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Question Number 55539 by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

Commented by MJS last updated on 27/Feb/19

what am I missing? from any point A we have  ±45° range =90° for B ⇒ the probability should  be 25%


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

Two points A and B are selected  randomly on a circle with center O.  What is the probability that the  angle ∠AOB ≤45° ?


Answered by kaivan.ahmadi last updated on 26/Feb/19



Answered by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

Commented by MJS last updated on 27/Feb/19

correct me if I′m wrong, but your square  doesn′t include pairs like θ_1 =330°; θ_2 =15°  I think you must add ((45×45)/(360)) and then you  get (1/4) instead of ((15)/(64))


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

the position of A can be represented  by θ_1  with θ_1  uniformly distributed   between 0 and 360°.  the position of B can be represented  by θ_2  with θ_2  uniformly distributed   between 0 and 360°.  ϕ=θ_2 −θ_1   −45°≤ϕ≤45°  ⇒−45°≤θ_2 −θ_1 ≤45°  ⇒θ_2 −θ_1 ≥−45°  ⇒θ_2 −θ_1 ≤45°


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

each point P in the square 360×360  represents a point pair A and B.   the area of square 360×360 represents  all possibilities.  line L_1 : θ_2 −θ_1 =−45°  line L_2 : θ_2 −θ_1 =45°  it means each point in the shaded  area fulfills the condition  −45°≤θ_2 −θ_1 ≤45°  therefore the probability for ∣ϕ∣≤45°  is p=((area shaded)/(area of square))=((360×360−315×315)/(360×360))  which is ((15)/(64))≈0.234.


Commented by kaivan.ahmadi last updated on 26/Feb/19

it is equvalent to:  if we have a line segment with length 2πr  and we chose tow poin A,B  what is the probablity that AB^− ≤((πr)/4)


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

I tried to simulate this question with the app Grapher and got following result: Among 10000 random selections 2339 fulfill the condiction, the probability is 0.2339. This is what I input: sum(if(abs(rnd*360-rnd*360)<=45,1,0),i=1..10000)

Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19

to ahmadi sir:   your interpretation is correct.


Commented by kaivan.ahmadi last updated on 26/Feb/19

is it the meaning of probablity?


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Feb/19



Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Feb/19

you are right sir. thanks alot!


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