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Question Number 57042 by mr W last updated on 29/Mar/19

Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Mar/19

reposted  Question from Tinkutara sir    i found these unsolved questions in  early postes and  repost them.


Answered by mr W last updated on 31/Mar/19

(i)  number with strictly increasing digits   is e.g. 13478.  when five digits from {1,2,...,9} are  selected, they can always form a  number with 5 strictly increasing  digits.  therefore the answer is  C_5 ^9 =126  or we can selectet at most one from  each digit from 1 to 9.  the answer is the coef. of term x^5   from (1+x)^9 , which is C_5 ^9 .    (iii)  number with increasing digits is e.g.  12236 or 12222.  that means we can select at most 4  from each digit from 1 to 9.  the answer is the coef. of term x^5   from (1+x+x^2 +x^3 +x^4 )^9 .  (1+x+x^2 +x^3 +x^4 )^9 =(((1−x^5 )^9 )/((1−x)^9 ))  =Σ_(k=0) ^9 C_k ^9 (−1)^k x^(5k) Σ_(k=0) ^∞ C_k ^(8+k) x^k   term of x^5  is:  C_1 ^9 (−1)^1 x^5 C_0 ^8 x^0 +C_0 ^9 (−1)^0 x^0 C_5 ^(13) x^5   =(−C_1 ^9 C_0 ^8 +C_0 ^9 C_5 ^(13) )x^5   =(−C_1 ^9 +C_5 ^(13) )x^5   =(−9+1287)x^5   =1278x^5     ⇒answer is 1278.


Commented by mr W last updated on 31/Mar/19

(ii)  number with strictly decreasing digits   is e.g. 76320.  that means we can select 5 digits from  0 to 9.  number of numbers with strictly  decreasing digits is  C_5 ^(10) =252.    strictly increasing or strictly decreasing:  C_5 ^9 +C_5 ^(10) =126+252=378.


Commented by mr W last updated on 31/Mar/19

(iv)  number with decreasing digits is e.g.  95331 or 20000.  that means we can select at most 4  from each digit from 0 to 9.  (1+x+x^2 +x^3 +x^4 )^(10) =(((1−x^5 )^(10) )/((1−x)^(10) ))  =Σ_(k=0) ^(10) C_k ^(10) (−1)^k x^(5k) Σ_(k=0) ^∞ C_k ^(9+k) x^k   term of x^5  is:  C_1 ^(10) (−1)^1 x^5 C_0 ^9 x^0 +C_0 ^(10) (−1)^0 x^0 C_5 ^(14) x^5   =(−C_1 ^(10) C_0 ^9 +C_0 ^(10) C_5 ^(14) )x^5   =(−C_1 ^(10) +C_5 ^(14) )x^5   =(−10+2002)x^5   =1992 x^5     number of numbers with increasing  and decreasing digits:  1278+1992=3270


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