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Question Number 56479 by Tawa1 last updated on 17/Mar/19

Please is there any way to reduce a polynomial of  4th degree  and solve.  Or probably a polynomial of   nth power to smaller  power.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 17/Mar/19

    x^4 +ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d=0  let  x=t−(a/4)  t^4 −at^3 +(3/8)a^2 t^2 −(a^3 /(16))t+(a^4 /(256))  +at^3 −((3a^2 )/4)t^2 +((3a^3 )/(16))t−(a^4 /(64))  +bt^2 −((ab)/2)t+((a^2 b)/(16))+ct−((ac)/4)+d=0  ⇒  t^4 +(b−((3a^2 )/8))t^2 +((a^3 /8)−((ab)/2)+c)t             +(((3a^4 )/(256))+((a^2 b)/(16))−((ac)/4)+d)=0  Say we have now      t^4 +Bt^2 +Ct+D     = (t^2 +pt+q)(t^2 −pt+r)=0  ⇒  t^4 +(r−p^2 +q)t^2 +p(r−q)t+qr=0  ⇒   q+r=B+p^2           r−q=C/p                   qr=D  ⇒   2r=(B+p^2 )+(C/p)       ...(i)         2q=(B+p^2 )−(C/p)        ...(ii)  ⇒     (B+p^2 )^2 −(C^( 2) /p^2 )=4D      let  p^2 =z  ⇒   z(B+z)^2 −4Dz−C^( 2) =0  ⇒ z^3 +2Bz^2 +(B^2 −4D)z−C^( 2) =0  Find z=p^2  from above eq.  Then using (i)&(ii) obtain  q and r.  Now we have    (t^2 +pt+q)(t^2 −pt+r)=0  ⇒  t=−(p/2)±(√((p^2 /4)−q))   or          t= (p/2)±(√((p^2 /4)−r))    &    x=t−(a/4) .


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 17/Mar/19

God bless you sir,  i look forward for the success sir


Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/Mar/19

Or after        t^4 +Bt^2 +Ct+D=0  we let    x=((pt+q)/(t+1))   then    (pt+q)^4 +B(pt+q)^2 (t+1)^2 +         C(pt+q)(t+1)^3 +D(t+1)^4 =0  ⇒     p^4 t^4 +4p^3 qt^3 +6p^2 q^2 t^2 +4pq^3 t+q^4   + B(p^2 t^2 +2pqt+q^2 )(t^2 +2t+1)+    C(pt+q)(t^3 +3t^2 +3t+1)+    D(t^4 +4t^3 +6t^2 +4t+1)=0  ⇒  __________________________     (p^4 +Bp^2 +Cp+D)t^4 +      (4p^3 q+2Bp^2 +2Bpq+3Cp+Cq+4D)t^3   +(6p^2 q^2 +Bp^2 +4Bpq+Bq^2 +3Cp+3Cq+6D)t^2   +(4pq^3 +2Bpq+2Bq^2 +Cp+3Cq+4D)t  +(q^4 +Bq^2 +Cq+D)=0  __________________________  & if we let coefficients of t^3  & t  to be zero we obtain a quadratic  in t^2 .   4p^3 q+2Bp^2 +2Bpq+3Cp+Cq+4D=0   4pq^3 +2Bpq+2Bq^2 +Cp+3Cq+4D=0  subtracting we get   4pq(p+q)+2B(p+q)+2C=0  ..(I)  And adding we get  (4pq+2B)(p^2 +q^2 )+4Bpq+        4C(p+q)+8D=0                 ...(II)  Solving this pair  of eqs. (I)&(II),   we′d have reduced a   biquadratic to a quadratic.  rewriting eq. (II)  (4pq+2B)[(p+q)^2 −2pq]+4Bpq         +4C(p+q)+8D=0  ⇒  4C(p+q)+8D=−(4pq+2B)(p+q)^2   using (I) herein  ⇒ 4C(p+q)+8D=2(p+q)[C+B(p+q)]  ⇒ B(p+q)^2 −C(p+q)−4D=0  ⇒   p+q = (C/2)±(√((C^( 2) /4)+4D))  = k      pq = −(B/2)−(C/(2(p+q)))            = −(B/2)−(C/(2k)) = l   p, q are roots of           z^2 −kz+l=0  p, q = (k/2)±(√((k^2 /4)−l))  Now we have     (p^4 +Bp^2 +Cp+D)t^4   +(6p^2 q^2 +Bp^2 +4Bpq+Bq^2 +3Cp+3Cq+6D)t^2   +(q^4 +Bq^2 +Cq+D)=0     which is a quadratic in t^2 ,  and can be solved.  And   x=((pt+q)/(t+1)).                                  ■


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 17/Mar/19

Wow, God bless you sir. I appreciate ...


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 17/Mar/19

Sir, please if the power is  5 or higher. can we still deduce.  Thanks for your time sir.


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