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Question Number 50007 by Joel578 last updated on 13/Dec/18

For a < x < b, find   ∫_a ^b  (√(x−a)) . (√(b−x)) dx

Fora<x<b,find baxa.bxdx

Commented byAbdo msup. last updated on 13/Dec/18

changement (√(x−a))=t give x−a=t^2  ⇒  I =∫_0 ^(√(b−a)) t(√(b−(a+t^2 )))2t dt =2∫_0 ^(√(b−a)) t^2 (√(b−a−t^2 ))dt  =_(t=(√(b−a))sinu)   2 ∫_0 ^(π/2)  (b−a)sin^2 u(√(b−a))cosu (√(b−a))cosu du  =2(b−a)^2  ∫_0 ^(π/2)  sin^2 u cos^2 u du  =2(b−a)^2  (1/4) ∫_0 ^(π/2)  sin^2 (2u) du  =(((b−a)^2 )/2) ∫_0 ^(π/2)  ((1−cos(4u))/2) du  =(((b−a)^2 )/4) ∫_0 ^(π/2)   (1−cos(4u))du  =(π/8)(b−a)^2  −(((b−a)^2 )/(16))[sin(4u)]_0 ^(π/2)   ★I=(π/8)(b−a)^2  ★

changementxa=tgivexa=t2 I=0batb(a+t2)2tdt=20bat2bat2dt =t=basinu20π2(ba)sin2ubacosubacosudu =2(ba)20π2sin2ucos2udu =2(ba)2140π2sin2(2u)du =(ba)220π21cos(4u)2du =(ba)240π2(1cos(4u))du =π8(ba)2(ba)216[sin(4u)]0π2 I=π8(ba)2

Answered by ajfour last updated on 13/Dec/18

let  x− ((a+b)/2) = t  ∫_(−((b−a)/2)) ^(  ((b−a)/2)) (√(t+((b−a)/2))) (√(((b−a)/2)−t)) dt  let    c = ((b−a)/2)  =∫_(−c) ^(  c) (√(c^2 −t^2 )) dt = 2∫_0 ^(  c) (√(c^2 −t^2 )) dt  = 2[(t/2)(√(c^2 −t^2 ))+(c^2 /2)sin^(−1) (t/c)]_0 ^c   =  ((c^2 π)/2) = (((b−a)^2 π)/8) .

letxa+b2=t ba2ba2t+ba2ba2tdt letc=ba2 =ccc2t2dt=20cc2t2dt =2[t2c2t2+c22sin1tc]0c =c2π2=(ba)2π8.

Commented byMJS last updated on 13/Dec/18

grea solutiont!


Commented byajfour last updated on 13/Dec/18

When we come across matters  that do not require our attention  at this moment, although are  necessary for our conclusion,  then it is better to represent them  by the briefest possible symbols.    - Rene Descartes (Discourse on Method)

Whenwecomeacrossmatters thatdonotrequireourattention atthismoment,althoughare necessaryforourconclusion, thenitisbettertorepresentthem bythebriefestpossiblesymbols. ReneDescartes(DiscourseonMethod)

Commented byJoel578 last updated on 13/Dec/18

very well Sir


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