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Question Number 56244 by Kunal12588 last updated on 12/Mar/19

Is ∞ a complex number.  If not so what is It.


Commented by Joel578 last updated on 12/Mar/19

it is not a number


Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 12/Mar/19

okie dokie.  waiting for then what it is  and i thought we can represent it as (1/0).  so (1/0) is not a number. but  both numerator  and denominator are numbers.


Commented by 121194 last updated on 12/Mar/19

one may think that (1/0)=∞, but that not entire true  think of  lim_(x→0) (1/x)  lets aproach it 2 ways  1→1  0.5→2  0.1→10  0.01→100  0.001→1000  as you can see as close we aproach x 1/x grow  without any limit, so  lim_(x→0^+ ) (1/x)=+∞   but that only 1 path, takes the 2nd one  −1→−1  −0.5→−2  −0.1→−10  −0.01→−100  as you see it grow in complet opost direction, as  lim_(x→0^− ) (1/x)=−∞  since the 2 limits are diferents we can′t say that  the limit exist so  lim_(x→0) (1/x)=∄  btw there any analogous of ∞ to complex, the  complex infinite ∞^∼   it basicaly a “number” with high modulos but  unknow argument


Commented by Joel578 last updated on 12/Mar/19

(1/0) is actually undefined  Now, let f(x) = (1/x)  If we take x = 0.00000001, f(x) = 100000000  Next, if x getting smaller, very close to zero  then our f(x) is getting larger  Next, x now is very very very smaller, then  our f(x) is very very very large.  In this context, we can denote this as  lim_(x→0^+ )  (1/x) = (1/0) = ∞  As x is getting smaller, very close to zero  then its value will reach an arbitrarily large number.  How large? Very large. And we denote this with “∞”  So, in my opinion “∞” is a concept to describe  an arbitrarily large number, but it isn′t a number


Commented by Joel578 last updated on 12/Mar/19

That′ s what I know. I am open for any critics if  I made any mistakes


Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 12/Mar/19

thank you very much sirs.


Commented by prakash jain last updated on 12/Mar/19

please visit the below link for definition of complex infinity

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