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Question Number 50258 by rahul 19 last updated on 15/Dec/18

A delegation of 4 students is to be  selected from a total of 12 students.  In how many ways can the delegation  be selected if:  1) 2 particular students wish to be   included together only in the delegation?  2) 2 particular students refuse to be   together and 2 other particular students  wish to be together only in the delegation?


Answered by mr W last updated on 15/Dec/18

A,B are the two students who want  to be together in the delegation.  C,D are the two students who refuse  to be together in the delegation.  1)  with A and B: C_2 ^(10)  ways  without A and B: C_4 ^(10)  ways  ⇒C_2 ^(10) +C_4 ^(10) =255 ways    2)  with A and B: C_2 ^(10) −1  to select the other two delegates from  the other 10 students, there are C_2 ^(10)   ways, but the selection with C and D  together must be excluded, therefore  there are only C_2 ^(10) −1 ways.    without A and B: C_4 ^(10) −C_2 ^8   all 4 delegates will be selected from the  other 10 students, there are C_4 ^(10)  ways,  with C and D together there are C_2 ^8   ways which must be excluded, therefore  there are only C_4 ^(10) −C_2 ^8  ways.    ⇒C_2 ^(10) −1+C_4 ^(10) −C_2 ^8 =255−29=226 ways


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 15/Dec/18

thank you sir!��

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