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Question Number 53119 by rahul 19 last updated on 18/Jan/19

Evaluate :  1) ∫(√((2−x)/(4+x))) dx  2) ∫ (√((x−2)/(x−4))) dx  3) ∫ (√((x−2)(x−4))) dx  4) ∫ (dx/(2sinx+3secx)) .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 18/Jan/19

3) let I =∫(√((x−2)(x−4)))dx changement (√(x−2))=t give x−2=t^2  ⇒x=2+t^2   I =∫ t(√(2+t^2 −4))2tdt =2 ∫ t^2 (√(t^2 −2))dt =_(t=(√2)ch(u))    2 ∫ 2ch^2 t (√2)sh(u)(√2)sh(u) du  =8 ∫  ch^2 u sh^2 u du =8 ∫   (((2shu chu)^2 )/4) du =2 ∫ sh^2 u du  =2 ∫ ((ch(2u)−1)/2) du =∫ ch(2u)du −u +c  =(1/2)sh(2u) −u +c  but u=argch((t/(√2))) =ln((t/(√2)) +(√((t^2 /2)−1))) ⇒  sh(2u) =((e^(2u) −e^(−2u) )/2) =(1/2){((t/(√2)) +(√((t^2 /2)−1)))^2 −((t/(√2)) +(√((t^2 /2)−1)))^(−2) } ⇒  I =(1/4){ (((√(x−2))/(√2)) +(√(((x−2)/2)−1)))^2 −(((√(x−2))/(√2))+(√(((x−2)/2)−1)))^(−2)  −ln(((√(x−2))/(√2)) +(√(((x−2)/2)−1))) +c  =(1/4){ (1/2)((√(x−2))+(√(x−4)))^2  −(2/(((√(x−2))+(√(x−4)))^2 ))}−ln((((√(x−2))+(√(x−4)))/(√2))) +c


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 18/Jan/19

Sir please check your solution to my question  52841.  i asked for some clarification sir.  Thanks sir


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 23/Jan/19

2) let I =∫(√((x−2)/(x−4)))dx   changement (√((x−2)/(x−4)))=t give ((x−2)/(x−4)) =t^2  ⇒  x−2 =t^2 x−4t^2  ⇒(1−t^2 )x =2−4t^2  ⇒x =((−4t^2  +2)/(1−t^2 )) =((4t^2 −2)/(t^2 −1)) ⇒  (dx/dt)=((8t(t^2 −1)−(4t^2 −2)2t)/((t^2 −1)^2 )) =((8t^3 −8t −8t^3  +4t)/((t^2 −1)^2 )) =((−4t)/((t^2 −1)^2 )) ⇒  I = ∫  t(((−4t)/((t^2 −1)^2 )))dt =−4 ∫  (t^2 /((t^2  −1)^2 ))dt  =−4∫((t^2 −1 +1)/((t^2 −1)^2 ))dt =−4 ∫   (dt/(t^2 −1)) −4 ∫   (dt/((t^2  −1)^2 )) but  ∫  (dt/(t^2  −1)) =(1/2)∫ ((1/(t−1)) −(1/(t+1)))dt =(1/2)ln∣((t−1)/(t+1))∣ +c_1   let decompose F(t)=(1/((t^2 −1)^2 )) ⇒F(t)=(1/((t−1)^2 (t+1)^2 ))  =(a/(t−1)) +(b/((t−1)^2 )) +(c/((t+1))) +(d/((t+1)^2 ))  b =lim_(t→1) (t−1)^2  F(t) =(1/4)  d =lim_(t→−1) (t+1)^2  F(t) =(1/4) ⇒F(t)=(a/(t−1)) +(1/(4(t−1)^2 )) +(c/(t+1)) +(1/(4(t+1)^2 ))  F(−t)=F(t) ⇒((−a)/(t+1)) +(1/(4(t+1)^2 )) + ((−c)/(t−1)) +(1/(4(t−1)^2 )) =F(t) ⇒c=−a ⇒  F(t) =(a/(t−1)) +(1/(4(t−1)^2 )) −(a/(t+1)) +(1/(4(t+1)^2 ))  F(0)=1 =−a +(1/4) −a +(1/4) ⇒−2a+(1/2) =1 ⇒−2a =(1/2) ⇒a =−(1/4) ⇒  F(x)=−(1/(4(t−1))) +(1/(4(t+1))) +(1/(4(t−1)^2 )) +(1/(4(t+1)^2 )) ⇒  ∫ (dt/((t^2 −1)^2 )) =(1/4)ln∣((t+1)/(t−1))∣−(1/(4(t−1))) −(1/(4(t+1))) +c_2   ⇒  I =−2ln∣((t−1)/(t+1))∣  −ln∣((t+1)/(t−1))∣ +(1/(t−1)) +(1/(t+1)) +C ⇒  I =ln∣((t+1)/(t−1))∣ +(1/(t−1)) +(1/(t+1)) +C  I =ln∣(((√((x−2)/(x−4)))+1)/((√((x−2)/(x−4)))−1))∣ +(1/((√((x−2)/(x−4)))−1)) +(1/((√((x−2)/(x−4)))+1)) +C .


Answered by MJS last updated on 18/Jan/19

(1)  t=(√((4+x)/(2−x))) → x=((2(t^2 −2))/(t^2 +1)); dx=((√((2−x)^3 (4+x)))/3)dt  12∫(dt/((t^2 +1)^2 ))  u=arctan t → t=tan u; dt=(t^2 +1)du  12∫cos^2  u du


Answered by MJS last updated on 18/Jan/19

(2)  t=(√((x−4)/(x−2))) → x=((2(t^2 −2))/((t^2 −1))); dx=(√((x−4)(x−2)^3 ))dt  4∫(dt/((t^2 −1)^2 ))  u=arcsin (1/t) → t=(1/(sin u)); dt=−t(√(t^2 −1))du  −4∫((sin^2  u)/(cos^3  u))du=−4∫sec^3  u −sec u du


Answered by MJS last updated on 18/Jan/19

(3)  t=x−3 → dt=dx  ∫(√(t^2 −1))dt  u=arccos (1/t) → t=(1/(cos u)); dt=t(√(t^2 −1))du  ∫((sin^2  u)/(cos^3  u))du ...


Answered by last updated on 18/Jan/19

1)∫((2−x)/(√((4+x)(2−x))))dx  ∫((2−x)/(√(8−4x+2x−x^2 )))dx  ∫((2−x)/(√(8−2x−x^2 )))  (1/2)∫((−2−2x+6)/(√(8−2x−x^2 )))dx  =(1/2)∫((d(8−2x−x^2 ))/(√(8−2x−x^2 )))+3∫(dx/(√((3)^2 −(x+1)^2 )))  =(1/2)×(((8−2x−x^2 )^(((−1)/2)+1) )/(((−1)/2)+1))+3sin^(−1) (((x+1)/3))+c  =(8−2x−x^2 )^(1/2) +3sin^(−1) (((x+1)/3))+c  2)∫((x−2)/(√((x−2)(x−4))))dx  ∫((x−2)/(√(x^2 −6x+8)))dx  (1/2)∫((2x−6+2)/(√(x^2 −6x+8)))dx  (1/2)∫((d(x^2 −6x+8))/(√(x^2 −6x+8)))+∫(dx/(√((x−3)^2 −1)))  (1/2)×(((x^2 −6x+8)^(((−1)/2)+1) )/(((−1)/2)+1))+ln{(x−3)+(√((x−3)^2 −1)) }+c  =(x^2 −6x+8)^(1/2) +ln{(x−3)+(√(x^2 −6x+8)) }+c  3∫(√((x−2)(x−4))) dx  ∫(√((x−3)^2 −1)) dx  =(((x−3))/2)(√((x−3)^2 −1)) −(1/2)ln{(x−3)+(√((x−3)^2 −1)) }+c  =(((x−3))/2)(√(x^2 −6x+8)) −(1/2)ln{(x−3)+(√((x^2 −6x+8))


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 18/Jan/19

Thank you Sir!


Commented by Otchere Abdullai last updated on 18/Jan/19

wow! well done sir!


Answered by MJS last updated on 18/Jan/19

(4)  =∫((cos x)/(3+cos x sin x))dx  Weyerstrass  t=tan (x/2) → x=2arctan t; dx=2cos^2  (x/2) dt=((2dt)/(t^2 +1))  cos x =−((t^2 −1)/(t^2 +1)); sin x =((2t)/(t^2 +1))  −2∫((t^2 −1)/((t^2 −2t+3)(3t^2 +2t+1)))dt  now decompose...  ((t^2 −1)/((t^2 −2t+3)(3t^2 +2t+1)))=(1/8)×((t+1)/(t^2 −2t+3))−(3/8)×((t+1)/(3t^2 +2t+1))  ((t+1)/(t^2 −2t+3))=((t−1)/(t^2 −2t+3))+(2/(t^2 −2t+3))  ((t+1)/(3t^2 +2t+1))=((6t+2)/(6(3t^2 +2t+1)))+(4/(6(3t^2 +2t+1)))=  =(1/3)×((3t+1)/(3t^2 +2t+1))+(2/3)×(1/(3t^2 +2t+1))  now use formulas


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 18/Jan/19

Thank You Sir!


Answered by last updated on 18/Jan/19

4)∫(dx/(2sinx+3secx))  ∫((cosxdx)/(3+2sinxcosx))  (1/2)∫((cosx−sinx+cosx+sinx)/(3+2sinxcosx))dx  (1/2)∫((cosx−sinx)/(2+(sinx+cosx)^2 ))dx+(1/2)∫((d(sinx−cosx))/(4−(1−2sinxcosx)))  (1/2)∫((d(sinx+cosx))/(((√2) )^2 +(sinx+cosx)^2 ))+(1/2)∫((d(sinx−cosx))/(4−(sinx−cosx)^2 ))←formula∫(dx/(a^2 −x^2 ))  (1/2)×(1/(√2))tan^(−1) (((sinx+cosx)/(√2)))+(1/2)×(1/(2×2))ln(((2+sinx−cosx)/(2−sinx+cosx)))+c


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