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Question Number 49937 by turbo msup by abdo last updated on 12/Dec/18

let u_n =(((−1)^n )/2^n ) + 3n+1  find Σ_(n=0) ^(49)  u_n


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 13/Dec/18

we have u_n =v_n  +w_n   with v_n =(−(1/2))^n  geometric with q=−(1/2)  and w_n =3n+1 srithmetic with r =3   Σ_(n=0) ^(49) u_n =Σ_(n=0) ^(49)  u_n  +Σ_(n=0) ^(49)  w_n   =u_0  ((1−q^(50) )/(1−q))  +((50)/2)(w_0  +w_n )  =((1−(−(1/2))^(50) )/(1+(1/2))) +25(1+3n+1)  =(2/3)(1−(1/2^(50) )) +25(3n+2) .


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 13/Dec/18

n=49 ⇒Σ_(n=0) ^(49)  u_n =(2/3)(1−(1/2^(50) ))+25(3.49 +2)  =(2/3)(1−(1/2^(50) )) +25.147 +2 =....


Answered by afachri last updated on 12/Dec/18

Σ_(n =  0) ^(49) (((−1)^n )/2^n ) + 3n + 1     =     Σ_(n = 1) ^(50)  (2^(−1) )^(n − 1) + 3(n − 1) + 1                                                        =      Σ_(n = 1) ^(50) [_ ^ (2)^(1−n)  + 3n − 2 _^ ]                                                        =      Σ_(n = 1) ^(50)  ((2/2^n )  + 3n − 2)  Split the eq in three terms :    =  Σ_(n = 1) ^(50)  ((2/2^n ))    +   3Σ_(n = 1) ^(50)  (n)   −   Σ_(n = 1) ^(50) (2)   note : (2/2^n ) is geometric series with r = −(1/2)                 so the sigma will be its sum. S_(50)  = ((a(1 − r^n ))/(1 − r))    =  (((1(1 − (− (1/2))^(50) ))/(1 − (−(1/2)))))    +    3(((50(51))/2))    −   2(50)    =   (2/3)(((2^(50) − 1)/2^(50) ))     +    3825   −   100  The result for ((2^(50) − 1)/2^(50) )  is  ≈ 1        =  ((2(1))/3)   +   3725     =  3725(2/3)     [  Done  ]


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