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Question Number 49877 by ajfour last updated on 11/Dec/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 11/Dec/18

Find maximum area in blue.


Answered by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/18

((sin α)/R)=((sin θ)/l)  ⇒sin α=(R/l) sin θ=((sin θ)/λ)  cos α (dα/dθ)=(1/λ)cos θ  A_(blue) =((Rl)/2) sin (α+θ)−((R^2 θ)/2)  A=(R^2 /2)[(l/R) sin (α+θ)−θ]  A=(R^2 /2)[λ sin (α+θ)−θ]=(R^2 /2)f(θ)  f(θ)=λ sin (α+θ)−θ  ((df(θ))/dθ)=λ cos (α+θ)((dα/dθ)+1)−1=λ cos (α+θ)((1/(λ cos α)) cos θ+1)−1=0  ⇒cos (α+θ)(((cos θ)/(cos α))+λ)−1=0  ⇒(cos α cos θ−sin α sin θ)(((cos θ)/(cos α))+λ)−1=0  ⇒(cos θ−tan α sin θ)(cos θ+λ cos α)−1=0  ⇒(cos θ−((sin^2  θ)/(√(λ^2 −sin^2  θ))))(1+((√(λ^2 −sin^2  θ))/λ^2 ))−1=0  ⇒θ=.....  with λ=2/1=2,⇒θ=47.06°⇒A=0.5199


Commented by ajfour last updated on 11/Dec/18

Thanks Sir!


Answered by MJS last updated on 11/Dec/18

R=1  A(p)=blue area=triangle−part of circle  q=(√(l^2 −((√(1−p^2 )))^2 ))=(√(l^2 +p^2 −1))  A(p)=(1/2)q(√(1−p^2 ))−∫_p ^1 (√(1−x^2 ))dx  A(p)=(1/2)((p+(√(l^2 +p^2 −1)))(√(1−p^2 ))−arccos p)  A′(p)=−(1/2)×((2p^3 +(l^2 −2)p+2(p^2 −1)(√(l^2 +p^2 −1)))/((√(1−p^2 ))(√(l^2 +p^2 −1))))  A′(p)=0  2p^3 +(l^2 −2)p+2(p^2 −1)(√(l^2 +p^2 −1))=0  ⇒ p^4 +((l^4 +4l^2 −8)/4)p−l^2 +1=0  p=(√(1−(l^4 /8)−(l^2 /2)+((l^3 (√(l^2 +8)))/8)))  A(p) can be calculated for given l


Commented by ajfour last updated on 11/Dec/18

Thank you Sir, quite amazing way.  what if l=2 , R=1 ?


Commented by MJS last updated on 11/Dec/18

l=2 ⇒ p=(√(2(√3)−3))≈.681250  A(p)≈.519941  which values do you get?


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/18

I got the same value A≈0.5199.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/18

let Rsin θ = lsin φ = y  ⇒  Rcos θ = lcos φ (dφ/dθ)  let  (l/R) = λ   ⇒    λ(dφ/dθ) = ((cos θ)/(cos φ))   &   sin φ = ((sin θ)/λ)     ...(i)  A = ((Rsin θ)/2)(Rcos θ+lcos φ)−((R^2 θ)/2)  2A = sin θ(cos θ+λcos φ)−θ  ((d(2A))/dθ) = cos θ(cos θ+λcos φ)                −sin θ(sin θ+λsin φ(dφ/dθ))−1  (dA/dθ) = 0 ⇒    cos^2 θ+λcos θcos φ = 1+sin^2 θ                                   +sin θsin φ ((cos θ)/(cos φ))  ⇒ 2sin^2 θ = cos θ(λcos φ−((sin^2 θ)/(λcos φ)))  ⇒  4sin^4 θ    = cos^2 θ(λ^2 cos^2 φ+((sin^4 θ)/(λ^2 cos^2 φ))−2sin^2 θ)  let  sin^2 θ = t  ⇒ 4t^2 =(1−t)(λ^2 −t+(t^2 /(λ^2 −t))−2t)  ⇒ 4t^2 (λ^2 −t)=(1−t)(4t^2 −4λ^2 t+λ^4 )  ⇒ 4t^2 λ^2 −4t^3  = 4t^2 −4λ^2 t+λ^4                                          −4t^3 +4λ^2 t^2 −λ^4 t  ⇒   4t^2 −λ^2 (4+λ^2 )t+λ^4  = 0   t = ((λ^2 (4+λ^2 )±(√(λ^4 (4+λ^2 )^2 −16λ^4 )))/8)  for  λ = 2      sin θ = (√(4−2(√3)))


Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/18

Thanks for checking it Sir!


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/18

sin θ = (√(4−2(√3))) ⇒θ=47.0586°⇒A=0.5199  this is correct sir.


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