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Question Number 51590 by peter frank last updated on 28/Dec/18

The line y=mx+c touches  ellipse (x^2 /a^2 )+(y^2 /b^2 )=1  prove that the foot of   perpendicular from  focus into this line lie on  auxillary circle   x^2 +y^2 =a^2


Commented by Necxx last updated on 28/Dec/18

mr peter frank which country do  you hail from??


Answered by last updated on 28/Dec/18

c^2 =a^2 m^2 +b^2 ←  focus(c_1 ,0) and(−c_1 ,0)  c_1 ^2 =a^2 −b^2 ←  the eqn of st line passing through (c_1 ,0) and  ⊥ to y=mx+c is  y−0=((−1)/m)(x−c_1 )  y=((−x)/m)+(c_1 /m)  solve y=mx+c and y=((−x)/m)+(c_1 /m) to find foot of  perpendicular  y=mx+c  y=((−x)/m)+(c_1 /m)  mx+c=((−x)/m)+(c_1 /m)  x(m+(1/m))=(c_1 /m)−c  x=((c_1 −mc)/(m^2 +1))   so y=m(((c_1 −mc)/(m^2 +1)))+c  x=((c_1 −mc)/(m^2 +1))  y=((mc_1 −m^2 c+m^2 c+c)/(m^2 +1))  x^2 +y^2 =((c_1 ^2 −2mcc_1 +m^2 c^2 +m^2 c_1 ^2 +2mcc_1 +c^2 )/((m^2 +1)^2 ))  =((c_1 ^2 (m^2 +1)+c^2 (m^2 +1))/((m^2 +1)^2 ))  =(((m^2 +1))/((m^2 +1)^2 ))×(c^2 +c_1 ^2 )  =((a^2 m^2 +b^2 +a^2 −b^2 )/((m^2 +1)))  =a^2


Commented by peter frank last updated on 28/Dec/18

thank you sir


Answered by peter frank last updated on 28/Dec/18

y=mx+c  P=(x,y)  S=(ae,0)  equation =?  slope of normal   M  slope of tangent −  (1/m)  −(1/m)=(y/(x−ae))  ae=my+x  a^2 e^2 =m^2 y^2 +2mxy+x^2 ...(i)  recall  y=mx+(√(a^2 m^2 +b^2 ))  y−mx=(√(a^2 m^2 +b^2 ))  y^2 −2mxy+m^2 x^2 =a^2 m^2 +b^2 ....(ii)  add (i)+(ii)  a^2 e^2 =m^2 y^2 +2mxy+x^2 =  y^2 −2mxy+m^2 x^2 =a^2 m^2 +b^2   x^2 +y^2 =a^2


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