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Question Number 49859 by hassentimol last updated on 11/Dec/18

Commented by hassentimol last updated on 11/Dec/18

Could someone please explain me why this ?  I know that 0.999...=1 is true but why the  above shown is correct ? I don′t undersand it...


Commented by last updated on 11/Dec/18

Commented by last updated on 11/Dec/18

Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Dec/18

we have 0,99..=0,9 +0,09 +..=(9/(10)) +(9/(100)) +(9/(1000)) +...  =(9/(10))( 1 +(1/(10)) +(1/(100)) +...) =(9/(10))( 1+(1/(10)) +((1/(10)))^2  +...) =(9/(10)) .(1/(1−(1/(10)))) =1  ⇒  lim_(n→+∞) 0,999....9( with n 9)=1 ⇒[lim_(n→+∞) ]=1  but ∀n ∈N   0,999..(n 9) <1 ⇒[0,9999(n 9]=0 ⇒lim_(n→+∞) [....]=0


Answered by MJS last updated on 11/Dec/18

the ⌊ ⌋ make the difference  ⌊x⌋ is the greatest integer ≤x  ⌊lim_(n→∞)  f(n)⌋ calculates the limit first. in our  case the limit is 1, and ⌊1⌋=1  lim_(n→∞) ⌊f(n)⌋ calculates the limit of the greatest  integer, ⌊0.9999...⌋=0, no matter how many  9s you add


Answered by mr W last updated on 11/Dec/18

T_n =0.9999...9=0.9+0.09+0.009+...+0.0000...9  =(9/(10))+(9/(10^2 ))+(9/(10^3 ))+...+(9/(10^n ))  =9((1/(10))+(1/(10^2 ))+(1/(10^3 ))+...+(1/(10^n )))  =9×(((1/(10))(1−(1/(10^(n+1) ))))/(1−(1/(10))))=1−(1/(10^(n+1) ))>0 but <1    lim_(n→∞)  T_n =1  ⌊lim_(n→∞)  T_n ⌋=⌊1⌋=1  i.e. ⌊lim_(n→∞)  0.9999...99⌋=1    ⌊T_n ⌋=0, since 0< T_n <1  lim_(n→∞) ⌊T_n ⌋=lim_(n→∞) 0=0  i.e. lim_(n→∞) ⌊0.9999...99⌋=0


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