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Question Number 50820 by ajfour last updated on 20/Dec/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 20/Dec/18

Choose your origin and find   equation of parabola such that  it has maximum length inside  ellipse (parameters a and b).


Answered by ajfour last updated on 21/Dec/18

y=Ax^2 −b  bsin θ = Aa^2 cos^2 θ−b  let  sin θ = t  ⇒  Aa^2 (1−t^2 )−b = bt  other than t=−1      1−t = (b/(Aa^2 ))   ⇒   t=1−(b/(Aa^2 ))  ⇒  bsin θ = y_A  = b−(b^2 /(Aa^2 ))     x = (√((b+y)/A))   ⇒  (dx/dy) = (1/(2(√(A(b+y)))))     L=∫_A ^(  C) dl = 2∫_(−b) ^(  y_A ) (√(1+((dx/dy))^2 )) dy            = 2∫_(−b) ^(  y_A ) (√(1+(1/(4A(b+y))))) dy   (1/2)(dL/dA) = ∫_(−b) ^(  y_A ) (((−(1/(4A^2 (b+y)))))/(2(√(1+(1/(4A(b+y))))))) dy               +(b^2 /(A^2 a^2 ))(√(1+(1/(4A(2b−(b^2 /(Aa^2 )))))))    let I= ∫_(−b) ^(  y_A ) ((1/((b+y)))/(√(1+(1/(4A(b+y)))))) dy        =∫(dz/(√(z^2 +(z/(4A))))) = ∫(dz/(√((z+(1/(2A)))^2 −(1/(4A^2 )))))  =  ln ∣z+c+(√((z+c)^2 −c^2 ))∣+k          where [  c = (1/(2A))   ]  y_A  = b−(b^2 /(Aa^2 ))  ;  z_A =b+y_A =2b−((2b^2 c)/a^2 )  y_B  = −b  ⇒  z_B  = 0  let  z_A +c = t_A  = 2b+(1/(2A))(1−((2b^2 )/a^2 ))         t_B  = z_B +c =(1/(2A))  I = ln ((t_A +(√(t_A ^2 −c^2 )))/t_B )  (dL/dA) = 0   ⇒  (I/(8A^2 )) = (b^2 /(A^2 a^2 ))(√(1+(1/(4A(2b−(b^2 /(Aa^2 )))))))        ⇒ ln ((t_A +(√(t_A ^2 −c^2 )))/t_B ) = ((8b^2 )/a^2 )(√(1+(1/(4At_A ))))  ⇒ In here  c = (1/(2A))  with t_A = 2b+(1/(2A))(1−((2b^2 )/a^2 ))  ; t_B =(1/(2A))  A is obtainable from above equation.  If  for example  A=0  ⇒ ln (1−((2b^2 )/a^2 )+(√((1−((2b^2 )/a^2 ))^2 −1)))        = ((8b^2 )/a^2 )(√(1+2(1−((2b^2 )/a^2 ))))  ⇒   b = 0   (naturally if within an  ellipse with b→0 , parabola shall  have maximum length if A=0 .


Commented by ajfour last updated on 21/Dec/18

mrW Sir can you cast a glance  please ..


Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Dec/18

please check what is c in  ⇒ ln ((t_A +(√(t_A ^2 −c^2 )))/t_B ) = ((8b^2 )/a^2 )(√(1+(1/(4At_A ))))  in this eqn. we should only have a,b, A.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 21/Dec/18

Thank you Sir,  c = (1/(2A)) .


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