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Question Number 50278 by LYCON TRIX last updated on 15/Dec/18

(√(a+(√(a−x)))) + (√(a−(√(a+x)))) = 2x  please i beg u guys   please solve this question


Commented by ajfour last updated on 15/Dec/18

a and x ∈ R  or C ?


Commented by MJS last updated on 15/Dec/18

would you be so kind to tell us where this  equation comes from?


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 15/Dec/18

its only a trying let use the changement x =acos(2t)  (e) ⇔ (√(a+(√(a−acos(2t)))))+(√(a−(√a)))=2a cos(2t) ⇒  (√(a+(√a)(√(1−cos(2t)))))+(√(a−(√a)(√(1+cos(2t)))))=2a cos(2t) ⇒  (√(a+(√(2a))sint))+(√(a−(√(2a))cost))=2acos(2t)  ⇒  a+(√(2a))sint +2(√(a+(√(2a))sint))(√(a−(√(2a))cost)) +a−(√(2a))cost =4a^2 cos^2 (2t) ⇒  2a+(√(2a))(sint −cost) +2(√((a+(√(2a))sint)(a−(√(2a))cost))) =4a^2 cos^2 (2t) ⇒  (4a^2 cos^2 (2t)−2a−(√(2a))(sint −cost))^2 =4(a^2 −a(√(2a))cost +a(√(2a))sint −2asint cost) cntinued   i think that way can give something if we resist to storm  of calculus...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Aug/23

A past prize question, i wonder who got the prize.  just name the guy, wont u?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 15/Mar/25

okay, i now know how much i need.  ..say 50 crore rupees ( Indian currency)  would amply suffice.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 15/Mar/25

Answered by last updated on 17/Dec/18

a+x=t^2 ,a−x=s^2 ⇒x=((t^2 −s^2 )/2),a=((t^2 +s^2 )/2)  (√(a+s))+(√(a−t))=t^2 −s^2   a+s+a−t+2(√((a+s)(a−t)))=(t^2 −s^2 )^2   2(√((a+s)(a−t)))=(t^2 −s^2 )^2 +t−s−2a=  =t^4 +s^4 −2t^2 s^2 −t^2 −s^2 +t−s  ⇒4(a^2 −at+as−st)=  =t^8 +s^8 +4t^4 s^4 +t^4 +s^4 +t^2 +s^2 +  +2t^4 s^4 −4t^6 s^2 −2t^6 −2t^4 s^2 +2t^5 −2t^4 s  −4t^2 s^6 −2s^4 t^2 −2s^6 +2ts^4 −2s^5 +4t^4 s^2   +4t^2 s^4 −4t^3 s^2 +4t^2 s^3 +2t^2 s^2 −2t^3 +2t^2 s  −2s^2 t+2s^3 −2ts  LHS=(t^2 +s^2 )^2 −2(t^2 +s^2 )(t−s)−4st=  =t^4 +s^4 +2t^2 s^2 −2t^3 +2t^2 s−2s^2 t+2s^3 −4st  RHS=t^8 +s^8 +6t^4 s^4 +t^4 +s^4 +t^2 +s^2   −4t^6 s^2 −2t^6 −2s^6 +2t^4 s^2 +2t^5 −2t^4 s  −4t^2 s^6 −2s^4 t^2 +2ts^4 −2s^5 +4t^2 s^4 −4t^3 s^2   +4t^2 s^3 +2t^2 s^2 −2t^3 +2t^2 s−2s^2 t+2s^3 −2ts  ⇒t^8 +s^8 −2t^6 −2s^6 +2t^5 +2s^5   +t^2 +s^2 +2ts−4t^6 s^2 +2t^4 s^2 −2t^4 s−4t^2 s^6   +2s^4 t^2 +2ts^4 −4t^3 s^2 +4t^2 s^3 +2t^2 s  −2s^2 t=0  (t^8 +s^8 )−2(t^6 +s^6 )+2(t^5 −s^5 )−  −4t^2 s^2 (t^4 +s^4 )−2ts(t^3 −s^3 )+  +(2t^2 s^2 +1)(t^2 +s^2 )−4t^2 s^2 (t−s)+  +6t^4 s^4 +2ts=0  t−s=p,ts=q  t^8 +s^8 =(t^4 −s^4 )^2 +2t^4 s^4 =  =(t^2 −s^2 )^2 (t^2 +s^2 )^2 +2t^4 s^4 =  =(t−s)^2 (t+s)^2 (t^2 +s^2 )^2 +2t^4 s^4 =  =(t−s)^2 ((t−s)^2 +4ts)((t−s)^2 +2ts)^2 +2t^4 s^4 =  =(p)^2 (p^2 +4q)(p^4 +4p^2 q+4q^2 )+2q^4 =  =(p^4 +4p^2 q)(p^4 +4p^2 q+4q^2 )+2q^4 =  =p^8 +8p^6 q+20p^4 q^2 +16p^2 q^3 +2q^4   t^6 +s^6 =(t^3 −s^3 )^2 +2t^3 s^3 =(t−s)^2 (t^2 +ts+s^2 )^2 +2t^3 s^3 =  =(p)^2 ((t−s)^2 +3ts)^2 +2t^3 s^3 =  =p^2 (p^2 +3q)^2 +2q^3 =  =p^6 +6p^4 q+9p^2 q^2 +2q^3   t^5 −s^5 =(t−s)(t^4 +t^3 s+t^2 s^2 +ts^3 +s^4 )=  =(t−s)(t^4 +s^4 +ts(t^2 +ts+s^2 ))=  =(t−s)((t^2 +s^2 )^2 −2t^2 s^2 +ts((t−s)^2 +3ts)=  =(t−s)[((t−s)^2 +2ts)^2 −2t^2 s^2 +ts((t−s)^2 +3ts))=  =p[((p^2 +2q)^2 −2q^2 +q(p^2 +3q))=  =p[(p^4 +4p^2 q+4q^2 )−2q^2 +qp^2 +3pq]=  =p^5 +5p^2 q+5pq^2   t^4 +s^4 =(t^2 +s^2 )^2 −2t^2 s^2 =[(t−s)^2 +2ts]^2 −2t^2 s^2 =  =[p^2 +2q]^2 −2q^2 =p^4 +4p^2 q+2q^2   t^3 −s^3 =(t−s)(t^2 +s^2 +ts)=p^3 +3pq  t^2 +s^2 =(t−s)^2 +2ts=p^2 +2q  after replacing and simplifing:  (p^8 −2p^6 +2p^5 +p^2 )+16p^2 (p^2 −1)q^2   +(8p^6 −12p^4 +8p^3 +4)q=0


Commented by last updated on 17/Dec/18


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