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Question Number 55129 by MJS last updated on 17/Feb/19

question 54995 reposted  ∫((x^3 +x^2 ))^(1/3) dx=?


Commented by Meritguide1234 last updated on 18/Feb/19

Answered by MJS last updated on 18/Feb/19

∫((x^3 +x^2 ))^(1/3) dx=       [t=(x)^(1/3)  → dx=3t^2 dt]  =3∫t^4 ((t^3 +1))^(1/3) dt=       [u=(((t^3 +1))^(1/3) /t) → du=−t^2 (((t^3 +1)^2 ))^(1/3) dt]  =−3∫(u^3 /((u−1)^3 (u^2 +u+1)^3 ))du=         [Ostrogradski′s Method:        ∫((P(u))/(Q(u)))du=((P_1 (u))/(Q_1 (u)))+∫((P_2 (u))/(Q_2 (u)))du        Q_1 (u)=gcd(Q(u), Q′(u))=u^6 −2u^3 +1        Q_2 (u)=((Q(u))/(Q_1 (u)))=u^3 −1        to find P_1 (u) and P_2 (u) we differentiate        both sides:        ((P(u))/(Q(u)))=(d/du)[((P_1 (u))/(Q_1 (u)))]+((P_2 (u))/(Q_2 (u)))        with P_1 (u)=au^5 +bu^4 +cu^3 +du^2 +eu+f and        P_2 (u)=gu^2 +hu+i        solving for these constants we get        P_1 (u)=−(1/(18))u^4 −(1/9)u        P_2 (u)=−(1/9)]    =((u(u^3 +2))/(6(u−1)^2 (u^2 +u+1)^2 ))+(1/3)∫(du/((u−1)(u^2 +u+1)))  the first part is solved and equals  (1/6)(3x+1)((x^3 +x^2 ))^(1/3)   the second part:  (1/3)∫(du/((u−1)(u^2 +u+1)))=(1/9)∫(du/(u−1))−(1/9)∫((u+2)/(u^2 +u+1))du  the first is simply = (1/9)ln (u−1) =  =(1/9)ln ((((x+1))^(1/3) −(x)^(1/3) )/(x)^(1/3) )  the second part:  −(1/9)∫((u+2)/(u^2 +u+1))du=−(1/(18))∫((2u+1)/(u^2 +u+1))du−(1/6)∫(du/(u^2 +u+1))  the first is simply = −(1/(18))ln (u^2 +u+1) =  =−(1/(18))ln (1+(((x+1)/x))^(1/3) +(((((x+1)/x))^2 ))^(1/3) )  the second is simply = −((√3)/9)arctan (((2u+1)(√3))/3) =  =−((√3)/9)arctan (((2((x+1))^(1/3) +(x)^(1/3) )(√3))/(3(x)^(1/3) ))    so we get  (1/6)(3x+1)((x^3 +x^2 ))^(1/3) +(1/9)ln ∣((((x+1))^(1/3) −(x)^(1/3) )/(x)^(1/3) )∣ −(1/(18))ln ∣1+(((x+1)/x))^(1/3) +(((((x+1)/x))^2 ))^(1/3) ∣ −((√3)/9)arctan (((2((x+1))^(1/3) +(x)^(1/3) )(√3))/(3(x)^(1/3) )) +C


Commented by MJS last updated on 18/Feb/19

(1/9)ln ((((x+1))^(1/3) −(x)^(1/3) )/(x)^(1/3) ) =(1/9)ln (((x+1))^(1/3) −(x)^(1/3) ) −(1/(27))ln x  −(1/(18))ln (1+(((x+1)/x))^(1/3) +(((((x+1)/x))^2 ))^(1/3) ) =  =−(1/(18))ln (((x^2 )^(1/3) +((x^2 +x))^(1/3) +(((x+1)^2 ))^(1/3) )/(x^2 )^(1/3) ) =  =−(1/(18))ln ((x^2 )^(1/3) +((x^2 +x))^(1/3) +(((x+1)^2 ))^(1/3) ) +(1/(27))ln x    ∫((x^3 +x^2 ))^(1/3) dx=(1/6)(3x+1)((x^3 +x^2 ))^(1/3) +(1/9)ln (((x+1))^(1/3) −(x)^(1/3) ) −(1/(18))ln ((x^2 )^(1/3) +((x^2 +x))^(1/3) +(((x+1)^2 ))^(1/3) ) −((√3)/9)arctan (((2((x+1))^(1/3) +(x)^(1/3) )(√3))/(3(x)^(1/3) )) +C


Commented by peter frank last updated on 18/Feb/19

thank you


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