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Question Number 53623 by turbo msup by abdo last updated on 24/Jan/19

1) study the function  f(x)=ln(x+1−(√x))  2) determine f^(−1) (x)  3) cslculate  ∫ f(x)dx snd  ∫ f^(−1) (x)dx  4) dtermine ∫ f^(−1) (x^2  +f(x))dx


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 25/Jan/19

1) x∈D_f  ⇔x+1−(√x)>0 ⇔t^2  +1−t>0(t=(√x))  t^2  −t +1>0 →Δ=1−4=−3<0   a=1>0 ⇒  t^2 −t +1 >0 ∀t ⇒ D_f =[0,+∞[  we have f(x)=ln(x)+ln(1+(1/x)−(1/(√x))) ⇒  lim_(x→+∞) f(x)=lim_(x→+∞) ln(x)=+∞  lim_(x→+∞)  ((f(x))/x) =lim_(x→+∞)   ((ln(x))/x) =0 so the graph  have a parabol branch in (oy) direction  derivative f^′ (x)= (((x+1−(√x))^, )/(x+1−(√x)))  =((1−(1/(2(√x))))/(x+1−(√x))) =((2(√x)−1)/(2(√x)(x+1−(√x))))  f^′ (x)=0 ⇔2(√x)−1=0 ⇔(√x)=(1/2) ⇔x=(1/4)  f^′ (x)≥0 ⇔x≥(1/4)  variations of f(x)  −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−  x          0                 (1/4)                +∞  f^, (x)             −      0        +  f(x)    0   decr.     f((1/4))    incr.  −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−  f((1/4))=ln((5/4) −(1/2)) =ln((3/4))=ln(3)−2ln(2)  intersection between graph and (ox)  f(x)=0 ⇔ln(x+1−(√x))=0 ⇔x+1−(√x)=1  x=(√x) ⇔x^2  =x ⇔ x=0 or x=1  the points are 0(0,0) and A(1,0)  rest drawing cintinued...


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 25/Jan/19

2) f(x)=y ⇔x=f^(−1) (y)  with x≥0  f(x)=y ⇔ln(x+1−(√x))=y ⇔x+1−(√x)=e^y   ⇔  x+1−(√x)−e^y =0 ⇒t^2  +1−t−e^y =0 with t=(√x) ⇒  t^2 −t +1−e^y =0 →Δ=1−4(1−e^y )  =4e^y −3  f^(−1) exists ⇒Δ≥0 ⇒e^y ≥(3/4) ⇒y≥ln((3/4))  in this case t_1 =((1+(√(4e^y −3)))/2)  and t_2 =((1−(√(4e^y −3)))/2)  but t≥0 ⇒t=t_1 =(√(x ))⇒  x =t_1 ^2   =(1/4)(1+(√(4e^y −3)))^2  ⇒  f^(−1) (x) =(1/4)(1+(√(4e^x −3)))^2


Commented by Abdo msup. last updated on 25/Jan/19

3) let I =∫ f(x)dx ⇒I =∫ ln(x+1−(√x))dx  =_((√x)=t)  ∫ ln(t^2  +1−t)(2t)dt  =2 ∫  tln(t^2 −t+1)dt  by parts  ∫ t ln(t^2 −t +1)dt =(t^2 /2)ln(t^2 −t+1)−∫ (t^2 /2) ((2t−1)/(t^2 −t +1))dt  =(t^2 /2)ln(t^2 −t +1)−(1/2) ∫  ((2t^3 −t^2 )/(t^2 −t +1))dt  ∫  ((2t^3 −t^2 )/(t^2 −t +1)) dt =∫  ((2t(t^2 −t+1)+2t^2 −2t−t^2 )/(t^2 −t +1))dt  =∫ (2t)dt  +∫  ((t^2 −2t)/(t^2 −t +1))dt  =t^2  +∫  ((t^2 −t +1 −t−1)/(t^2 −t +1))dt  =t^2  +t −∫  ((t+1)/(t^2 −t +1))dt  ∫  ((t+1)/(t^2 −t +1))dt =(1/2) ∫ ((2t+2)/(t^2 −t +1))dt  =(1/2) ∫ ((2t−1 +3)/(t^2 −t +1))dt =(1/2)ln(t^2 −t +1+(3/2)∫ (dt/(t^2 −t +1)) continued...


Answered by kaivan.ahmadi last updated on 24/Jan/19

first we find D_f   x+1−(√x) >0⇒x+1>(√x)⇒x^2 +2x+1>x⇒  x^2 +x+1>0  since x^2 +x+1=0 has no real root and  the coefficient of x^2  is positive, then x∈R  on the other hand D_(√x) ={x∈R∣x≥0}.    so D_f ={x∈R∣x≥0}  now we check 1−1  (1,0) , (0,0) ∈f so f is not 1−1   consequently f^(−1)  is not exist


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