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Question Number 54775 by MJS last updated on 10/Feb/19

found something interesting, it was published  by Tschirnhaus in 1683  we can reduce  x^3 +ax^2 +bx+c=0  (1) to  y^3 +py+q=0  (2) and further to  z^3 =t    (1) is the well known linear substitution  y=x+(a/3) → x=y−(a/3)  ⇒ y^3 −((a^2 −3b)/3)y+((2a^3 −9ab+27c)/(27))=0  p=−((a^2 −3b)/3) and q=((2a^3 −9ab+27c)/(27))  ⇒ y^3 +py+q=0    (2) quadratic substitution  z=y^2 +αy+β → y^2 +αy+(β−z)=0  we could solve this for y and then plug in  above... (Tschirnhaus did) but there′s an  easier way: we calculate the determinant of  the Sylvester Matrix  we have  (a) 1y^3 +0y^2 +py+q=0  (b) 0y^3 +y^2 +αy+(β−z)=0  the matrix is   [(1,0,p,q,0),(0,1,0,p,q),(0,1,α,(β−z),0),(0,0,1,α,(β−z)),(1,α,(β−z),0,0) ]  the determinant is  −z^3     +(3β−2p)z^2     −(pα^2 +3qα+3β^2 −4pβ+p^2 )z    −(qα^3 −pα^2 β−3qαβ+pqα−β^3 +2pβ^2 −p^2 β−q^2 )p  we want the square and the linear terms  to disappear so we set their constants zero  to get α and β  ⇒ β=((2p)/3); α=−((3q)/(2p))±((√(12p^3 +81q^2 ))/(6p))  this leads to  z^3 =((8p^3 )/(27))+((27q^4 )/(2p^3 ))+4q^2 ±((q(√(3(4p^3 +27q^2 )^3 )))/(18p^3 ))  Tschirnhaus thought he could solve polynomes  of any degree with this method but it′s getting  harder to solve because you need a cubic  substitution to eliminate 3 constants and  so on...


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 10/Feb/19

thanks sir .


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Feb/19

God bless you sir


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