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Question Number 50219 by last updated on 14/Dec/18

Answered by peter frank last updated on 15/Dec/18

all question above  lie on the concept(partial fraction)  ∫((5x+3)/(x^3 −2x^2 −2x))=∫((5x+3)/(x(x+1)(x−3)))  (A/(x ))+(B/(x−3 ))+(C/(x+1))  A=−1  B=(3/2)   C=−(1/2)  ∫−(1/(x ))dx+(3/2)∫(dx/(x−3 ))+−(1/2)∫(dx/(x+1))  −ln x+(3/2)ln (x−3)−(1/2)ln (x+1)+M


Answered by afachri last updated on 15/Dec/18

Answered by afachri last updated on 15/Dec/18

Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 23/Dec/18

let decompose F(x)= ((3x^2 −21x +32)/(x(x−4)^2 ))  F(x)= (a/x) +(b/(x−4)) +(c/((x−4)^2 ))  c =lim_(x→4) (x−4)^2 F(x)=((3.16−21.4 +32)/4)  =12−21 +8 =−1 ⇒F(x)=(a/x) +(b/(x−4)) −(1/((x−4)^2 ))  lim_(x→+∞) xF(x)=3 =a+b  F(1) = ((3−21+32)/9) =((35−21)/9) =((14)/9) =a−(b/3) −(1/9) ⇒  14 =9a−3b−1 ⇒9a−3b=15 ⇒3a−b =5 ⇒  3a−(3−a)=5 ⇒4a=8 ⇒a=2  and b=1 ⇒  F(x)=(2/x) +(1/(x−4)) −(1/((x−4)^2 )) ⇒  ∫ F(x)dx =2ln∣x∣+ln∣x−4∣+(1/(x−4)) +c .


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 23/Dec/18

i see that the decomposition in given answer is  not correct but the result is correct.


Answered by last updated on 15/Dec/18

3)∫((5x^2 +12x+9)/(x(x^2 +3x+2)))dx  ∫((5x^2 +12x+9)/(x(x+1)(x+2)))dx=∫(a/x)+(b/(x+1))+(c/(x+2))dx  alnx+bln(x+1)+cln(x+2)+d  now calculating a,b,c  5x^2 +12x+9=a(x+1)(x+2)+bx(x+2)+cx(x+1)  put x=0  9=2a   a=(9/2)  put x+1=0  5(−1)^2 +12(−1)+9=b×−1×(−1+2)  2=−b   b=−2  put x+2=0  5(−2)^2 +12(−2)+9=c×−2×(−2+1)  5=2c  c=(5/2)  so abswer is  (9/2)lnx−2ln(x+1)+(5/2)ln(x+2)+d


Commented by last updated on 15/Dec/18

my problem is the beginning to  descompose, thank u my friend


Answered by afachri last updated on 15/Dec/18

Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 23/Dec/18

let decompose F(x)=((2x^2  +x−4)/(x(x−2)(x+1)))  F(x)=(a/x) +(b/(x−2)) +(c/(x+1))  a =lim_(x→0) xF(x)=((−4)/((−2))) =2  b =lim_(x→2) (x−2)F(x)=(6/6) =1  c =lim_(x→−1) (x+1)F(x)= ((−3)/3)=−1 ⇒  F(x) =(2/x) +(1/(x−2)) −(1/((x+1)))⇒  ∫ F(x)dx?=2ln∣x∣+ln∣x−2∣−ln∣x+1∣ +c .


Answered by afachri last updated on 15/Dec/18

(5)  ∫ ((8x+1)/(x(x^2 −6x+9))) dx = ∫((8x+1)/(x(x−3)^2 )) dx                                                           = ∫(A/x)  +  (B/(x−3)) + ((Cx+D)/((x−3)^2 )) dx  x = 0  ;   x = 3  so A  and B are  :  A = ((8(0)+1)/((0−3)^2 )) = (1/9)     ;      B = ((8(3)+1)/3) = ((25)/3)  eq will be  :                ∫(1/(9x)) + ((25)/(3(x−3))) + ((Cx+D)/((x−3)^2 )) dx = ∫((8x + 1)/(x(x−3)^2 )) dx  (8x+1)  =  (1/9)(x−3)^2  + ((25)/3)x(x−3) + x(Cx+D)  9(8x+1) = x^2 −6x+9 + 25x^2  −75x + Cx^2 + Dx  9(8x+1) = (1+25+C)x^2  + (−6−75+D)x + 9  look :        (1+25+C) = 0      ⇒      C = −26  (−6−75+D) = 72   ⇒      D = 153           ⇒     Cx+D = −26x + 153  so eq :  ∫(1/(9x)) + ((25)/(3(x−3))) + ((153−26x)/((x−3)^2 )) =  ((ln x)/9) + ((25ln (x−3))/3) + ∫((−26x+153)/((x−3)^2 )) dx  •• ∫ ((−26x + 153)/((x−3)^2 )) dxu = x−3       let          u = x−3              ⇒          du = dx  −26u +75= −26x+78+75  ∫ ((−26u+75)/u^2 ) du  =  ∫−((26)/u)  +  ((75)/u^2 ) du                                          = −26 ln u −75u^(−1)                                            = −26 ln (x−3) + ((75)/(x−3))  so the result :           = ((ln x)/9) + ((25 ln (x−3))/3) − 26 ln (x−3) + ((75)/(x−3)) + C           = ((ln x)/9) − ((53 ln (x−3))/3) + ((75)/(x−3))+ C


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 24/Dec/18

let I =  ∫  ((8x+1)/(x(x^2 −6x+9)))dx ⇒  I =∫ ((8x+1)/(x(x−3)^2 ))dx let devompose  F(x)= ((8x+1)/(x(x−3)^2 )) ⇒F(x)= (a/x) +(b/(x−3)) +(c/((x−3)^2 ))  a =lim_(x→0) xF(x)=(1/9)  c =lim_(x→3) (x−3)^2 F(x)=((25)/3) ⇒  F(x)= (1/(9x)) +(b/(x−3)) +((25)/(3(x−3)^2 ))  F(1)=(9/4) =(1/9) −(b/2) +((25)/(12)) ⇒9 =(4/9) −2b +((25)/3) ⇒  2b =(4/9) +((25)/3) −((27)/3) =(4/9)−(2/3) =((4−6)/9) =−(2/9) ⇒b=−(1/9)  F(x)=(1/(9x)) −(1/(9(x−3))) +((25)/(3(x−3)^2 )) ⇒  ∫ F(x)dx =(1/9)ln∣x∣−(1/9)ln∣x−3∣−((25)/(3(x−3))) +c .


Answered by afachri last updated on 15/Dec/18

(6)  ∫((5x+7)/(x(x^2 +4x+4))) dx  =   ∫((5x+7)/(x(x+2)^2 )) dx                                                            =  ∫ (A/x)  +  (B/(x+2))  +  ((Cx+D)/((x+2)^2 )) dx  to define A and B :     x = 0     ;     x+2 = 0                                      x = −2     A = ((5(0)+7)/((0+2)^2 )) = (7/4)        ;        B = ((5(−2)+7)/((−2))) = (3/2)  So the eq :    ∫ (7/(4x)) + (3/(2(x+2))) + ((Cx+D)/((x+2)^2 )) dx  =  ∫((5x+7)/(x(x+2)^2 )) dx  to define C and D  :     (( 7(x+2)^2 )/4) + ((3x(x+2))/2) + x(Cx+D)    =  5x+7     then multiplied by 4    7(x+2)^2  + 6x(x+2) + 4x(Cx+D)   = 20x + 28  (7+6+4C)x^2 + (28+12+4D)x + (28)   =  20x+28   observe :       (7+6+4C)x^2  =  0x^2             ⇒          C = −((13)/4)  (28+12+4D)x  =  20x           ⇒          D = −5  so ,   Cx+D  =  (−((13)/4)x − 5)(4/4)  = ((−13x −20)/4)                                                                               =  −((13x+20)/4)  eq will be  :  ∫ (7/(4x)) + (3/(2(x+2))) − (((13x+20))/(4(x+2)^2 ))  dx                         =  ((7ln x)/4)  +  ((3ln (x+2))/2)  −  ((13ln (x+2))/4)  + (6/(4(x+2)))  +  C                         =  ((7ln x)/4)  −  ((7ln (x+2))/4)  +  (3/(2(x+2)))  +  C                         =  (7/4)[ ln ((x/(x+2))) ]  +  (3/(2(x+2)))  +  C


Commented by last updated on 15/Dec/18

with u i am learning more. i have master  other country


Commented by afachri last updated on 15/Dec/18

hehehe i′m not that good my friend. i am  still a student. we can share and cmplete  each other here :) Glad to give a friend  a hand :)


Commented by afachri last updated on 15/Dec/18

waw it′s great sir. i′ll text you. i′m Indonesian.


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