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Question Number 54600 by last updated on 07/Feb/19

solve for: x     1) (√(3−x))+(√(x+1))>(1/2)      2) cos^2 x+cos^2 2x+cos^2 3x=1      3)(√(x^2 −p))+2(√(x^2 −1))=x     [p∈R]

solvefor:x 1)3x+x+1>12 2)cos2x+cos22x+cos23x=1 3)x2p+2x21=x[pR]

Commented bymaxmathsup by imad last updated on 07/Feb/19

1)  we must  have first  3−x≥0 and x+1 ≥0 ⇔ −1≤x≤3  (e) ⇔4 +2(√(3−x))(√(x+1))≥(1/4) ⇒2(√(3−x)) (√(x+1))≥ (1/4) −4 ⇒2(√(3−x))(√(x+1))≥((−7)/4)  ⇒(√(3−x))(√(x+1))≥−(7/8)   butthis inequality is true for all x∈[−1,3] ⇒  S=[−1,3] .

1)wemusthavefirst3x0andx+101x3 (e)4+23xx+11423xx+114423xx+174 3xx+178butthisinequalityistrueforallx[1,3] S=[1,3].

Commented bymaxmathsup by imad last updated on 07/Feb/19

2) (e) ⇔ ((1+cos(2x))/2) +((1+cos(4x))/2) + ((1+cos(6x))/2) =1 ⇔  3 +cos(2x)+cos(4x)+cos(6x) =2 ⇒cos(2x)+cos(4x) +cos(6x)=−1 ⇒  but cosa  +cosb =2cos(((a+b)/2))cos(((a−b)/2)) ⇒cos(2x)+cos(6x)  =2cos(4x)cos(2x) ⇒2cos(4x)cos(2x) +cos(4x) =−1 ⇒  cos(4x)(2cos(2x)+1)=−1 ⇒(2cos^2 (2x)−1)(2cos(2x)+1) +1 =0  ⇒(2t^2 −1)(2t+1)+1 =0  with t =cos(2x) ⇒  4t^3  +2t^2 −2t −1 +1 =0 ⇒t(4t^2  +2t−2) =0 ⇒2t(2t^2  +t−1)=0 ⇒t=0 or  2t^2  +t−1 =0  Δ =1−4(2)(−1) =9 ⇒t_1 =((−1+3)/4) =(1/2) and t_2 =−1  t=0 ⇒cos(2x)=0 ⇒2x =(π/2)+kπ ⇒x =(π/4) +((kπ)/2)  (k∈Z)  t=(1/2) ⇒cos(2x)=cos((π/3)) ⇒2x=(π/3) +2kπ or x =−(π/3) +2kπ ⇒  x =(π/6) +kπ or x =−(π/6) +kπ (k from Z)  t=−1 ⇒cos(2x)=cosπ ⇒2x =(2k+1)π or 2x =(2k−1)π ⇒  x =(((2k+1)π)/2) or x =(((2k−1)π)/2)  .

2)(e)1+cos(2x)2+1+cos(4x)2+1+cos(6x)2=1 3+cos(2x)+cos(4x)+cos(6x)=2cos(2x)+cos(4x)+cos(6x)=1 butcosa+cosb=2cos(a+b2)cos(ab2)cos(2x)+cos(6x) =2cos(4x)cos(2x)2cos(4x)cos(2x)+cos(4x)=1 cos(4x)(2cos(2x)+1)=1(2cos2(2x)1)(2cos(2x)+1)+1=0 (2t21)(2t+1)+1=0witht=cos(2x) 4t3+2t22t1+1=0t(4t2+2t2)=02t(2t2+t1)=0t=0or 2t2+t1=0 Δ=14(2)(1)=9t1=1+34=12andt2=1 t=0cos(2x)=02x=π2+kπx=π4+kπ2(kZ) t=12cos(2x)=cos(π3)2x=π3+2kπorx=π3+2kπ x=π6+kπorx=π6+kπ(kfromZ) t=1cos(2x)=cosπ2x=(2k+1)πor2x=(2k1)π x=(2k+1)π2orx=(2k1)π2.

Answered by MJS last updated on 07/Feb/19

(2)  solving for 1 period 0≤x<2π  cos^2  x +cos^2  2x +cos^2  3x=1  ⇔  cos^2  x (8cos^4  x −10cos^2  x +3)=0  ⇔  cos x ∈{±((√3)/2); ±((√2)/2); 0}  ⇔ x∈{(π/6); (π/4); (π/2); ((3π)/4); ((5π)/6); ((7π)/6); ((5π)/4); ((3π)/2); ((7π)/4); ((11π)/6)}

(2) solvingfor1period0x<2π cos2x+cos22x+cos23x=1 cos2x(8cos4x10cos2x+3)=0 cosx{±32;±22;0} x{π6;π4;π2;3π4;5π6;7π6;5π4;3π2;7π4;11π6}

Answered by MJS last updated on 07/Feb/19

(3)  squaring  4(√(x^2 −1))(√(x^2 −p))+5x^2 −p−4=x^2   4(√(x^2 −1))(√(x^2 −p))=−4x^2 +p+4  squaring again and transforming  x^2 =(((p−4)^2 )/(8(2−p))) ≥0 ⇒ p∈]−∞; 2[∪{4}  x=±(((p−4)(√2))/(4(√(2−p))))  but only one solution solves the original eq  trying we find  x=(((4−p)(√2))/(4(√(2−p)))) but only if 0≤p≤(4/3)

(3) squaring 4x21x2p+5x2p4=x2 4x21x2p=4x2+p+4 squaringagainandtransforming x2=(p4)28(2p)0p];2[{4} x=±(p4)242p butonlyonesolutionsolvestheoriginaleq tryingwefind x=(4p)242pbutonlyif0p43

Commented last updated on 08/Feb/19

thank you very much sir Abdo and sir  MJS.i cant recive notifications from  app any more.

thankyouverymuchsirAbdoandsir MJS.icantrecivenotificationsfrom appanymore.

Commented byMJS last updated on 08/Feb/19

me neither. at one point I received about 60  messages at once but now again nothing

meneither.atonepointIreceivedabout60 messagesatoncebutnowagainnothing

Commented byrahul 19 last updated on 08/Feb/19

me neither :\


Commented bymr W last updated on 08/Feb/19

me tooooo!


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