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Question Number 53732 by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/19

f(x)=(((x+a)(x+b))/((x−a)(x−b)))  Find minimum and maximum.


Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Jan/19

at x=a and x=b: f(x)→±∞


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/19

There is a definite answer given,  maximum and minimum are  asked. Its from a good book, Sir.  must then be local minimum and  maximum.


Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Jan/19

since f(x)→±∞ when x→a or →b,  there is no min. or max. but  there can be a local minimum and a  local maximum.  f(x)=((x^2 +(a+b)x+ab)/(x^2 −(a+b)x+ab))  f(x)=1+((2(a+b)x)/(x^2 −(a+b)x+ab))  f′(x)=0  (1/(x^2 −(a+b)x+ab))−((x(2x−(a+b)))/((x^2 −(a+b)x+ab)^2 ))=0  x^2 −(a+b)x+ab=x(2x−(a+b))  x^2 =ab  ⇒x=±(√(ab))    i.e. if ab≥0 there are local min. and  local max. at x=±(√(ab))  f(x)_(min/max) =(((a±(√(ab)))(b±(√(ab))))/((a∓(√(ab)))(b∓(√(ab)))))    if ab<0 there is no local min. or max.    but we don′t need to use calculus to  get this result, just look at  f(x)=1+((2(a+b)x)/(x^2 −(a+b)x+ab))=1+((2(a+b))/(x+((ab)/x)−(a+b)))  if ab≥0,  x+((ab)/x)≥2(√(ab))  x+((ab)/x)≤−2(√(ab))  f(x)=1+((2(a+b))/(x+((ab)/x)−(a+b)))≤1+((2(a+b))/(2(√(ab))−(a+b)))=−((((√a)+(√b))/((√a)−(√b))))^2 =f_(max)   f(x)=1+((2(a+b))/(x+((ab)/x)−(a+b)))≥1+((2(a+b))/(−2(√(ab))−(a+b)))=−((((√a)−(√b))/((√a)+(√b))))^2 =f_(min)


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/19

answer:  −((((√a)−(√b))/((√a)+(√b))))^2  &  −((((√a)+(√b))/((√a)−(√b))))^2  .


Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Jan/19

this is the same as my result (see below).  answer in book is not the best, since  it requests that a≥0 and b≥0, but in  fact this is not necessary. it is only  necessary that ab≥0, e.g. a=−2, b=−5.


Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Jan/19

(((a+(√(ab)))(b+(√(ab))))/((a−(√(ab)))(b−(√(ab)))))  =(((√a)((√a)+(√b))(√b)((√b)+(√a)))/((√a)((√a)−(√b))(√b)((√b)−(√a))))  =−((((√a)+(√b))((√a)+(√b)))/(((√a)−(√b))((√a)−(√b))))  =−((((√a)+(√b))/((√a)−(√b))))^2 =as given in book    (((a−(√(ab)))(b−(√(ab))))/((a+(√(ab)))(b+(√(ab)))))  =(((√a)((√a)−(√b))(√b)((√b)−(√a)))/((√a)((√a)+(√b))(√b)((√b)+(√a))))  =−((((√a)−(√b))((√a)−(√b)))/(((√a)+(√b))((√a)+(√b))))  =−((((√a)−(√b))/((√a)+(√b))))^2 =as given in book


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/19

yes, sir. too well did you explain.  Thank you too much.


Answered by last updated on 25/Jan/19

y=(((x+a)(x+b))/((x−a)(x−b)))  lny=ln(x+a)+ln(x+b)−ln(x−a)−ln(x−b)  (1/y)(dy/dx)=(1/(x+a))+(1/(x+b))−(1/(x−a))−(1/(x−b))  for max/min (dy/dx)=0  (1/(x+a))−(1/(x−b))+(1/(x+b))−(1/(x−a))=0  ((x−b−x−a)/((x+a)(x−b)))+((x−a−x−b)/((x+b)(x−a)))=0  ((−(a+b))/((x+a)(x−b)))+((−(a+b))/((x+b)(x−a)))=0  (1/((x+a)(x−b)))+(1/((x+b)(x−a)))=0  x^2 −ax+bx−ab+x^2 −bx+ax−ab=0  2x^2 −2ab=0  x=±(√(ab))   (1/y)(dy/dx)=(1/(x+a))+(1/(x+b))−(1/(x−a))−(1/(x−b))  (dy/dx)=(((x+a)(x+b))/((x−a)(x−b)))[(1/(x+a))+(1/(x+b))−(1/(x−a))−(1/(x−b))]  ((wait...)/)wl  now i am going to find change of sign  using first derivativd method to find max/min  ((dy/dx))=(((x+a)(x+b))/(x^2 −x(a+b)+ab))×[(1/(x+a))−(1/(x−b))+(1/(x+b))−(1/(x−a))]  =((x^2 +x(a+b)+ab)/(x^2 −x(a+b)+ab))×[((x−b−x−a)/(x^2 −xb+ax−ab))+((x−a−x−b)/(x^2 −ax+bx−ab))]  =(N/D)×[((−(a+b))/(x^2 −ab+x(a−b)))+((−(a+b))/(x^2 −ab−x(a−b)))]  =(N/D)×−(a+b)×[((x^2 −ab−x(a−b)+x^2 −ab+x(a−b))/((x^2 −ab)^2 −x^2 (a−b)^2 ))]  nowD<N  so(N/D)>1   (N/D)×−(a+b)=−ve  [((2(x^2 −ab))/((x^2 −ab)^2 −x^2 {(a+b)^2 −4ab))]  when x>(√(ab))  x^2 =h+ab  =(N/D)×−(a+b)×[((2(x^2 −ab))/((x^2 −ab)^2 −x^2 {(a+b)^2 −4ab))]  =(−ve)×[((2h)/(h^2 −(h+ab)(a−b)^2 ))]=(−ve)×((+ve)/(−ve))  when x>(√(ab)) sign change from −ve to +ve  so at x=(√(ab)) f(x) min  y_ =(((x+a)(x+b))/((x−a)(x−b))) (at x=(√(ab)) )    =(((√a) ((√b) +(√a) )×(√b) ((√a) +(√b) ))/((√a) ((√b) −(√a) )×(√b) ((√a) −(√b) )))  =(−)((((√a) +(√b) )^2 )/(((√(b−))(√a) )^2 )) →min value  so at x=(√(ab))  min value    at x=−(√(ab)) max value  y=(((−(√(ab)) +a)(−(√(ab)) +b))/((−(√(ab)) −a)(−(√(ab)) −b)))  =(((√a) ((√a) −(√b) )×−(√b) ((√a) −(√b) ))/(−(√a) ((√a) +(√b) )×−(√b) ((√a) +(√b) )))   =(−1)×((((√a) −(√b) )^2 )/(((√a) +(√b) )))←max vzlud...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/19

welcome back Sir..


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Jan/19

thanks sir, do i post the answer?


Commented by last updated on 25/Jan/19

i went to see the news...


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