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Question Number 57306 by Aditya789 last updated on 02/Apr/19

Commented by last updated on 02/Apr/19

is it ab  or −ab


Commented by Aditya789 last updated on 02/Apr/19



Answered by last updated on 02/Apr/19

△ =determinant  the degree of △=6  now  when we put a=0     △=0 so a is factor of△  similarly if b=0  then △=0 so b is factor of △  when c=0  then △=0  so c isfactor of △  now   put a+b+c=0 that means in place of (b+c) put(−a)  in place of (c+a) put (−b) and in place of (a+b) put  (−c)  △=∣(b+c)^2     ba            ca∣ (put a+b+c=0)          ∣ab        (c+a)^2          bc∣          ∣ac        bc        (a+b)^2 ∣  =    ∣(−a)^2      ba         ca∣         ∣ab             (−b)^2     bc∣         ∣ac            bc          (−c)^2 ∣  abc∣a     b       c∣         ∣a     b        c∣         ∣a     b        c∣  look three  rows   so △=0   so (a+b+c) is also a factor...  now when we put (a+b+c)=0   three rows becomd identical   hence by rule (a+b+c)^2 is also a factor  △=kabc(a+b+c)(a+b+c)^2   △=kabc(a+b+c)^3   now our task is to find value of k  △=∣(b+c)^2    ba           ca∣          ∣ab      (c+a)^2           bc∣=kabc(a+b+c)^3          ∣ac        bc          (a+b)^2 ∣  put a=1 ,b=1  and c=1 both side  ∣4    1    1∣  ∣1    4     1∣  ∣1    1     4∣   =k×1×1×1(1+1+1)^3     54=27k  so k=2  so answer of determinat is 2abc(a+b+c)^3


Commented by last updated on 02/Apr/19

Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 02/Apr/19

Very helpful sir!


Commented by last updated on 02/Apr/19

thank you ...source higher algebra  1)Bernard and child  2)Hall and knight  famous books...


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