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Question Number 57515 by Hassen_Timol last updated on 06/Apr/19

Commented by Hassen_Timol last updated on 06/Apr/19

Excuse me, what does it mean?  Can you give some examples for n?


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 06/Apr/19

let prove  first that (x+1)^n  =Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k      with C_n ^k  =((n!)/(k!(n−k)!))  by recurrence  let put P_n (x) =(x+1)^n  −Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k     let prove that P_n (x)=0    P_0 (x) =0  (true)   let suppose P_n (x)=0  we have   P_(n+1) (x) =(x+1)^(n+1)  −Σ_(k=0) ^(n+1)  C_(n+1) ^k  x^k    =(x+1)^n (x+1)−Σ_(k=0) ^(n+1)  C_(n+1) ^k  x^k   =(x+1){P_n (x)+Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k }−Σ_(k=0) ^(n+1)  C_(n+1) ^k  x^k  but P_n (x)=0 ⇒  P_(n+1) (x)=(x+1)Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k  −1−Σ_(k=1) ^(n+1)  {C_n ^k  +C_n ^(k−1) }x^k   =x Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k  +Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k   −1 −Σ_(k=1) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k  −Σ_(k=1) ^(n+1)  C_n ^(k−1)  x^k   =xΣ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k  −Σ_(p=0) ^n  C_n ^p  x^(p+1) ( changement k−1=p)  =x(Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k  −Σ_(p=0) ^n  C_n ^p  x^p ) =0 ⇒P_(n+1) (x)=0   so  (x+1)^(n ) =Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k          we have  (x+y)^n  =x^n  if y=0 let suppose y≠0 ⇒  (x+y)^n  =y^n (((x/y))^  +1)^n   =y^n  Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  ((x/y))^k  =Σ_(k=0) ^(n   )  C_n ^k   x^k  y^n  y^(−k)   =Σ_(k=0) ^n  C_n ^k  x^k  y^(n−k)  ...the relation of binome is proved .


Commented by Hassen_Timol last updated on 07/Apr/19

Thank you Sir


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 07/Apr/19

you are welcome.


Answered by 121194 last updated on 06/Apr/19

this just the binomial theorem  n!=n(n−1)!  0!=1  Σ denotes sum  (x+y)^2 =Σ_(k=0) ^2  ((2),(k) )x^(2−k) y^k   = ((2),(0) )x^2 y^0 + ((2),(1) )x^1 y^1 + ((2),(2) )x^0 y^2   =((2!)/(0!2!))x^2 +((2!)/(1!1!))xy+((2!)/(2!0!))y^2   =x^2 +2xy+y^2   −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−  (x+y)^2 =(x+y)(x+y)  =x^2 +xy+yx+y^2   =x^2 +2xy+y^2   −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−  there a combinatory argument to arive  it, like choosing k x factors from all the  (x+y)....(x+y)  where k vary from 0 (no x factor get) to  n (all are x factor)  wich gives  ((n),(k) ) ways to do x^k y^(n−k)   btw this don′t work with matrix because they  not commute in general.


Commented by Hassen_Timol last updated on 07/Apr/19

Thank you Sir


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