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Question Number 56913 by Joel578 last updated on 26/Mar/19

How many possible solution sets that satisfy   x_1  + x_2  + x_3  + x_4  = 5  with  0 ≤ x_1  ≤ 3    0 ≤ x_2  ≤ 3  0 ≤ x_3  ≤ 2  0 ≤ x_4  ≤ 2


Commented by 121194 last updated on 26/Mar/19

3 2 0 0  3 1 1 0  3 1 0 1  3 0 2 0  3 0 1 1  3 0 0 2  2 3 0 0  2 2 1 0  2 2 0 1  2 1 2 0  2 1 1 1  2 1 0 2  2 0 2 1  2 0 1 2  1 3 1 0  1 3 0 1  1 2 2 0  1 2 1 1  1 2 0 2  1 1 2 1  1 1 1 2  1 0 2 2  0 3 2 0  0 3 1 1  0 3 0 2  0 2 2 1  0 2 1 2  0 1 2 2  28


Commented by Joel578 last updated on 27/Mar/19

thank you very much


Answered by mr W last updated on 26/Mar/19

using generating functions  x_1 : 1+t+t^2 +t^3   x_2 : 1+t+t^2 +t^3   x_3 : 1+t+t^2   x_4 : 1+t+t^2   x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 : (1+t+t^2 +t^3 )^2 (1+t+t^2 )^2 =(((1−t^4 )^2 (1−t^3 )^2 )/((1−t)^4 ))  =Σ_(k=0) ^2 C_k ^2 (−1)^k t^(4k) Σ_(k=0) ^2 C_k ^2 (−1)^k t^(3k) Σ_(k=0) ^∞ C_k ^(3+k) t^k     coef. of term t^5 :  C_1 ^2 (−1)^1 C_0 ^2 (−1)^0 C_1 ^4 +C_0 ^2 (−1)^0 C_1 ^2 (−1)^1 C_2 ^5 +C_0 ^2 (−1)^0 C_0 ^2 (−1)^0 C_5 ^8   =−C_1 ^2 C_0 ^2 C_1 ^4 −C_0 ^2 C_1 ^2 C_2 ^5 +C_0 ^2 C_0 ^2 C_5 ^8   =−2×4−2×10+56  =28    ⇒there are 28 possible solutions for  x_1  + x_2  + x_3  + x_4  = 5  under given conditions.    other terms see below:


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Mar/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Mar/19

x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =0 ⇒ 1 solution  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =1 ⇒ 4 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =2 ⇒ 10 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =3 ⇒ 18 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =4 ⇒ 25 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =5 ⇒ 28 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =6 ⇒ 25 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =7 ⇒ 18 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =8 ⇒ 10 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =9 ⇒ 4 solutions  x_1 +x_2 +x_3 +x_4 =10 ⇒ 1 solution


Commented by Joel578 last updated on 27/Mar/19

thank you very much


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