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Question Number 55674 by gunawan last updated on 01/Mar/19

The smallest integer numbers  with n ≥ 2018 so  ((√3)+3i)^n  form real numbers is..


Answered by mr W last updated on 02/Mar/19

((√3)+3i)^n   =(2(√3))^n ((1/2)+((√3)/2)i)^n   =(2(√3))^n (cos (π/3)+i sin (π/3))^n   =(2(√3))^n (cos ((nπ)/3)+i sin ((nπ)/3))  ⇒sin ((nπ)/3)=0  ⇒((nπ)/3)=mπ  ⇒n=3m≥2018  ⇒n_(min) =2019


Commented by gunawan last updated on 02/Mar/19

Nice thank you Sir


Commented by malwaan last updated on 02/Mar/19

what is the point ?  we can write 2019  without proof   please explane sir


Commented by mr W last updated on 02/Mar/19

⇒n=3m≥2018  means n must be divisible by 3 and  at least 2018.    a number is divisible by 3 if the  sum of its digits is divisible by 3.    with 2018 the sum of its digits is   2+0+1+8=11, not divisible by 3,  but 2+0+1+9=12, it′s divisible by 3,  therefore n_(min) =2019.


Commented by malwaan last updated on 03/Mar/19

thank you very much sir


Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 03/Mar/19

sir i heard this   for checking divisibility with 3  we have to add the digits of the number  special case:− if a digit contains 9  we can drop the 9 and add other digits  eg:− 2019 − 2+0+1=3 which is divisible by 3.  why is this sir?


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Mar/19

because digit 9 is already divisibly by 3.  if the sum of other digits is divisible  by 3, then the total sum of all digits is  also divisible by 3 and the number is  divisible by 3.  in fact you can drop not  only digit 9, but also digits 6, 3 and 0,  and only need to add other remaining  digits.  e.g. we take the number  123450906497628005  we only need to add the blue digits:  1+2+4+5+4+7+2+8+5=38 which  is not divisible by 3, therefore the  given number is not divisible by 3.


Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 03/Mar/19

great sir. and thanks


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