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Question Number 57490 by Abdo msup. last updated on 05/Apr/19

1)findF(a)= ∫_0 ^∞     ((cos(ln(2+x^2 )))/(a^2  +x^2 ))dx  witha>0  2) find the value of ∫_0 ^∞    ((cos(ln(2+x^2 )))/(4+x^2 ))dx.

1)findF(a)=0cos(ln(2+x2))a2+x2dxwitha>0 2)findthevalueof0cos(ln(2+x2))4+x2dx.

Commented bymaxmathsup by imad last updated on 06/Apr/19

1)  we have 2F(a) =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   ((cos(ln(2+x^2 )))/(a^2  +x^2 )) dx =Re(∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (e^(iln(2+x^2 )) /(x^2  +a^2 )) dx)  let ϕ(z) = (e^(iln(2+z^2 )) /(z^2  +a^2 )) ⇒ϕ(z) =(e^(inln(2+z^2 )) /((z−ia)(z+ia)))   residus theorem give  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ϕ(z)dz =2iπ Res(ϕ,ia)  Res(ϕ,ia) =lim_(z→ia) (z−ia)ϕ(z) =(e^(iln(2 +(ia)^2 )) /(2ia)) =(e^(iln(2−a^2 )) /(2ia)) ⇒  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ϕ(z)dz =2iπ  (e^(iln(2−a^2 )) /(2ia)) =(π/a){cos(ln(2−a^2 ))+isin(ln(2−a^2 ))} ⇒  2F(a) =(π/a)cos{ln(2−a^2 )} ⇒ ★F(a) =(π/(2a)) cos{ln(2−a^2 } ★

1)wehave2F(a)=+cos(ln(2+x2))a2+x2dx=Re(+eiln(2+x2)x2+a2dx) letφ(z)=eiln(2+z2)z2+a2φ(z)=einln(2+z2)(zia)(z+ia)residustheoremgive +φ(z)dz=2iπRes(φ,ia) Res(φ,ia)=limzia(zia)φ(z)=eiln(2+(ia)2)2ia=eiln(2a2)2ia +φ(z)dz=2iπeiln(2a2)2ia=πa{cos(ln(2a2))+isin(ln(2a2))} 2F(a)=πacos{ln(2a2)}F(a)=π2acos{ln(2a2}

Commented bymaxmathsup by imad last updated on 06/Apr/19

2) let I =∫_0 ^∞    ((cos{ln(2+x^2 )})/(4+x^2 ))dx ⇒2I =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   ((cos{ln(2+x^2 )})/(x^2  +4))dx  =Re(∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (e^(i ln(2+x^2 )) /(x^2  +4))dx}  let w(z) =(e^(iln(2+z^2 )) /(z^2  +4))  the poles of ϕ are 2i and −2i  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   w(z)dz =2iπ Res(ϕ,2i)  but w(z) =(e^(iln(2+z^2 )) /((z−2i)(z+2i))) ⇒  Res(w,2i) = (e^(iln(2−4)) /(4i)) =(e^(iln(−2)) /(4i)) =(e^(i{ln(2)+ln(−1)}) /(4i)) =(e^(i{ln(2)+iπ}) /(4i)) =(e^(−π) /(4i)) e^(iln(2))  ⇒  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  w(z)dz =2iπ (e^(−π) /(4i)) e^(iln(2))  =(e^(−π) /2){ cos(ln(2))+isin(ln(2)}⇒  2I =(e^(−π) /2) cos{ln(2)} ⇒ ★I =(e^(−π) /4) cos{ln(2)}★

2)letI=0cos{ln(2+x2)}4+x2dx2I=+cos{ln(2+x2)}x2+4dx =Re(+eiln(2+x2)x2+4dx}letw(z)=eiln(2+z2)z2+4thepolesofφare2iand2i +w(z)dz=2iπRes(φ,2i)butw(z)=eiln(2+z2)(z2i)(z+2i) Res(w,2i)=eiln(24)4i=eiln(2)4i=ei{ln(2)+ln(1)}4i=ei{ln(2)+iπ}4i=eπ4ieiln(2) +w(z)dz=2iπeπ4ieiln(2)=eπ2{cos(ln(2))+isin(ln(2)} 2I=eπ2cos{ln(2)}I=eπ4cos{ln(2)}

Answered by last updated on 05/Apr/19

    a)f(a)=(1/2)∫_(−∞) ^∞ ((cosln (2+x^2 ))/(a^2 +x^2 ))dx  letf(z)=((cos(ln(2+z^2 )))/(a^2 +z^2 ))  withe z≠{−i(√2) .i(√2) }  res(f(z).ia)=lim_(z→ia) ((cos(ln(z^2 +2)))/((z+ia)))=((cos(ln(2−a^2 )))/(2ia))  we get f(a)=(1/2)2iπ×((cos(ln(2−a^2 )))/(2ia))=((πcos(ln(2−a^2 )))/(2a)) for a≠i(√2)  2)f(2)=π((cos(ln(−2)))/4)=(π/4)[cos( ln2).cosh(π)+sin (ln2) sh(π) ]

a)f(a)=12cosln(2+x2)a2+x2dx letf(z)=cos(ln(2+z2))a2+z2withez{i2.i2} res(f(z).ia)=limziacos(ln(z2+2))(z+ia)=cos(ln(2a2))2ia wegetf(a)=122iπ×cos(ln(2a2))2ia=πcos(ln(2a2))2aforai2 2)f(2)=πcos(ln(2))4=π4[cos(ln2).cosh(π)+sin(ln2)sh(π)]

Commented bymaxmathsup by imad last updated on 05/Apr/19

sir einstein  how you get ln(−2) this number is complex and f(2) is real...


Commented last updated on 06/Apr/19

ln(z)=ln∣z∣+iarg(z)  ln(−2)=ln(2)+iπ  F(a)=π((cos(ln(2−a^2 )))/(2a))  F(2)=((πcos(ln2+iπ))/4)=((πcos(ln2)cos(iπ)−πsin(ln2)sin(iπ))/4)  withe sin(iπ)=−sh(π)  and cos(iπ)=ch(π)  we get ((π(cos(ln2)×ch(π)+sin(ln2)sh(π)))/4)

ln(z)=lnz+iarg(z) ln(2)=ln(2)+iπ F(a)=πcos(ln(2a2))2a F(2)=πcos(ln2+iπ)4=πcos(ln2)cos(iπ)πsin(ln2)sin(iπ)4 withesin(iπ)=sh(π) andcos(iπ)=ch(π) wegetπ(cos(ln2)×ch(π)+sin(ln2)sh(π))4

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