so sorry.


Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 08/Dec/18

no problem sir


Commented by Rio Michael last updated on 08/Dec/18

thanks sir i saw that already


Commented by afachri last updated on 07/Dec/18

your welcome Sir. the other  answer below.


Answered by afachri last updated on 07/Dec/18

B) let′s  say the gravity conts : 10 m/s^2         △Potential energy  =  m.g.△h                                                            =  (60 Kg)(10  m/s^2 )(6 m)                                                            =  3600 J  C)  find first :   w sin(30) and F                      w sin(30°)  =  m × g × sin(30°)                                                =  60  ×  10  (1/(2 ))                                                =  300 J          and,                           F                  =    (W/s)                                                   = (4000 J) / 12 m = ((1000)/3) N         so, the efficiency of system will be :        e  =  ((w sin (30°))/F) × 100%             =  90%  ⇒  reason : cause applied effort (4000 J ; 300 N)                                       is over than the force needed (((1000)/3) N)


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