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Question Number 52360 by ajfour last updated on 06/Jan/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 06/Jan/19

If θ_(max) = 150° and θ_(min) = 75°  , find  a and b in terms of radius R.


Answered by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 06/Jan/19

how come the perpendicular  bisector Sir? for certain?!


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/19

let MP=h, AM=MB=d  (d/h)=tan (θ_(max) /2)=m  ⇒d=mh  (d/(h+2R))=tan (θ_(min) /2)=n  ⇒d=n(h+2R)  ⇒mh=n(h+2R)  ⇒h=((2nR)/(m−n))  ⇒d=((2mnR)/(m−n))  a=(√(d^2 +(h+R)^2 ))=(√((((2mnR)/(m−n)))^2 +(((2nR)/(m−n))+R)^2 ))  ⇒a=((√(4m^2 n^2 +(m+n)^2 ))/(m−n))×R  (b/(2d))=((h+R)/a)  b=((2d(h+R))/a)=((2×2mn)/(√(4m^2 n^2 +(m+n)^2 )))(((2n)/(m−n))+1)×R  ⇒b=((4mn(m+n))/((m−n)(√(4m^2 n^2 +(m+n)^2 ))))×R  with θ_(max) =150°, θ_(min) =75°  m=tan ((150°)/2)=tan 75°=(√3)+2  n=tan ((75°)/2)  m=((2n)/(1−n^2 ))  mn^2 +2n−m=0  n=(((√(1+m^2 ))−1)/m)=2((√(2−(√3)))−1)+(√3)  m+n=2((√3)+(√(2−(√3))))  m−n=2(2−(√(2−(√3))))  mn=2(√(2+(√3)))−1  ...


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/19

for θ=constant, the locus of point P  is a circle through points A and B.  AB is a chord of this circle. such that  θ_(max)  happens, this circle must tangent  the circle with radius R.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/19

Commented by ajfour last updated on 06/Jan/19

fine Sir, let me check with b=0,  in a couple of minutes, please..


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/19

i think i made a mistake. it is correct  that the circle through AB should  tangent the circle with radius R, but  AB is not always centric to the circle  with radius R. but i have assumed  they are centric to each other.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/19

i want to say, my solution is correct,   but there are also other possibilities.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/19

since both a and b are to be determined,  it is ok to assume that AB is centric to  the circle and we get the solution as  i did. but if one of a and b is fixed, then it  is wrong to assume that AB is centric  to the circle.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 06/Jan/19

yes Sir, i tried to agree but my  sketching did not let me agree totally  about the perpendicular bisector  line you drew, not generally.


Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Jan/19

the situation is following:  when a and b are given, we get unique  θ_(max)  and θ_(min) .  but when θ_(max)  and θ_(min)  are given, we  can not get unique a and b. the solution  i gave is a correct solution, but not the  only solution.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 07/Jan/19

oh yes, Sir.Thank you so much!  dint occur to me, without your words.


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