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Question Number 53530 by MJS last updated on 23/Jan/19

Commented by MJS last updated on 23/Jan/19

I found a solution to question 53168 by  Sir Aifour


Answered by MJS last updated on 23/Jan/19

I changed the setup after some failed attempts  I put a=1; b=a^2 ; (1/3)<b≤1 ⇔ ((√3)/3)<a≤1  to go on with b leads to more complications  because of terms with (√b^(2n−1) ); the borders  for a make sure both circles are within the  triangle (we could allow (1/3)<b<3 leading to  symmetric results)  M= (((−1)),(0) )  N= ((a^2 ),(0) )  the given circles  (x+1)^2 +y^2 =1  (x−a^2 )^2 +y^2 =a^4   now it′s possible to get the equations of the  lines BC, CA & AB:  BC: y=((1−a^2 )/(2a))x−a  CA: ((a^2 +2(√3)a−1)/((√3)a^2 −2a−(√3)))x−((a^2 ((√3)a+1))/(a−(√3)))  AB: −(((√3)a^2 −6a−(√3))/(3a^2 +2(√3)a−3))x+(((√3)a+3)/(3a−(√3)))  A= (((((a−1)(a+1)(3a^2 +4(√3)a+3))/(2(a^2 +1)))),((−((3(√3)a^5 −15a^4 −14(√3)a^3 +6a^2 +7(√3)a−3)/(2(3a−(√3))(a^2 +1))))) )  B= (((−((2a(a+(√3)))/(a^2 +1)))),((((√3)((√3)a−3)((√3)a+1))/(3(a^2 +1)))) )  C= ((((2a^2 ((√3)a+1))/(a^2 +1))),((−((a^2 ((√3)a^2 +2a−(√3)))/(a^2 +1)))) )            [the roots of 3(√3)a^5 −15a^4 −14(√3)a^3 +6a^2 +7(√3)a−3:              a_1 =((√3)/3); a_(2, 3) =((√3)/3)(1+(√7)±(√(5+2(√7)))); a_(4, 5) =((√3)/3)(1−(√7)±(√(−5+2(√7)))i)]  the side of the triangle  s=(√3)a^2 +2a+(√3)  the searched circle can be found like this  P= ((p),(q) )  (x−p)^2 +(y−q)^2 =r^2   steps 1 & 2: intersect with the given circles  so that there′s exactly one common point  with each of them ⇒ p, q  step 3: A∈circle ⇒ r  these steps lead to 2 solutions, one of the  found circles includes the given circles.  the hardest work is to simplify the polynomes  I spent a day searching for zeros...  p=−((a^2 −1)/(a^2 +1))r  q=((2a(√(r^2 +(a^2 +1)r)))/(a^2 +1))  r=−((9(a^2 +(((√3)/6)+((√(11))/2))a+1)^2 (a^2 +(((√3)/6)−((√(11))/2))a+1)^2 )/((a−(√3))(a+(√3))((√3)a−1)((√3)a+1)(3a^2 +2(√3)a+3)))  isn′t it of a strange but great beauty?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Jan/19

i think, its just a quadratic in R; only   quite complicated. thanks Sir.


Commented by MJS last updated on 23/Jan/19

it is indeed quadratic in r (your R) but it′s  very complicated to solve because it′s degree  12 in a and we must constantly find zeros  to shorten huge fractions. in the end  everything is fine. even the root in my  q vanishes because it′s (√(term(a)^2 ))... I′ll  post later


Answered by ajfour last updated on 23/Jan/19

let M be origin. x-axis ∥ BC   s=(√3)(a+b)+2(√(ab))  Let  P(h,k), N(2(√(ab)), b−a)  A((s/2)−a(√3) , ((s(√3))/2)−a).    h^2 +k^2 = (a+R)^2        ...(i)    (h−2(√(ab)))^2 +(k−b+a)^2 =(b+R)^2    ..(ii)    (h−(s/2)+a(√3))^2 +(k−((s(√3))/2)+a)^2 =R^2    ..(iii)  (ii)−(i), (iii)−(i) gives     Ah+Bk= (b−a)(a+b+R)      Ch+Dk = −a(2a+R)  A, B, C,D contains only a and b.  Upon finding (h,k) we use eq.(i)  If i let  (b/a)=t^2 , (h/a)=p, (k/a)=q,(R/a)=ρ  then (s/(2a))=(√3)(1+t^2 )+2t = u  p^2 +q^2 =(1+ρ)^2       ...(I)  (p−2t)^2 +(q−t^2 +1)^2 =(t^2 +ρ)^2    ...(II)  (p−u+(√3))^2 +(q−u(√3)+1)^2 =ρ^2     ..(III)  (II)−(I)  & (III)−(I)  give  −4tp+4t^2 −2(t^2 −1)q+(t^2 −1)^2 =(t^2 +1)(1+t^2 +2ρ)  &  −2(u−(√3))p+(u−(√3))^2 −2(u(√3)−1)q         +(u(√3)−1)^2 =−(2ρ+1)


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