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Question Number 53325 by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/19

Two balls have equal size. Ball A has  mass m and rests. Ball B has mass  nm (n is integer greater than 1). Ball  B moves with velocity v towards ball  A and behind ball A there is a wall.  Assume there is no friction and all  collisions are elastic and the wall is  far away enough.  How many times will both balls   collide with each other?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 20/Jan/19

too good a question Sir, let me two  days at least.


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/19

thanks sir!  waiting for your result...


Commented by last updated on 20/Jan/19

i have seen similar question in you tube...sharing  the link...


Commented by last updated on 20/Jan/19

Commented by last updated on 20/Jan/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/19

thanks for this result but which i can not  follow yet. i′ll go to watch the video,  but at first i′ll try to solve in my  own way. my understanding is:  during the first x collisions the  energy will be transfered from ball B  to ball A. during  the next y collisions  the energy will be tranfered back to  ball B and ball B will be finally faster  than ball A and no further collision  is possible.


Commented by last updated on 20/Jan/19

tanθ=(√(m_L /m_H ))   N_c θ=π  N_c =(π/θ)=(π/(tan^(−1) (√(m_L /m_H ))))  [N_c =number of collissiin]  1)example..(m_L /m_H )=(1/(100))  tan^(−1) ((√(1/(100))) )  tan^(−1) ((1/(10)))≈(1/(10))  N_c =(π/(1/(10)))=10π≈31 number of collision  2)example two  (m_L /m_H )=(1/(10000))  tan^(−1) ((√(m_L /m_H )) )  tan^(−1) ((1/(100)))  N_c =(π/(1/(100)))=100π=314 number of collission  3)(m_L /m_H )=(1/n)  tan^(−1) ((√(1/n)))≈(1/(√n))  N_c =(π/(1/(√n)))=π(√n) number of collission..  sir pls check the video in youtube...also  check my answer..  number of collission N_c =π(√n)


Commented by last updated on 20/Jan/19

thank you sir...i have just tried to understand  the pls go through i really  understood it pls cross check...  hiwever your logic regarding collissin and  energy transfer really excellent...  thank you sir...


Commented by mr W last updated on 22/Jan/19

very nice method in video!


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